A specific CBRN threat learned in this course viewed as an increasing threat is the nuclear weapon, low-yield to be specific. Other CBRN threats are likely, if not more, but none would give witness of terrorist/ISIS power like nuclear. It is the nuclear attack that has immediate results, no vaccine, and enduring collateral damage. It is my opinion that a coordinated multi-strike low-yield nuclear attack would be a signature move desired by terrorists or ISIS. According to (Richardt, Hülseweh, Sabath, and Niemeyer, 2013, Chapter 5), “A nuclear explosion occurs as a result of the rapid release of energy from an intentionally high-speed nuclear reaction” (Section 5.1). The primary output of a nuclear device is the explosion and radiation. While the explosion is massive, the radiation has an immediate and residual effect over a large area (Section 5.1). According to (Richardt et …show more content…
Anything less may result in regret should a low-yield nuclear attack occur. With rules established to control of nuclear materials, like enriched uranium, it would appear on the surface all is safe. However, smuggling and theft of enriched uranium exist. According to Sokova, Potter, and Chuen (2007), trafficking of enriched uranium in Georgia has occurred multiple times. It is probable more smuggling and theft has occurred unknowingly. Sensors exist and work when knowing where the uranium is located but shielding the material is another possibility. According to (Richardt, Hülseweh, Sabath, and Niemeyer, 2013, Chapter 9), all radiation types can be shielded. Alpha is shielded by paper, Beta is shield by plastic, Gamma-Xrays are shielded by lead, and Neutron is shielded by concrete (Fig. 9.2). In (The ABC News Nuclear Smuggling Experiment, 2003), 15 pounds of depleted uranium metal were smuggled into the Unites States (para. 1). Although it was only depleted uranium, natural or weapon grade uranium can be
While reading Richard A. Muller Nuclear Waste a professor of physics from the University of California. I really enjoyed the reading and learning how nuclear waste “is one of the biggest technical issues that any president is likely to face”. In this chapter he also spoke of Plutonium which is a transuranic radioactive chemical element with symbol Pu and atomic number 94. Richard also went on to say that there is a “safe” nuclear waste disposal located in Yucca Mountain, Nevada. In order to keep the waste disposal safe, it is buried in a storage room in which is 1000 feet below the surface.
Nuclear energy is defined as energy released by reactions within atomic nuclei, as in nuclear fission or fusion (“Dictionary”). Nuclear fission is defined as a nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy. The definition of nuclear fission is as reaction in which two nuclei combine to form a nucleus with the release of energy (“Dictionary”). The process of nuclear fission and fusion happen inside of a nuclear reactor that is located in a nuclear power plant. Also needing to be defined, a nuclear reactor is a device in which nuclear fission initiates a controlled chain reaction, producing heat energy typically used for power generation, and neutrons and fission products (“Dictionary”). It is also important to know that there are a few different kinds of nuclear reactors. The different kind of reactors include: pressurized water reactors, boiling water reactors, gas-cooled reactors, and light water graphite reactors (Blau 117). Finally, a nuclear power plant is a facility for the production of electricity using
Of the four major terrorist hot spots in the world today —the global presence of Al Qaida, Iraq, North Korea, and Iran (with considerable thought given to Syria, the Caucuses, and lone wolves)—which do you believe represents the greatest threat to the United States? All, of the above, I feel like all of these equally is our greatest challenge as a nation, it reminds me of the juggler at the circus, only this juggler is juggling with chainsaws. I would also have to include in Russia as well as China into the mix from the standpoint of military action in Syria on the part of Russia along with it’s nuclear capabilities and the cyber attacks of China, which know doubts holds a great deal of my information. Our country is being pulled in many different directions and with the advancement of technology and social media; many times the advantages go directly to the terrorist (Shinkman, 2015). An example many times terrorist will go dark and can be lost for a period of time, it can be virtually impossible to detect what is happening. By going dark, I am speaking of chatting on social media and then they take the conversation private, using technology that is encrypted to encode their messages where they
Prevent terrorism and enhancing security: this is best accomplished by prevention of terror attacks and the acquisition of CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) materials in addition to controlling our critical infrastructure vulnerability’s.
Can be distributed, making it hard to spot. It is believed that Saddam Hussein intended to use this approach once he was rid of UN inspectors. Laser separation has also been used In addition there may be new technologies that make it much easier to do or at least easier to conceal. Only a ton or so of natural uranium is required to produce enough enriched uranium for as much weapons you need.
The hydrogen bomb has a blast radius of about 1.8 miles. Anything in that radius will be destroyed and the people will die immediately or later from radiation poison. There are two different types of nuclear bombs: fission and fusion. Fission means to break something apart and fusion means to merge. The fission bomb works on the principle that it takes energy to put together a nucleus with a lot of protons and neutrons. The fusion bomb’s initial energy is created by heating the hydrogen up to a tremendous temperature with a fission bomb as the first stage.
Professor Harry Lindsol noticed a trend in regards to how the Internet had taken over the purchasing habits of individuals, particularly in college students. Dr. Lindsol observed students’ purchasing habits regarding college textbooks and how constantly the students are connected to the Internet. Lindsol recognized a potential business opportunity by questioning if student’s textbooks were available on their electronic devices, would an online company prosper? Dr. Lindsol analyzed the textbook industry for the possibility to start-up a potential eBook company. Lindsol examined the publishers’ business models of traditional textbooks and etextbooks, the competitors in the industry, and the advantages and disadvantages of a strictly-eBook publishing company.
The blast effect is the outward rush of gases from the bomb’s site of origin.
The CBRN agent threat used by the Rajneeshee cult was a biological agent called Salmonella. Salmonella, according to Bovsun (2013) is a dangerous, sometimes deadly food borne pathogen. It rarely causes death, however, those with compromised immune systems tend to suffer more extreme symptoms. According to the CDC (2015), symptoms include diarhea, fever, and cramps. These symptoms normally last about a week.
This article is written by a group of recognized experts in the hope of providing education policy makers and educators help towards achieving the goal of a “democratic and pluralistic society” (Banks, et al., 2001). The findings of the Multicultural Education Consensus Panel all seem to be geared towards guiding practitioners towards the shared goal of increased student achievement through diversity. They offer 12 essential principles which have been divided into 5 separate categories: 1) teacher learning; 2) student learning; 3) intergroup relations; 4) school governance; 5) assessment.
Atomic bombs are made up of uranium, that has an isotope that creates a nuclear chain reaction. The immediate energy release per atom is about 180 million electron volts. It is caused by a sudden release of energy produced by splitting the nuclei of the fissile elements making up the bombs' core.
Key drivers of terrorist risks include; terrorist threat, cyber threats, biological terrorism, nuclear terrorism, transnational criminal organizations, and natural hazards such as climate change and aging infrastructure.
During a nuclear explosion, there are four major steps of the process. Within “Nuclear Weapons Effects,” each of these steps is explained. The first occurrence is a flash and fireball. The second step is the shock-wave. A firestorm takes third place. Followed by this is a delayed radiation fallout. Before these main stages are obvious indications to the explosion. “...the Earth under your feet has taken on a charge.” (Baker 7) Previous to nuclear explosions, the Earth
A nuclear weapon is a device with explosive energy, most of all of which derives from fission or a combination of fission and fusion processes. Nuclear fission produces energy by splitting the nucleus of an atom, usually highly enriched uranium or plutonium, into two or more parts by bombarding it with neutrons. Each nucleus that is split releases energy as well as additional neutrons that bombard nearby nuclei and sustain a chain reaction. Fission bombs provide the catalyst for more complex thermonuclear explosions. In such weapons a fission explosion
Women make up just slightly over half the U.S population (US Census Bureau, 2010) and should not be even considered a part of a minority group. The female population should acquire the same equal research attention as men do, especially when it comes to health issues. The unavoidable, yet quite simple realities of breastfeeding, menstruation, menopause, along with pregnancy require special scrutiny from medical experts. Those medical specialties are generally referred as gynecologists or obstetrics, who focus on the exclusive needs of a female’s reproductive health throughout their lifespan. Historically, the health needs of women have been disregarded as well as their fundamental rights. However, over the past few decades, it has grabbed the media and the government’s attention causing some major changes in support of women’s rights and health care.