
CSA Ruffin Case Summary

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Predication: On 07/27/17, Asset Protection Manager (APM) Jakub Orlando received an investigative analytical lead regarding Customer Service Associate (CSA) Fitima Ruffin who was suspected of line voiding the items to steal money. Facts: On 07/27/17, APM Orlando with Store Manager (SM) Alissa Nemchinsky revived CCTV footage along with POS electronic transaction to confirm this allegation. CCTV footage along with POS electronic journal confirmed that CSA Ruffin was utilizing the line void function to steal money. On 07/27/17, SM Nemchinsky called for CSA Ruffin to come to the office, however, CSA Ruffin grabbed her belongings and walked out of the store. Disposition: On 07/27/17, SM Nemchinsky terminated CSA Ruffin for theft.

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