1. Introduction
Industrial psychology, also known as the psychology of work is the study of human behaviour within the work environment. The goal in the field of Industrial psychology is to create a stable working environment that will enable and stimulate worker’s performance, effectiveness and to help them adapt and develop in the work environment. As it is not always easy to create a stable working environment industrial psychologist and the ‘people management’ face numerous critical challenges within organisations. Therefore, the objective of this research was to highlight the challenges facing the field of industrial psychology in the next decade. Firstly, by discussing the challenges caused by globalisation. Secondly, by discussing the impact and responsibility of business ethics in industrial psychology. Thirdly, the effect
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However, in the last few years the effect of dishonest dealings had a negative impact in the business environment, its employees and owners particularly in South Africa. Relationships between society and businesses are based on trust and when this trust is misused this threatens the existence of businesses. Thus, resulting in the introduction of business ethics. Rossouw and van Vuuren (2004) state ‘that business ethics refers to developing sound business practices that will enhance rather than harm the interests of those affected by business.’ Even though the main responsibility for ethical business practice lies with management, industrial psychologists should also take this business practice seriously as they have a responsibility to the people. Industrial psychologists have a responsibility to promote a sound and ethical culture through recruiting people that promote an ethical culture, rewarding ethical behaviour, training individuals in the workplace to apply the code of ethics as well as punishing individuals when ethical breaches
The author Robert Solomon argues that ethics has to an integral part with regard to business management. He does not believe that business management must include unethical or illegal methods to be able to succeed. Solomon preaches that business management is not as simple as obtaining revenue. “Businesses need to abide by fair policies and their owners have to be ethical in dealing with their customers” (Shaw p. 37). The author acknowledges that while illegal practices in business management could bring positive results at first, eventually the business is bound to fail. This is why Solomon recommended eight important policies that can help businesses in integrating ethics into their operations.
M2(Unit 37) - Assess the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity
Industrial-organizational (I/O) psychologists- Study how people’s work environments affect them. Can help workers improve efficiency
The problem to be investigated is the application of business ethics. In the business world, ethics are extremely important. Ethics are prime elements that help a business to grow and to become more productive. It is by applying proper business ethics that a business can operate in a moral or ethical business environment and managed to conduct all activities in a manner that maximizes profits while not compromising all other non-economic concerns(Schwab, 1996). Businesses have over the years failed to nurture business ethics in order to fulfill shareholders' interests and to have a culture that is oriented towards profit maximization and high performance(Jennings, 2012; Sims & Felton, 2006). This has led business to have gray areas in their activities. Gray areas are those situations or problems that do not fit exactly into any ethical analysis. These are the activities which may be represented to be immoral as a result of lying and false representations on the part of the business.
Ethics in business addresses the ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ behaviours of business practises, and how these practices impact the employees, shareholders, the general public and the environment.
It is important for businesses and professionals to be versed in ethical issues because it helps with decision-making when faced with different situations that create a moral dilemma. Business and professional ethics help to develop a certain moral standard and expectation in the business world. The ethics in which a business or a professional operates within benefits both the giver and receiver. Engaging in the exchange of goods, services and information requires some level of trust in order to maintain civility. The thought that a person or a business is doing things that are unethical
Ethics are a fundamentally crucial topic in social psychology research. Ethics encompass essential guidelines and codes of conduct that is taken into consideration before carrying out research. Although undergraduate and graduate curriculum in psychology acquaints students with the basic nature of ethical considerations and codes of conduct in research, however, it is likely that some of the most famous experiments in social psychology such as experiment by Stanley Milgram on “Behavioral Study of Obedience” exemplify ethical misconduct. However, with the publishing of the first American Psychological Association Code of Ethics (APA, 2010), controversial and unethical experiments such as the Stanley Milgram Obedience Experiment have been scrutinized. Also, the appropriate regulatory body such as APA for psychological experiment provides guidelines and enforce appropriate ways of conducting research and practicing the different aspects of the psychological profession in retrospect to ethics.
Ethical standards in business are important for every leader to know and understand. The book Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know by: John C. Maxwell discusses ethics in the world today. When people make unethical choices, the reason they do because of three main pitfalls. People do what is most convenient to them, people tend to do what they must do to win, and people rationalize their choices with relativism. In this summary, Maxwell’s definition of business ethics will be framed, examples of ethical standards and guidelines, the meaning and contrast of ethical thinking and ethical behavior, and how to avoid these major pitfalls to live an ethical life. The
This will be an over view of ethics as it relates to business in our society. Concepts from Philosophy will seek to describe the correlation between actions that are classified as morally right or ethical in our dealings with each other as human beings. Clear and concise examples will be given as well as ways in which to improve upon business ethics.
Every organization also has a profession responsibility to conduct business honestly and ethically. Our readings reported, “Experts estimated that U.S. companies lose about $600 billion a year from unethical and criminal behavior” Kinicki and Kreitner (2009). The organization could avoid having ethical issues by meeting the
There are many research studies conducted in the past that would not be considered ethical today. This essay will review two research methods, whilst taking into account the ethical standards of modern psychology. The focus of this essay will be; ‘Landis’ Facial Expressions Experiment 1924’ carried out by Carney Landis and ‘’Milgram’s Obedience Experiment’ carried out by Stanley Milgram. Both experiments were carried out under immoral circumstances and perhaps should never have been allowed to take place. Nowadays, neither would be considered acceptable.
Today’s business world presents numerous ethical issues. In today’s world above board/moral ethics in organizations do not often materialize intuitively. Organization must strive to provide employees with a clear understanding of the overall company vision. This will aid employees in practicing the code of ethics, policies and procedures in the workplace. Companies must be unwavering in continuously delivering the uppermost ethics of provision in which customers, applicants and employees are entitled to under fair business practices. One major core value is to uphold responsible and fair business practices.
With each passing year a new cohort enters the workplace, bringing with it an ever-changing dynamic of talent, goals, and expectations. This dynamic must constantly be considered in all aspects of an industrial or organizational psychologists job. How does the workplace need to be adjusted to serve
Industrial psychology is concerned with people at work. It is also called personnel psychology. A closely related field is known as organizational psychology. Traditionally, industrial psychologists have assessed differences among individual workers and have evaluated individual jobs. Organizational psychologists generally seek to understand how workers function in an organization, and how the organization functions in society.
In their personal and professional lives, people can and, unfortunately, sometimes do go against their moral and ethical standards. Ethical standards are what it means to be a good person, the social rules that govern our behavior. Ethics in business is essentially the study of what constitutes the right and wrong or the good or bad behavior in the workplace environment. A business is an organization whose objective is to provide goods or services for profit. The organization has a group of people that work together to achieve a common purpose. The moral challenges that these men and women face each day along with a whole range of problems that could occur, are why ethics plays such an important