
Business Analysis: American Eagle's Demographics

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American Eagle has a clear and developed target market. They know who they are selling to. Research on Demographics Now helped to show more information regarding the target market they are trying to reach. According to Simmons Apparel Summary, there are 122,317,721 total households in the US. In 2016, 57.7% of households purchased men’s apparel or accessories in the last 12 months. There were 56.2% of households that purchased women’s apparel or accessories in the last 12 months. In addition, 39.5% purchased bras and 38.5% purchased panties (Simmons, 2017). When looking at the Retail Sales Potential Summary, there is information on how much households typically spend at certain types of retail stores. In a clothing store, the average dollar spent for women is $151.52 and for men is 34.50 (Retail, 2017). This information makes sense because on average men typically buy a single item or maybe two items, while women are more likely to purchase larger quantities. …show more content…

They have stores in mostly urban areas (Market Segmentation, 2017). The clothing and accessories that American Eagle sells target high school and college students, or parents shopping for their children. They do not have much merchandise to accommodate any older age groups. The median household income is $55,159 while the average household income is $79,207 (Retail, 2017). After doing more research, it became clear that while they do not target a specific ethnicity, it is typically Caucasian men and women that shop at American

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