
CDA Sustainability Plan Essay

Decent Essays

The Chicago Department of Aviation has developed the following five sustainability goals: • Reduce airport emissions • Enhance multi-modal connections • Generate regional revenue • Improve travel experience • Protect natural assets With these goals in mind, the CDA accomplished an impressive list of initiatives that they have undertaken in order to accomplish their objectives. The following are a few of the problems that are being addressed by initiatives set out by the CDA as part of their sustainability model and the effectiveness of those plans. Air Pollution Air Pollution is one major concern that is very relevant in today’s society as it is a central theme to the debate on climate change. According to a Congress CRS report “airport operations may produce various …show more content…

The plan also requires airlines to taxi to their runway using only one engine thus reducing noise even further. The CDA has also added Ground Run-Up Enclosures, one of the first of its kind, at a cost of $3.2 million dollars with further expansions under development. This enclosure lowers the noise of aircraft during take-off. The measures that the CDA has incorporated into their sustainability model have addressed the problems of noise pollution, a problem that is inherent to the industry itself. The money the CDA spend on school insulations and sound barriers is certainly a large expense, but in order to be sustainable a plan must eliminate risk whenever possible. The risk of associated lawsuits due to excessive noise pollution could cost the city tens, if not, hundreds of millions of dollars. The steps the CDA has implemented have been adequate and financial sustainable, but the noise pollution debate is ongoing. The CDA needs to be proactive in studying and implementing new ways to help alleviate noise pollution issues and satisfy the community in which it

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