People feed off of other people. The Ohio State Business Honors Learning Community is a fantastic opportunity to surround myself with other excelling business majors. First of all, I will be able to provide a broad set of interests from theatre, to music, to sports, and to discussion. My diverse background will allow me to reach out to many members of the community both on the business level and the personal level. Along with my broad set of interests, I can bring an up and coming major, (Information Systems,) into the community. With Big Data on the rise, Information Systems has become one of the fastest growing majors in the world. Students with these majors are often the connecting points between management level and IT level. Understanding …show more content…
First of all, the Business Honors LC will provide me with both academic and emotional support. Research has proven that learning communities improve students’ collegiate success. Furthermore, living with an honors based community could only help my chances for extended opportunities and success at the Ohio State University. Second of all, learning communities are a genuine way to provide students the opportunities to make lifelong friends and important business connections. Although I will enjoy mingling with students all across campus, many of my current high school friends display an interest for the business world. This trend will likely continue into my college years, so the Business Honors LC would surround me with many potential friends. Lastly, along with the valuable connections and community support, the Business Honors LC provides students the chance to expand their perspectives on the area with community service projects. Community service is an important tool to help those around the local area, and create a necessary and culturally educated student body. Textbooks are great for providing facts, but understanding culture requires you to dive into the life of
This is Yekaterina Melnik (you can all refer to me as Katerina or Katya or just my full name), as of right now I am your Business 302 group project manager for Exercises 1 and 2. It was a pleasure to meet you all on Friday, I look forward to working with you all throughout the semester. As we have decided the project manager will switch from assignment to assignment. Since these two exercises have relatively the same feel to them, I can go ahead and manage both, since they will be due simultaneously.
1. Give an example of a case that would fall under diversity jurisdiction. Explain all of the key elements of such a case.
The purpose of this business plan is to convey the vision for how Musically Infinite will become the preferred vendor of choice for music artist both novice and veteran. This plan will detail the vital steps involved in transforming an idea for a successful business into a thriving profitable pillar to the Metro Atlanta Area economy.
3. For a crime to be committed, the prosecutor must be able to prove a criminal intent and an overt act to carry out that intent. Jack and Mary agreed to rob a series of banks. Prior to beginning their bank robbery spree, they were arrested and charged with criminal conspiracy. What act did Jack and Mary do that justifies a finding that they committed the crime? Explain.
The collection of private, commercially oriented organizations, ranging in size from sole proprietorships to large corporations is referred to as
There are many different paths people can take throughout their lives. In the novel, Fifth Business by Robertson Davies, the main character, Dunstan Ramsey, takes the path of the Canadian hero. There are many different steps to be taken by the hero and Dunstan Ramsey follows his path by completing each step.
There`s a legal framework regulates the way that personal information is collected, stored, processed and distributed. Businesses creating and distributing documents rights, confidential information of the individuals must be respected. If the business didn’t they would lose their customers.
The structure of this assignment is comprehensive and integrative. It requires synthesis and evaluation of information, skills and knowledge developed throughout the BS program at KBCOB. This 8 week assignment (introduced the 1st week of the class) will serve as a culminating project.
Difficult to define, ethical responsibility is the ability to recognize, interpret and act upon multiple principles and values according to the standards within a given field and/or context (Investopedia LLC., 2015). Social responsibility is the concept that businesses develop a positive relationship to the society and environment, which they operate; and not focus, solely on maximizing profits (Stan Mack, 2015).
When you develop messages, what factors should you consider as you choose your words? Which considerations do you think are most important? Why?
The world of business has undergone radical and dramatic changes in the last decade changes that present extraordinary challenges for the contemporary manager. A manager is an organizational member who is responsible for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the activities of the organization so that the goals can be achieved. According to a widely referenced study by Henry Mintzberg, managers serve three primary roles: interpersonal, informational, and decision-making. Management is process of administrating and coordinating resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization.
Business Administration The idea of studying business administration has appealed to me greatly and has encouraged me to further develop my education following this path. I have a keen enthusiasm to pursue a degree in Business Administration as I enjoy the challenges it sets and find the many different areas of business you are able to branch out into, very exciting! From research about the subject I'm expecting to greatly further my learning of how businesses operate and be able to then put my knowledge into practice. I am confident within myself and find communication with others easy.
Business plays a major role within our society. It is a creative and competitive activity that continuously contributes to the shaping of our society. By satisfying the needs and wants people cannot satisfy themselves, businesses improve the quality of life for people and create a higher standard of living.
Most corporate financing decisions in practice reduce to a choice between debt and equity. The finance manager wishing to fund a new project, but reluctant to cut dividends or to make a rights issue, which leads to the decision of borrowing options. The issue with regards to shareholder objectives being met by the management in making financing decisions has come to become a major issue of recent times. This relates to understanding the concept of the agency problem. It deals with the separation of ownership and control of an organisation within a financial context. The financial manager can raise long-term funds internally, from the company’s cash flow, or externally, via the capital market, the market for funds
Starting a business is the latest trend. Just take a look at Instagram. Several profiles have the caption ‘Entrepreneur’. At this very moment, there is someone, somewhere working on an idea, a business plan or launching a startup. Entrepreneurship is on the rise like never before. The flexibility and independence that comes with being one’s own boss is attractive and worth taking the leap in starting a business. However, most people don’t know that being an entrepreneur is a grueling journey that can be very lonely and stressful at times. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), 50% of businesses fail during the first year. Starting a business can be a scary task, but the