
Business Honors Essay

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People feed off of other people. The Ohio State Business Honors Learning Community is a fantastic opportunity to surround myself with other excelling business majors. First of all, I will be able to provide a broad set of interests from theatre, to music, to sports, and to discussion. My diverse background will allow me to reach out to many members of the community both on the business level and the personal level. Along with my broad set of interests, I can bring an up and coming major, (Information Systems,) into the community. With Big Data on the rise, Information Systems has become one of the fastest growing majors in the world. Students with these majors are often the connecting points between management level and IT level. Understanding …show more content…

First of all, the Business Honors LC will provide me with both academic and emotional support. Research has proven that learning communities improve students’ collegiate success. Furthermore, living with an honors based community could only help my chances for extended opportunities and success at the Ohio State University. Second of all, learning communities are a genuine way to provide students the opportunities to make lifelong friends and important business connections. Although I will enjoy mingling with students all across campus, many of my current high school friends display an interest for the business world. This trend will likely continue into my college years, so the Business Honors LC would surround me with many potential friends. Lastly, along with the valuable connections and community support, the Business Honors LC provides students the chance to expand their perspectives on the area with community service projects. Community service is an important tool to help those around the local area, and create a necessary and culturally educated student body. Textbooks are great for providing facts, but understanding culture requires you to dive into the life of

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