
Business Management

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NO | PARTICULARS | 123456 | IntroductionCompany backgroundThe DriversThe CSR activitiesRecommendations and SuggestionsSummary |


The company is located in London of United Kingdom ,which incorporated on 1969 .Cadbury Schweppes PLC is one of the oldest and largest family-run businesses in the world now. Even though pastries Cadbury Limited merged with the carbonated drinks company Schweppes Limited in 1969, Cadbury family members still run the Cadbury Schweppes , which has been represented in Cadbury 's top management for almost 180 years. The company is currently the world 's third leading producer of soft drinks and fourth leading confectionery manufacturer. As a major global beverage and confectionery company,they …show more content…

No more than, the company also believes that CSR is ‘the right thing to do’ as it reproduces the past and the prices of the company.

* What are the drivers that make the company pursue the current CSR activities?
= The drivers that make the company pursue the current CSR activities is liberal self- interest and unrestrained benefit .

The CSR activities
What are the CSR activities that the company has engage to improve their company image? = The CSR activities that the company has engage to improve their company image is education ,for example,support initiatives around other company sites in Sheffield, Wakefield and inner city London in Hackney, where there were many educational problems linked .The school activities included sport , e-Mentor and leadership programme .Its is to assisting community sporting organisations and associating a principal or supervisor of a voluntary sector organisation to share ideas on management and leadership. By supporting education projects the company hopes to improve standards and develop skills among both teachers and pupils. By building links with individual pupils, teachers and schools Cadbury Schweppes aims to raise aspirations, support learning and help prepare young people for work

Recommendations and Suggestions 1. Education- seeks to develop

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