
CJS Research Article Summary

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In the study, Tanasichuk and Wormith (2012) attempts to improve Canadian’s confidants towards the Criminal Justice System (CJS). The author investigates active learning compared to passive learning along with confidence level towards the Criminal Justice System. It is hypothesized that : 1) By receiving CJS information, participants will score significantly higher on the CJS question than those who receive health system information 2) By receiving CJS information, participants will have increase positive attitudes towards the CJS than those who receive health system information 3) By receiving CJS information, participants will score higher in confidence rating than those who receives health system information 4) By receiving CJS information, …show more content…

Participants were given series of multiple choice questions measuring the knowledge of criminal trends, CJS, attitudes towards law, confidence in CJS and satisfaction with the CJS. Participants were randomly assigned to 4 conditions. The participants of the study were divided into two groups, experimental and control. The experiment group were given information about criminal trends and justice in Canada, in comparison to the control group who received health system information. Both groups included one active learning which includes a discussion groups and one passive learning group which does not include any discussion groups.

The author found that participants who received the CJS information did score higher on the CJS knowledge and ALCP questions than the participants who received information on health. It was also found that active learning compared to passive learning did not have a huge score difference on the CJS questions. In Addition, the active and passive learning condition in the experimental group improved confidence in the CJS as well as satisfaction. Surprisingly, the study also found that active learning in the experimental group gained more confidence for police and correction system not the

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