
Business Comm

Satisfactory Essays

Tyler Holder
Written Assignment 4
Business Comm

Chapter 5 5.7, 5.8

a) 5
b) 4
c) 1
d) The old scoreboard should be replaced for many reasons. It is an old warhorse that was constructed in 1960. It is out of date and often more of a headache than it is useful. As it was constructed in 1960 it is very hard to find replacement parts for this scoreboard, and often when found they are very pricy. On top of being tough to fix it is very inefficient when it comes to energy usage. The scoreboard cost 4 times more than a modern scoreboard when it comes to running it for games. And now that we are on the topic of games it can only be used for football games. It is not built to show time or score of soccer games …show more content…

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