
CIA Organizational Culture

Decent Essays

Culture of the Central Intelligence Agency The CIA’s website describes its organizational culture as focused on continuous improvement, integrity, teamwork and accountability. The organization was created with the intended purpose of ensuring America does not go through a Pearl Harbor scenario again. Over the years, the organization structure has evolved to fit into the evolving political, social and economic landscape although its staff has been known to be resistant to change (Lowenthal, 2017). The biggest culprits have been the Directorate of Operations (DO) and the Directorate of Intelligence (DI) (Bean, 2009). These two sections are co-dependent with one collecting the information and the other analyzing it. Many of the CIA directors including General Hayden and Peter Goss have shown their lack of initiative to enhance accountability in the CIA. The Inspectors General report, after the 9/11 attacks, recommends the setting up of an accountability board that would be mandated with reviewing personnel performance. However, both of the CIA chiefs responded by rejecting the proposal and insisting that singling out individuals would reduce risk-taking and excellence. General Hayden held the view that a culture of …show more content…

The article insists that the CIA looks for the crème of the crop, who if they wanted could get better-paying jobs in the private sector, but instead choose to work for the CIA be it for the love of country or otherwise. The article goes further to praise the culture of the Agency where it has consistently stood by a culture of teamwork, workers alignment with the organization’s goals and selfless service. However, this culture has been blamed for the instances where analysts have sold information to the highest bidder—as was evidenced by the Soviet cold war era. Nonetheless, the CIA is an agency known to strongly stand behind its values and principles without

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