
Bush Staking Out Education Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

She gazed despairing back at the eager eyes of her class full of students, her normally joyful face now crestfallen. This young woman was a volunteer, taking a break from her studies at a high-ranked expensive college, and traveled to a poorer school with students speaking little to no English. The elementary school did not have any school buses, did not have a lunch hour, nor did it not have a playground. Closing her eyes, she shook her head, knowing, that despite her efforts, it is still not enough. Children from all parts of the world are struggling to have an education. In the United States, millions of the nation’s children are denied access to education, whether it’s as a result of their ethnic background or a lack of money and this must not continue. The United States has indeed taken a few steps forward in helping our children acquire the education that they deserve, including in the …show more content…

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“Opinion: Confronting Challenges of American Education,’Civil Rights Issue’ of Our Time.” CNN Wire, 25 May 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Accessed 8 Feb. 2017. Print.
“UNICEF Pleads For African Children Educational Rights.” Africa News Service, 20 Sept. 1999, p. 1008260u3868. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Accessed 8 Feb. 2017. Print.
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