Andrew Lay Writing Assignment 2 10/29/2015 When it comes to conducting research, you would need to find which way would be best to inform the customers on the issue that’s presented. You would need to have basic information on how much money this will cost the customer and how cost effective this will be. Research should be done to find out what the city leaders have done unethically and if these individuals should still be employed within the company. The one general problem is that the water company has not informed the people the details of the building and the advanced wastewater treatment plan and all of its positives and negatives and how it could potentially save the customers money. Three key publics that are important to include in this plan are customers of Blue Ridge Water Company, the board of directors, and city leaders. It is important to create a plan to discuss with the customers who will directly be affected by this change. The board of directors needs to be a public because they must see the role public relations can and will play in the development of the company. Lastly, city leaders need to be …show more content…
For the Customers, Increase awareness on the advanced wastewater treatment plan, allow for customers to realize his will be virtually odor-free and employs the best technology available to treat wastewater before returning it to the environment, and allow customers to see where their money will directly go and the benefits of paying for this new system. For the board of directors, I would Board of Directors: To educate these individuals on the importance of public relations and how public relations will better the company and the customers involved in this current
After meeting and planning with engineers from W.K. Dickson, a firm chosen for their expertise in the project type, a plan was written and presented at a Special Meeting of Boone Town Council in 2009. This meeting allowed several concerns of citizens to be voiced and brought up several issues with the proposed water intake facility (Boone Town Council, 2009).
ABC Learning Ltd was an Australian provider of early child hood education services, founded in Queensland in 1988, that through its 18 centres was the largest single operator of early childhood education services in Australia by 1997. Led by founder Eddy Groves, ABC Learning Ltd continued to grow, through the opening of new centres and the acquisitions of rivals i.e. peppercorn Childcare in 2004 in which 450 centres were purchased for $340 million. “By 2008, ABC Learning was the largest provider of childcare, holding around 20 per cent of the long day care market and providing care to over 100 000 children” (Senate education, employment workplace relations committee, 2009).
The best way to approach this task would be to see what people in Asheville, NC value, and see if this matches up with your financial needs. Also if Asheville, NC is very intent on removing carbon footprints and the renewable energy effort it would be important to make sure that your business can operate on these values. According to Weiss the city of Asheville has put limits on carbon emissions and is currently in a legal procession that will limit its coal powered energy plant Duke Energy to a set amount of emissions (Weiss, 2013). This is important because anything that does not match these emission standards will either have to change or New Belgium would have to find another spot for the business. This is also important because whenever
Pamela Toyne has been employed with Event Health Services since February 2003, during her 13 year tenure with the organisation Pamela has always worked in volunteer support roles, including her current role of Event Services Team Leader. Pamela’s dedication and loyalty to St John Ambulance WA has been second to none and she proves time and time again that she willingly goes above and beyond the call of duty.
Hi Aleks, you make some excellent points. Once a company signs a CIA they are bound to the terms of the agreement and if the provision includes the sign-off on quarterly notifications, then the company would be obligated to disclose any compliance or non-compliance activities. As I mentioned in my initial discussion post, we can’t really control other people and how they conduct themselves despite the number of rules that are set implemented to control misconduct. I also agree with you, not only it would be an enormous effort to ensure all employees are in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations, but the expense can be damaging. However, compliance could even be costlier if a company is found liable for violating the law. In
The issues in this case revolve around the launch of a mini-oxidation product which will solve global clean water issues. Their filtration unit has already experienced two failures in the launch of this product. Vyas, the business manager of this unit, is convinced that the unit can be turned around by innovativeness. He revives an abandoned oxidation technology and recommends his team to develop a small-scale oxidation system with the capacity of disinfecting waste-water in small batches. While the market analysis of the product proved promising, marketing the product was a tussle and it failed due to defects in the design and lack of interest in the market. Through a three-phased process recommended by Cynthia Jackson, Vyas team was
This company must strictly follow state and federal laws and regulations for water treatment to ensure that the water being delivered to customers is safe and clean. People can become sick or slowly poisoned, especially by a high arsenic or fluoride content, if water is not treated properly. Due to mining
Euthanasia is one of the subjects that have faced intense debate over time, the legalization of euthanasia has been debated for many years with different views presented in terms of ethical and legal consideration for both patients and health care providers. Healthcare providers are faced with ethical dilemmas when caring for terminally ill patients. They are forced to make tough decisions by using their moral reasoning to overcome some of the ethical dilemmas related to euthanasia.
Organizations have different approaches to setting and achieving their goals. For instance, Greyston is an organization that is grounded in a philosophy of bettering the living conditions in the community. The philosophy has made the organization popular and able to achieve its strategic goals and objectives. One of the primary goals of Greyston is to provide employment opportunities to the locals as this is considered as the best way to help the members of the society out of poverty. Greyston Bakery was therefore opened in 1982 to give the hard to employ a chance of getting a source of income. The founder, Roshi Bernie Glassman, had recognized the need to offer employment opportunities to the society irrespective
The New Jersey Water Company serves approximately 2.5 million people, 17 counties in New Jersey and supply high-quality water. They stand by the regulations, develop the innovations, invest in the vast infrastructure, and educate the customers on the wise usage of water. The NJ water company follows the rules and regulations set the State’s Environmental Protection Agency that helps to provide the high-quality drinking water. The company is committed to delivering the high-quality water to all the customers. The company conducts various tests per year to check the possible contaminants, check the quality of drinking water at every stage of water treatment and delivery process. The New Jersey Water Company offers the online service for the customers to pay the bills online or through the automatic payment machine. The customers can start or end the service online. The goal of the NJ water company is to achieve the increased trustworthiness of the customers without the necessities of the additional projects that were being assessed.
The objective of this research proposal is for Lawrenceburg HIgh School to receive functional water fountains with notable water filtration system. New water fountains at Lawrenceburg High School would be very beneficial. New water fountains with a better filtration system means water being saved on the school budget, allowing students to get enough hydration, and being very troublesome to anyone who wants to use them. The new water fountains will allow students proper
Berkeley of California is researching a new topic of a natural water filter and how we can pursue this and help the environment while saving money. Kim Hunynh had made an excellent point when she wrote the article Natures Water Filter, which stated "typical wastewater treatment plants only remove about 50% of antibiotics in the water" (Hunynh, Kim). The research plans were given by World Health Organization and explained in how the lans would better the environment and help budgeting later on. With the system of reverse osmosis, they will add pressure which had cost Berkeley an insane amount of money so they had went back and evaluated their plans, finding a cost- effective way that saves energy and clears the water of more than 50% of antibiotics. This way removes unwanted chemicals with a natural filter, by going through the open water wet lands the contaminant
Wastewater collected from different sources such as municipalities and communities, industries must ultimately be routed to receiving waters or on to the land or for reuse. The complex problem faced by the design engineer and public health officials is the levels of treatment to be achieved in a given application. It requires detailed analysis of local conditions and needs, application of scientific knowledge and engineering judgment based on past experience, and consideration of global, national, state, and local government regulations.
Educating and engaging the public is one of the most important aspects of any municipal service. However, the intricacies of wastewater systems operations and maintenance remain unknown to majority of the public. People may never think about wastewater, where it goes or the complexity of its treatment [28]. Hence, public education is strongly recommended towards a successful and sustainable wastewater management.
With an ever growing population and more and more countries entering the developed world, the importance of water management has never been so great. In recent years, the participation of the private sector in water management has come into play, mainly driven by the long overdue capital improvements needed, a worldwide shrinking in public revenue, and a growing notion that private operators are more efficient than public. Though largely opposed by human rights activists, the privatization of water has benefits that far outweigh the cons. These private companies offer the water sector greater fiscal responsibility that will keep one of the most important elements on earth readily available for the long term future, as well as the