In the study, Tanasichuk and Wormith (2012) attempts to improve Canadian’s confidants towards the Criminal Justice System (CJS). The author investigates active learning compared to passive learning along with confidence level towards the Criminal Justice System. It is hypothesized that : 1) By receiving CJS information, participants will score significantly higher on the CJS question than those who receive health system information 2) By receiving CJS information, participants will have increase positive attitudes towards the CJS than those who receive health system information 3) By receiving CJS information, participants will score higher in confidence rating than those who receives health system information 4) By receiving CJS information, …show more content…
Participants were given series of multiple choice questions measuring the knowledge of criminal trends, CJS, attitudes towards law, confidence in CJS and satisfaction with the CJS. Participants were randomly assigned to 4 conditions. The participants of the study were divided into two groups, experimental and control. The experiment group were given information about criminal trends and justice in Canada, in comparison to the control group who received health system information. Both groups included one active learning which includes a discussion groups and one passive learning group which does not include any discussion groups.
The author found that participants who received the CJS information did score higher on the CJS knowledge and ALCP questions than the participants who received information on health. It was also found that active learning compared to passive learning did not have a huge score difference on the CJS questions. In Addition, the active and passive learning condition in the experimental group improved confidence in the CJS as well as satisfaction. Surprisingly, the study also found that active learning in the experimental group gained more confidence for police and correction system not the
A criminal justice system has been in place since the dawn of time, from the hue and cry era of policing to the advancement of the system there have been many laws, models, and theories set into place to protect the citizens but also to provide law enforcement officers with power to carry out their duties. A communities interest in the criminal justice system is to prevent and stop crime with law enforcements assistance. This paper will provide an overlook of how concepts from the criminal justice system are applicable in everyday activities.
The Criminal Justice System has many components that make it up. There are many differences and similarities between Canada and America like the culture, religion, and governments. Some of the main differences and similarities being the Criminal Justice System. The Criminal Justice System is the law that is related to arresting, sentencing and punishing people if found guilty with jail time, probation, or community service. In this research paper, I will be stating some of the main differences and similarities between the Canadian and American Judicial System.
Wrongful conviction is an issue that has plagued the Canadian Justice System since it came to be. It is an issue that is hard to sort out between horrific crimes and society’s desire to find truth and justice. Incidences of wrongful conviction hit close to home right here in Saskatchewan as well as across the entire nation. Experts claim “each miscarriage of justice, however, deals a blow to society’s confidence in the legal justice system” (Schmalleger, Volk, 2014, 131). Professionals in the criminal justice field such as police, forensic analyst, and prosecutors must all be held accountable for their implications in wrongful convictions. There are several reasons for wrongful convictions such as racial bias, false confessions, jailhouse
Many Americans falsely believe the criminal justice processes are too relaxed. This is illustrated through the conduction of a Gallup poll in which Americans were asked if the United States’ criminal justice system is currently "too tough, not tough enough, or about right" in handling crime. The majority, sixty five percent of people, said the criminal justice
Instead of restricting the production of hemp, the United States government should legalize the planting of hemp due for its beneficial value to society.
Close Reading Assignment The wilderness is a vast area, and only a certain type of person urges to be one with nature. The passage starts as a narrative. It’s explaining the vastness of the wilderness.
Within the past few years the criminal justice profession has been looked at in a negative view. Individuals do not like to contact them as they think it will do more harm then good. Police officers are not looked to as if they serve and protect the community, the court systems are either not giving enough of a punishment or giving too much and children are being placed in homes that are much worse then the one they were pulled from. I have heard on multiple occassions how the criminal justice system has
If we can understand what factors play a role in whether a person is more or less likely to face the criminal justice system, better support can be provided to those people. Groups of people who are more likely to face involvement in the criminal justice system could be benefitted by programs that are more focused towards the needs of those people. For instance, the statistics provided by the Statistics Canada website show that there are high rates of Aboriginal people who come into contact in one way or another with the criminal justice system, "Two of the biggest challenges facing the criminal justice system are the high rates of crime and victimization in many Aboriginal communities and the overrepresentation of Aboriginal people at all stages of the justice process". With these statistics available the criminal justice system can make steps to ensure programs are available that cater to the needs of those in Aboriginal
The Canadian criminal justice system consists of multiple roles in order to sustain a well-working government system. The system is put in place in order to keep safety, equality, peace and fairness. There are four main functions of the criminal justice system that are interrelated segments that help protect a society from crime. The criminal justice system consists of policing, courts, corrections and parole. The component of the Canadian Criminal Justice System that will be discussed is about the process and function of the courts.
This first week the assignment was to Define crime, its relationship to the law, and the two most common models of how society determines which acts are criminal, Describe the government structure as it applies to the criminal justice system, Identify choice theories and the their assumptions in regards to crime, Describe the components of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice process, Identify the goals of the criminal justice system.
I have come to the conclusion after reading this article that the intended audience is anyone involved in the criminal justice system. Police officers, lawyers, judges, probation officers and everyone in between can find use in the article and its comparing and contrasting of the crime control model and due process model.
The criminal justice system plays an important role in this society, it is meant to protect and serve. This “system” is also meant to maintain the peace and enforce the laws set by the government. However, the criminal justice system is not even close to perfect. It has many flaws, some of which are: police brutality, death penalty, mass incarceration, gun violence, and especially wrongful convictions. A majority of the flaws that the system has can be easily fixed and can be set straight. For example, the issue of wrongful convictions has been relevant for quite some time and has the potential to decrease its probability of occurring by focusing on the importance of scientific evidence, rid of faulty witness testimonies, and make sure that the lack of evidence and/or government misconduct, if applicable, does not determine the outcome of the case.
The criminal justice system is a group of institutions that work together to protect a society, prevent and control crime, and maintain justice; enforcing the laws regulated by society. As the years have gone by and society has evolved; so have the criminal justice system and its methods to accomplish its role in society. This short analysis will evaluate the main facts that have been affecting the criminal justice system for decades and have influenced the evolution the justice system is enduring in a changing society (Muraski, 2009). Amongst the changes in the system, we will discuss the effect the changes have had on the citizens and how their perceptions have evolved as well.
The Criminal Justice System goes as far back as the days of Jesus. There were Soldiers who acted like policeman, the tribune which was the court system, and Caesar, Herod and even Pontius Pilate stood as judge. The prison system was that of dark caves and dungeons. As we journey to the twenty-first century, nothing has genuinely changed. In my essay I will explicate how the various aspect of criminal justice relate to one another as well as why it so important in society. Criminal Justice refers to the facet of social justice that concern violators of criminal law. The
After the emancipation of the slaves, they had no idea what to do, so many of them headed north to a place called Harlem, where they they turned to some form of art. This period of time was called the Harlem Renaissance, many African American people started to take up the arts, such as writing, and music. An article titled “The Harlem Renaissance” says “The Harlem Renaissance was mostly a literary, and intellectual movement”(Steven Watson) One of the most influential and famous African American artists of this time period, was Langston Hughes. Hughes primarily wrote poems, many which are very famous and study throughout schools in America many years later. Hughes also wrote songs in the form of something called jazz poetry, jazz was a newly introduce and very popular music as the time. There are messages in many of Langston Hughes poem, in The Negro Speaks of Rivers, our souls need to grow deep like rivers, in I, Too, we are all Americans despite differences, in Dream Variations, people need to be accepting to others, Lastly in Refugee in America, we all want the same things.