
Bureaucratic Leadership : A Bureaucratic Leader

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The above outlined the framework required for the bureaucratic leadership. But it’s also beneficial to study the qualities and traits a bureaucratic leader should possess. The style can be rather difficult to master. Although the focus is on performance and not the individual, specific skills will help the bureaucratic leader to ensure the organisation follows the model and succeeds under this leadership style.
Below are five traits a bureaucratic leader should focus on in order to excel in this specific style.


The leader must be detail-oriented, since the structure is based on rules and the enforcement of those. This means that the leader must be able to stay on top of miniscule details and to ensure guidelines are followed at all times. It might sound dramatic, but the framework does not allow even the slightest deviance from the established model.
Being detail-oriented is among the traits the majority of people believe are strictly something innate. For a number of people, the ability to focus on micromanagement is a skill you either have or don’t have. But the trait can be improved and developed further.
First, the fun thing about improving your detail-oriented mind is to train it by playing games. Science has shown that games such as puzzles and memory games can improve focus and memory, both of which are essential skills for noticing detail.
The second step is to focus on how you approach things in your life, especially in terms of accomplishing

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