Bullying in Schools Elementary school marks the period whereby children begin to define themselves. Children build identities in which they can be distinguished. As children develop personalities begin to clash. Children may begin to taunt their peers because they appear different. The act of bullying demonstrates the use of superior strength or influence to intimidate someone. Schools seem to be the predominant outlet where the most severe bullying gives way to a change in the behavior of the victim. School administrators should take more aggressive action in eliminating bullying in the schools in order to prevent the victims from experiencing an altered mental state. Bullying can take many forms, such as physical aggression, …show more content…
The boy became the latest in a string of suicides by young Americans who had been abused or ridiculed. He was called stupid, fat, gay and ugly by his school mates (Swaine, 2011). A great number of schools lack the education in addressing the bullying problem. Some schools either choose to take action, or others choose to ignore the situation. The school administrators conclude that if an act of bullying cannot be seen, then the problem does not exist. In the guide “Bullying in Schools”, the author implies that: most students do not report bullying to adults. Surveys from a variety of countries confirm that many victims and witnesses fail to tell teachers or even parents. As a result, teachers may underestimate the extent of bullying in their school and may be able to identify only a portion of the actual bullies. Studies also suggest that children do not believe that most teachers intervene when told (Sampson). The most effective way to deal with bullying would be first to address the problem. School administrators remain reluctant in being more assertive yet experts report that reducing the prevalence of bullying is an important goal for school personnel (Good, McIntosh & Gietz). Bullying in schools continues to instill a sense of fear in the victims. If the
The first common theme is non-response. Notar and Padgett noted that bullying often got worse after nothing was done about it. The authors stated that parents may not be aware how to respond and were often dismissive of the situation when their child discussed being bullied. As for teachers, they often underestimate the intensity of bullying at their schools. One alarming statistic found that school staff thought that less than ten percent of the student body was being bullied, yet thirty-three percent
More than obesity and health care is wrong with America. Not only does the health care system warp people's mind, but it creates an issue with the way children are taught and how they learn. A large stance has already changed many people’s lives—bullying. Children bully for many reasons including sexual orientation, weight, religious/philosophical beliefs, and some reasons unknown to all. Children bullied for their weight often times feel insecure and worthless about their bodies—scaring them in the process of always wanting to be in the same physical state and leading more obese children to lead obese adult lives.
One important cause for the state or federal government to put laws in school to prevent bullying is make children safer in school. Temkin (2003) writes about the intention of the Senator Bob Casey want to introduce the Safe Schools Improvement Act. The time to pass this bill is now for making children feel safe and empowered in school. The U.S Department of Education showed that shown to be effective in reducing bullying. It is known that the horrible effects child abuse can have on a child’s current and future well
Bullying at school is a big problem that is found in all the schools in the United States and across the world. Since the late 1990s there have been several fatal school shootings committed by victims of bullying that have brought bullying major media attention. This has resulted in an increase of awareness about the harmful effects on the kids being bullied as well as the bullies themselves. This has brought a large amount of local, state, and nationwide programs designed to try to prevent bullying or to at least try to contain the problem. “In an effort to adequately address the problem, many schools are taking a proactive approach through prevention and intervention, but how do we know if and when such intervention is effective? First and foremost, we must have an accurate understanding of the dynamic and complex phenomenon of bullying across development and as it spans the multiple levels of the social ecology” (Casper, Meter, & Card, 2015, par 2). Many psychologists, sociologists, and school administrators have been publishing research on school bullying. Bullying is a significant threat to many children because it causes psychological problems not only for those who get bullied but also those who do the bullying. Even though bullying is a significant problem the are few solutions that can help prevent or significantly reducing bullying like reporting bullying, know the characteristics, and passing laws.
Schools are the most well-known settings for bullying. This is the place where students learn and socialize for most of the day. A school is a place meant to feel safe, not afraid. However, studies have shown us this is not the case. More and more students are reluctant to come to school. Why? Their peers may criticize them and abuse of them both verbally and physically. Bullying is more serious than most think. Many people just think it’s a simple hoax that was taken too far but this simple joke can lead to indelible emotional and physical scar that could hunt students for life eventually lowering their self-esteems and even ruining their lives. Schools and teachers have failed tremendously at stopping this.
Bullying is bound to happen anywhere at any time but occurs mostly within school limits. Kathleen Winkler defines bulling in her book, Bullying, as “...any kind of ongoing physical or verbal mistreatment, done with the intent to harm, where there is an imbalance of power between bully and victim” (Winkler 14). Bullying has an extremely important impact on one’s everyday life and can affect their life negatively getting to the point where they can no longer take the blow. To try and prevent bullying from taking place in schools, one needs to know how bullying effects a person, what the role of each person involved in the situation is, and have knowledge of specific methods on how to prevent it. Bullying in schools is a serious problem and a handful of school do their part to prevent it; others, not as much, which means there is room for improvements.
School bullying and bullying as a whole has become a growing concern. The need for more intervention is more recognized, as incidents of bullying and inappropriate acts towards others occur in places outside of the classroom. This literature takes a closer look at bullying in schools. Olwesus (2013) states “the field of bullying research is to some extent plagued by problems, disagreements, and unresolved issues” (p.752). Whether if anyone will agree on the root of bullying, the fact remains that bullying has to be examined at its very core to remedy the matter before it becomes a bigger concern. There is a dire need for intervention based programs to be set in place to address the fact the act of bullying has lasting effects on the bully and the victim. When intervention programs are put into place to address bullying, the act of bullying decreases due to the gained understanding of the effects.
“Bullying is one form of violence that seems to have increased in recent years,
Many times bullying only occur to impress friends or to prove yourself to friends, because that person is unhappy themselves, or envious of their victim. There are other times where it is done simply for entertainment, revenge, or because their victim is different. Bullying targets would be of size, race or nationality, social status or class, gender and disabilities. Bullying has been the very cause of adolescent deaths within the past decades. An interview was conducted on a case where a victim turned bully, 12 year old, Richard Gale was body slammed trying to fight a fellow peer Casey Heynes. Although Heynes is believed to be the hero who
Bullying in school has become increasingly problematic for teachers and administrators. There have been many highly-publicized incidents illustrating the serious psychological consequences bullying can have for victimized students, including higher rates of absenteeism and even suicide. However, the question of how to deal with bullying remains a vexing one. Schools must remain within the law and try to find programs that have a meaningful effect on bullying, even though victims and perpetrators alike often try to keep the bullying secret from adults.
Bullying is often unnoticed and unacknowledged by adults, which causing school officials to limited understanding and skills on how to address behaviors (Branes, Cross, Lester, Hearn, Epstein, & Monks, 2012). Bulling prevention programs will help inform teachers, schools, and parents on how to notice students are bullies or bring bullied. A bully behavior can negatively affect the person that they are targeting. Schools must inforce consequences for students are labeled as bullies, and teachers will need to intervene when the behavior is displayed. Therefore, effective school policies and strategies are important for teacher and staff members to understand to prevent and reduce bullying (Branes, Cross, Lester, Hearn, Epstein, & Monks, 2012).
According to the Journal of School Health, 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school (“11 facts”). Bullying is widespread epidemic and it is one of the most unreported safety problems that occur on school campuses across the nation. People take days away from school to avoid being terrorized, see their academic performance decrease, experience depression, and in extreme cases take their own lives, or kill some of their schoolmates due to the fact that they were constantly burdened with people bullying them. Can you imagine seeing your own child apprehensive about going to school because they are haunted by the memories of constantly being called names, having false rumors spread between their peers, or even, battered? I have noticed that bullying is often dismissed by people because they believe that it is just
The Chapter 13 article emphasizes that teachers hold the key to change through successful prevention and treatment of bullying. Teachers are essential where their own behavior and interactions with students are critical to enhance their development. In order to eradicate or prevent bullying, teachers need to be aware and recognize that bullying is a serious problem. Although appropriate action is taken when bullying occurs, this topic will continue to be a painstakingly issue to solve.
It is only in the recent years that attention has turned toward the widespread problem of bullying, especially in schools, and that bullying is identified as a serious problem that merits intervention and research (Coy). Therefore, relatively little effort has been made to overcome or address the problem, which still remains a widespread social vice. This paper purports to illustrate how, despite efforts made to rectify the situation, bullying still remains rampant, and is getting worse.
Every second and minute of the day a kid is bullied. Bullying is something that is not only happening here in the U.S. but all over the world. We need to put a stop to! As parents, school educators, and a community we need to stand up to bullies and give kids who are being bullied an outlet to reach out for help.