
Business: It's Nature and Environment

Satisfactory Essays

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BUSINESS: IT 'S NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT; 6th Canadian Edition; Griffin, Ebert and Starke (2007). Pearson Education Canada.
ISBN: 0135140730.

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Our goal in covering these topics in addition to the traditional activities is to provide readers with a grasp of the total picture of logistics within the context of supply chain management processes.
There are a number of worthwhile improvements in the fourth edition. We have included many more references and examples from general business and other literature because of the impact of logistics on a variety of business processes. This edition covers the academic and trade literature in the area of logistics extensively, and includes the most up-to-date information and examples. Readers will notice the significant number of citations from the year 2000. We have retained those elements that are "timeless" and those that made the previous editions successful.

About the Author
James R. Stock is Professor of Marketing and Logistics at the College of Business Administration, University of South Florida. Dr. Stock held previous faculty appointments at Michigan State University, University of Oklahoma, and the University of Notre Dame. From 1986 to 1988 he

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