
Business Research Ethics Individual Business Research Ethics Res/351

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Business Research Ethics
Unethical business research happens more often than we think. At times the evidence is clearly there or on the fence. Researchers conclude studies for companies, to find results or outcomes, and report the results to management for a sound decision. However, the problem is some studies or researchers may be basis, but mainly ethics is the issue. My paper is about Bayer the maker of Yasmin and Yaz birth control pills. With all pharmaceutical products, there are side effects. Normally when medicine is purchased in the store, side effects are usually printed on the packaging and bottle for consumers to read and make sound decision about taking the medication. What if the manufacture concealed valuable information …show more content…

Unethical behavior affects everyone around, the company, patients, and society.
How could the unethical behavior be avoided or resolved? Unethical behavior could have been avoided by the researchers’ of Bayer’s company. The researchers should have done further studies to insure no person could die from their products. Also to insure healthy women would not become ill from use of their products. Also, when patients started become ill and dying due to Yasmin and Yaz, they should have pulled their product off the shelves. And left the birth control of the shelves till critical research was done to prove Yasmin and Yaz was safe. Patients put their lives, health and trust into doctors and pharmaceutical products thinking medicine is safe and helpful, not poison.
Ethics in business research is very crucial to a company. When businesses run without proper business ethics, it could very detrimental to the company, individuals, and the society. The case with Bayer and their pharmaceutical products Yasmin and Yaz many individuals were affected. The most severe case was Michelle Pfleger death, which her family blames on the birth control Yasmin. The company reputation was blemished, and a negative impact on their sales. The society was affected by the scare of the patients that were also taking Yasmin or Yaz as a way of birth control. Many of the patients may have changed their birth control, not knowing if it would save their lives. Unethical business research

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