
Business Ethics Essay

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We’re in a new time, a transitional time unlike any we have seen in recent history. As a result of this ethics has had to evolve. In this evolutionary era ethics must be shaped by the people who will are most involved in its making, more particularly me. I guess this leads us to the question what is the ethics that we will carry forth in order to shape this new world view inside of business. To answer this important question I must spilt the concepts into two different categories. The culture of the company, and the things that the company must work to avoid. To start I will go over the major ideas we have looked at that a company should work to avoid. These are issues that easily creep there way into several different business facets and …show more content…

People in large companies tend to care more about a bottom line than adhering to strictly trying to fit into these beliefs and ethical standards as a result these seemingly obvious ethical decisions are often overlooked or manipulated to fit the best bottom line projection. This is a serious issue because not only can it cause legal issues but also several social image issues that are very difficult if not impossible to correct. Good examples of this are both Volkswagon and Enron. Both skimped on these obvious ethical post markers and as a result have had drastic impacts in the court of public opinion. The negatives should be pretty straight forward, don't do something if it is wrong. Now that being said as Kohlberg has said sometimes doing what is right and what is legal are no the same thing but in situations regarding business unless you are doing more than what is legal it is best to strive for the follow the letter of the law side of things closer.

Another major issue that companies must look at when both crafting and fulfilling their moral/ethical obligations is that to your culture. It is important that a company provides to the best of their ability a safe and healthy culture in the best, most ethical ways they can. Providing an ethical culture is imperative in a company because it not only promotes good ethics but also a more intense work ethic and a safer environment. Ways companies are able to help encourage and grow an ethical culture

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