The business being proposed is a new web development company that services other businesses by providing website templates, custom website layouts, and monthly website maintenance, at the discretion of the client. Although the company will be focused on providing layouts for other businesses, it will not turn down a client looking to create a personal website. This, however, will be less often than a business client will be. The company will be a new start up in the industry. It will mainly service the Sacramento, California region; however, due to the nature of the Internet, clients from other geographical locations may also be pursued. The business will be a partnership, in that a designer and programmer will be the owner’s of the company. This will provide stability to the company, as well as giving each owner a specific task to focus on. Involving partners that have differing strengths allows for greater success, as well as better designs and more thoughtful programming. Due to the limited costs involving start up of the company, it is in its best interest to assume that the company will be a general partnership, in that both owners share responsibilities in operation of the business, as well as any liabilities that come with owning the business. This reduces the workload for either partner, as well as increases the customer satisfaction for the reason that there will be a dedicated programmer, as well as designer focused on creating efficient and aesthetically
While most acquisitions have been branded unsuccessful, most of these acquisitions fail to consider vital elements that influence performance. Success of any given acquisition is the ability of the acquisition to effectively integrate with existing business units to generate a seamless flow of information and sharing of tasks in a manner that maximizes the use of resources.
The organizational cultural inventory measures 12 sets of normative beliefs or shared behavioral expectations associated with three general types of cultures, Constructive, Passive-Defensive, and Aggressive-Defensive.
Effectiveness is regarded as the most suitable factor to measure the success of any organization. Besides this, there are certain things due to which this effectiveness can be achieved and culture is one of them. A good organizational culture is a key factor in achieving effectiveness. However, on the other hand, some of the researchers are opposed to this fact and according to them; there is no impact of culture on organizational effectiveness.
Creating different avenues of income can become beneficial to any business. It is never easy to try and improve proven business processes; however, with the technological world changing rapidly, it can be easy for a company to fall behind the competition. The web has seen drastic changes over the years from static websites to those now which are responsive. Web development and design is difficult to differentiate from one company to another and the goal is to get and keep clients. This necessitates the need to try and make the most of the company’s work.
Usually, each partner contributes to all characteristics of the business that are income, assets or effort. Initially to be in a partnership they need to have agreement between partners it may be oral or written,
A look at simply a couple of works that utilization the term organizational culture will uncover huge variety in the meaning of this term and much all the more in the utilization of the term society has no altered or extensively importance even in human sciences, however variety in its utilization is particularly discernible in the writing on hierarchical society. This is mostly identified with solid contrast in the reason and profundity of books and articles. Be that as it may, likewise the wide variety of logical teaches and exploration introduction included in organizational culture studies makes the field extremely heterogeneous. The idea of society appears to fit altogether different uses as aggregately imparted manifestations of, for instance, thoughts and insight, as images and meanings, as qualities and belief systems, as guidelines and standards, as feelings and expressiveness, as the aggregate unconscious, as conduct examples, structures and practices, and so forth, all of which may be made focuses of study. Obviously, culture is not special thusly. Really, most if not all noteworthy idea in association studies and sociology has a tendency to be joined by an assortment of diverse implications and definition.
With having tons of experience in booming outsourcing engagements and also offering high-end web design and software solutions to clientele ranging from corporate house to medium enterprises as well as to small business house, we at Web View Solutions proved to be a reliable and trustworthy strategic partner for companies looking for innovative, quick and result-oriented services for web development and software solutions.
He knew that that in order to obtain a website, one had to either hire a dedicated, full-time web design firm, which was expensive or a DIY method with relatively inexpensive software programs but hindering it’s use is a steep learning curve for its appropriate use. Wooten took advantage of the technological trend and found gap in the marketplace for web design targeting specific market segments, which is the small business firms who could not afford full service web design firms and yet could not afford to erode their corporate image with cheap and unprofessional websites done by DIY methods.
The demand of high-quality websites is increasing rapidly with each passing day. Web developers toil a lot for this. One must always keep in mind that there always remains a big difference between the websites created by freelancers and established web developers.
Organizational culture involves systems of beliefs and values that guide the behavior of individuals within the organization and how they shape behavior (Kummerow, 2013). Organizational structures, on the other hand, dictate the assignment, coordination and control of roles and responsibilities to achieve organizational goals (Pathak 2011). For a company to perform effectively it needs to grow, organizational development is one element of growth that focuses on practice an research focused in expanding effectiveness and the knowledge of individuals. In order to grow, a firm needs to transfer, create ad retain knowledge within its staff members and people affiliated to it through organizational. The aim of this paper is to analyze the concepts of organizational, culture, structure, development, and learning and evaluate how this concept relates to Jaguar Company.
Developing a culture within an organization is very important. The culture of the workplace can control the way employers behave amongst each other, customers, and those outside of the organization. Every organization has its very own unique style or working that often contributes to its culture. The values, beliefs, and principles of an organization helps form its culture. Having a healthy culture is very important and encourages the employers to become motivated and loyal to the company and management. Having a healthy culture can also promote competition. Employers within a company love to be recognized for all their hard work and be shown that they are appreciated by their supervisors. For everything to flow accordingly, there must be set guidelines, rules, and regulations for the employers to work accordingly. These rules and regulations are put in place to help guide the employers in the right direction, and to be clear that everyone knows their role in the organization. It is imperative that employers know how to accomplish tasks and goals in the beginning.
Organizational Culture exists in every firm, thereby placing a significant impact on the motivational factors of employees. It is communicated through perception using values, artifacts, and the assumption of how things in are done in an organization (Daft & Marcic, 2010). In fact, every firm has its exceptional personality known as culture. The organizational culture presents guidelines and boundaries for the employees’ behavior in a firm, which influences the organizational outcome. It helps the members of the organization to have a common goal of accomplishing the firm’s objectives. Organizational cultures have a substantial influence on the capability to execute the strategy and accomplish the firms’ objectives. Therefore, organizational employees are more inclined to accept change when the firm’s culture is aligned with the goals and objectives of an organization.
Each company has its own beliefs and values that define it. A company culture determines how employees and customers perceive the company, client treatment and how the company should react to various changes in the environment. An organizational culture is a mirror of the company leadership. Different styles of leadership ensure maintenance of various corporation cultures. The climate within an organization determines a company’s financial performance. To ensure their propositions are deemed important, a quality company culture integrates each employee or customer. Job-related problems, either personal or work related, are listened to, and the top management find the best means to solve them. Work is delegated to employees while managers work by the employees’ side to ensure perfection (Alvesson, 2002).
The key in helping to form and provide an identity for an organisation is in its organisational culture. Northcote and Trevelyan (1853) sought to provide the Civil Service with a distinctive character. Their vision based on four principal recommendations (merit through examination, educational level, graded into a hierarchy and promotion through achievement) has meant the Civil Service has invested heavily in training programmes despite long development times. These circumstances are categorised by Deal and Kennedy (2000) as a “Bet-your-company” type culture.
Organizational Culture is defined according to Kreitner and Kinicki (2013, p. 62) as, “ the set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments.” In addition to the core definition, organizational culture encompasses three critical layers that build off one another. The three layers are Observable Artifacts, Espoused Values, and Basic Assumptions. By, defining what organizational culture is in turns helps me to perform the job I have been hired to do. With the culture we have in place it prepares me for accomplishing the mission and vision of the organization.