The CES school that I find would most beneficial for my education and my growth in the gospel, would be Brigham Young University Idaho. I have always had a strong pull toward Brigham Young University and the influence that this institution has on one's spiritual growth and educational growth. I have grown up in an area of this country where being a Latter day Saint is not a common way of life and there are many different ways of life. Therefore I have felt at times isolated from others that were not in the same belief system that I was. Through going to a school that was not predominantly mormon I was able to attain the skills of keeping my faith without having many other influences. Going to this school will allow for a new environment that
Devin McCraney and Sharika Allison were the District Finance officers and Controllers for the BISD school district. They were caught for committing fraudulent and illegal activities from 2010 to 2014. This started after Devin was promoted as the Director of Finance and Allison was promoted to Controller as she worked directly under him. In 2012, they took advantage of fraudulent behavior because they had access to all of the finances in balancing checks and wiring transfers.
Masconomet Regional School District is an amazing learning institution filled with passionate educators, supportive parents and engaged students. As a result, I have loved every day of being the Principal of Masconomet Regional High School.
MSTT met with Jamiles to assess how the school is going. Jamiles expressed to MSTT things at school are going well and that she has not been assaulted by her sister. Last week, Jamiles sister stated she going to assault her due to an incident which happened during their visit with Bio dad. Jamiles stated she spoke to her CYS caseworker about switching schools because she attends school with the fear of her sister coming up behind her and hitting her. CYS caseworker reaches out to MSTT and MSTT explained to the caseworker Jamiles concerns seem valid. CYS worker explained to MSTT she will start the process of looking into changing Jamiles school because of her safety. MSTT will follow up with CYS worker with the process of changing Jamiles school.
Last year, at Kingsland High School’s Graduation Ceremony, Josie Hinze not only receiveed her High School Diploma, but also her Associates of Arts Degree before even attending any college or university. Fast-forward to one year later, and seven Kingsland students will be graduating high school with both their High School Diploma and AA Degree thanks to the collaboration of Riverland Community College and Kingsland High School for allowing high school students to take college-level courses in high school and receive college credit for them. Not only that, but there are several others who will be graduating Kingsland High School with transferrable college credit so their first few semesters might
C2 Education (C2), the nation’s premier network of subject tutoring, SAT ®, ACT®, PSAT® test prep and education support centers, hosts multiple events in Southern California to help students and parents get ready for a new school year.
Thank you for your call this morning. I have attached the matrix on the CFSD Schools' Newsletters different methods of distribution/publicizing their respective newsletters for your information. I worked with the site support staff over the summer to ensure the the method communication with which the board would be receiving the site newsletters. I will follow up with each site to make sure that they are including the board in their distribution.
I have choose the fact of Manheim Central School District is thinking on suing Doe Run School. The reason I have chosen this is because I used to go to Manheim Central High School and they didn’t have A/C in the classrooms without computers but the district wouldn’t do anything about it. Plus I was in school when Doe Run had to evacuate their building for CONSTRUCTION mishaps. So the buildings construction that Manheim Central School District paid to build was falling apart. So this issue is unnecessary to me for those reasons and many other reason but those are the main reasons.
What most influenced my decision and interpretations in this case was the fact that the students could not be trusted with concealing the identities of the interviewees within the article, since it was proven that their identities were not fully hidden. The topics in the article were about teen pregnancy and criticism of parents, which can be controversial and thus distracting in a school environment. The principal of the school, upon observation, noticed the identities were not hidden well. With a deadline to meet, there was no way the students would have been able to revise the newspaper and reorganize the articles, so the principal took out the pages. In this case the principal made a responsible decision given the interests of the school
Alonzo A. Crim Open Campus High School would like to express our support for the Grove Gardens at East Lake affordable senior community. The proposed 74-unit community serving seniors will increase access to affordable housing by helping ensure seniors’ most basic housing needs are met. As a school in the community, we know there is a need of safe and affordable housing choices for seniors in the East Atlanta and East Lake Community, and know that Greater Piney Grove is committed to constructive community development.
LAUSD is the second largest public school district in the United States. One of their core beliefs includes equity. Equity means the quality of being fair and impartial. However, although one of their core belief is equity, they still show some actions that lead to inequality. An example of this is dividing the students whether they belong to high income or low income families. They give incentives for students who belong to the low-income group. Although LAUSD officials think that low income students should receive reduced expenses, high-income students and students who belong in the mid group should also receive this incentive. Proposition 987 says that LAUSD students should have the same treatment for middle class students and high income
I find Brigham Young University most appealing because of its affordability, and the ability to live in a comfortable atmosphere where I will not meet the same constant challenges of my religious beliefs that I have had to face in high school. I want to be able to enjoy my college experience without having to deal with the social pressures of drinking, sexual immorality and drugs that are often tied with the college freshman experience. The environment at BYU will allow me to really focus on my
I would enjoy attending Brigham Young University in Provo. I want to attend in Provo because I have grown up here my whole life. I love Provo and enjoy the spiritual environment. My family also lives in Provo which would make it convenient when I am returning from my mission to help me get right into college while I'm finding work and housing. I have participated in many different activities on Brigham Young University campus, it would be easy to get around on with the knowledge I have which would allow me to focus on schooling. Brigham Young University also has a good program for what I want to study. The school environment is also very religiously centered. This would help me come closer to Christ through my daily schooling as well as my
Brigham Young University in Hawaii is the college that I would most like to attend. I would prefer to attend a church school and be around people that share my religious views and standards. BYU Hawaii is most attractive because it has a prodigious heritage and diverse cultures compared to the other church schools. In short, the cultural diversity attracts me to BYU Hawaii. I have grown up in an area that is not culturally diverse. I enjoy meeting people of different backgrounds and ethnicities because it opens my eyes to the diversity throughout the world. It is exciting to be around and meet people that come from different backgrounds. I am always intrigued by their unique cultures. There is an older Hawaiian woman in my ward that has
In today’s extremely competitive, job-scarce economy, having a college degree is now a steadfast requirement when applying to even entry-level professional jobs. Choosing a college has always been a challenging task for high school seniors, but it is now fraught with stress and anxiety for nearly every adult who seeks to further their education. Questions abound: what school offers the exact program I desire? What school is in the best location, or has the best campus? What school feels ‘right’?
Sky School is a private coed day school for gifted students in grades K-8, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is a special program emphasis school and is oriented religiously as nonsectarian school. It provides an academic experience for students from kindergarten through 8th grade in small, multi-age classes. Total students are 110 and 32% are students of color. There are 8 homeroom teachers. And the ratio of teacher to students are 1:14, typically 1:12 in literacy classes. Each mixed-age class is composed of approximately 14 children. It believes the small group size creates a tight-knit community of learners. Students in Sky school spend about 168 days in school per year and about 6 hours per day in school. The students have about 18 hours