Running Head: BULLYING
Bullying: A Social Issue That the School System Ignores
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself”. – Harvey S. Firestone
The Issue Strong, influential and cruel are just some of the words that come to mind when you hear the word bully. In American culture, bullying among children and teenagers has often been dismissed as a normal part of growing up. Little attention has been paid to the devastating effects of bullying, or to the connection between bullying and other forms of violence. Bullying in the American educational system is a significant social issue that it is steadily increasing. Many experts fear
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Even more devastating than that is that many youth who are the victims of bullying have taken there own lives, children as young as seven have committed suicide because of constant bullying. Politically anti-bullying policies have been adapted by different local legislation but no national laws have been passed that would hold people suspected of bullying to any jail time. Currently bullying is only held as a form of harassment in many state courts, this is only enforced through documented harassment not hearsay. To fully address the problems that result from the emotional and sometimes physical obstacles faced by victims the schools must encourage children to report incidents of bullying and ensure students believe they will be helped. Censorship as it relates to what can and can not be entered on websites should be strictly enforced. Accountability on behalf of school officials that notice victims and perpetrators should also be strictly enforced. Educational institutions are perfect conduits for change because they have a captive audience to teach the basic human values of respect for self and others.
Claims A very persuasive claim can be made to the media that involves the children themselves who have been bullied or were once a bully to share their stories. Showing family pictures of the children that have committed suicide to escape the torment that bullying brings coupled with interviews
Bullying is a controversial issue that is often dealt with on a daily basis. Bullying is not only seen as misguided and harmless actions towards another, but is also seen as a violation of human rights. Whether it is serious or not, bullying can be found just about anywhere, primarily in places such as schools and daycares. But even though many people can brush off something like bullying, this hurtful act can actually take a toll on the victim, especially since most victims are children that can easily overreact to emotional and physical harassment. These individuals are usually embarrassed, as well as intimidated from being bullied, which in turn can make them do something that they might eventually regret. In other words, children that are
Bullying has been an issue for children in schools for years. Australia did a study showing that one in four children are bullied while in school. It has shown that children that have suffered being bullied have also suffered poor mental health compared to other children. Another research was shown that children that were bullied over time were actually suffering in long term as mentally unfit. Many researchers have conducted that most parents are not even aware that their child is being bullied at school. The main reasoning behind this problem is because parents are not in the schools everyday like the teacher is watching every move they make. Most of the responses of this issue have to come from the teachers or the child. Most children do not even
As society has become revolved around materials and money, it has made it tougher for kids to fit in and be considered “cool”. To make someone suffer from physical and emotional abuse is awfully horrible and only leads to consequences on both sides of the situations. Fortunately, the bullying laws enacted protect helpless victims and help a lot to stop bullying but need to be strictly enforced because many kids still suffer from bullying.
The student who is bullying may need some sort of physiological help. Schools can investigate information about the child’s household to ensure the child isn’t being abused or mistreated. The victims of bullying can be helped by the schools. Having a confidential was for students to speak up and letting them know it is “ok” to tell. From my point of view everything is about educating, students, parents, teachers that bullying will not be tolerated. Bullying is a worldwide social problem. Zero tolerance policies can help the issue but in all reality can it stop bullying as a whole. Bullying is everywhere, the reason it is more likely to happen in schools is because there are a more innocent and immature group, kids. To get to the root of this social problem it will be almost impossible. Bulling takes place not just in children’s school and outdoor life Bullying starts very close to home and families. “Bullying tends to increase in frequency during periods of transition, such as the early adolescent transition from elementary to middle school” (Joan, Paul, 2013) As stated in the article : A social influence perspective. Bullying tends to increase as students are transitioning from elementary to middle school. They also refer to bulling issues and how they transition to adulthood whether you’re the victim or the actual bully. In
“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.” - by Tim Fields
Schools are the most well-known settings for bullying. This is the place where students learn and socialize for most of the day. A school is a place meant to feel safe, not afraid. However, studies have shown us this is not the case. More and more students are reluctant to come to school. Why? Their peers may criticize them and abuse of them both verbally and physically. Bullying is more serious than most think. Many people just think it’s a simple hoax that was taken too far but this simple joke can lead to indelible emotional and physical scar that could hunt students for life eventually lowering their self-esteems and even ruining their lives. Schools and teachers have failed tremendously at stopping this.
School bullying and bullying as a whole has become a growing concern. The need for more intervention is more recognized, as incidents of bullying and inappropriate acts towards others occur in places outside of the classroom. This literature takes a closer look at bullying in schools. Olwesus (2013) states “the field of bullying research is to some extent plagued by problems, disagreements, and unresolved issues” (p.752). Whether if anyone will agree on the root of bullying, the fact remains that bullying has to be examined at its very core to remedy the matter before it becomes a bigger concern. There is a dire need for intervention based programs to be set in place to address the fact the act of bullying has lasting effects on the bully and the victim. When intervention programs are put into place to address bullying, the act of bullying decreases due to the gained understanding of the effects.
“Bullying is one form of violence that seems to have increased in recent years,
Bullying involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is highly likely to be repeated behavior. A young person can be a perpetrator, a victim, or both (also known as a "bully/victim") (Cite). In order to study bullying in the United States, this paper will provide a thorough definition of bullying, which includes characteristics of bullies and those that are victims of bullying. This paper will also examine
Moreover, special anti-bullying rules should be put into effect. To this end, the playground, corridors, and rest rooms should be monitored by the teachers, these areas being unsupervised in the majority of schools across the nation (Coy). Apart from the teachers, certain bodies of students, such as members of the student council, could be deployed as watching squad to observe any acts of bullying taking place and to report such acts to the authorities (Coy). In this regard, one factor which is often overlooked and which forms the basis of hesitation on the part of the students is the non-availability of anonymity when reporting such cases (Coy).
Bullying has been escalating to a certain degree that it has affected as many as 160,000 students that reported staying home from school every day, because they were afraid of being bullied ( Bullying does not only stops one from wanting to go to school, it also makes one feel anxious, insecure, and unhappy at school, isolated and at times severely depressed (Young, Shin Kim, and Leventhal). Schools must have better resources available to students; this includes the victim and the bully. The victim should have both better counseling and stricter laws to protect them. Bullies also need counseling due to research which states “that many bullies tend to come from families where parents are more
With the relentless abuse from bullying, it can cause serious mental health problems in victims. Children can take so much mental and physical abuse
Bullying is defined as “verbal, physical, or psychological abuse or teasing accompanied by real or perceived imbalance of power” and is usually targets what children perceive as different (Olweus, 1993). Bullying is prevalent across the nation. It has devastating effects on students each day. Bullying is a problem for all students, regardless of race, gender or class. The National Education Association reports that 160,000 children are absent intentionally from school each day because they fear being bullied whether it is an attack or just intimidation by other students. This accounts for 15% of all school absenteeism (Hunter, 2012). Dan Olweus (1993) from the National School Safety Center tells us that bullying includes three parts: (1)
Many people do not realize how serious bullying has become. If you look at statistics suicides due to bullying have increased over just a few short years. This has become a very big problem for not only the victim but the bully as well as it affect both of them. School bullying is mentally destructive to not only the victims, but bullies because of the harmful words, harassment, and physical violence involved as well as the consequences for the bully.
Everyone has either been bullied or have been the bully, but the ones who are the bully don’t see what they’re really doing until it’s too late.