
Cabin In The Woods Stereotypes

Satisfactory Essays

The project this paper will be focusing on is the examining the media with an adolescent and adult focus. For this I decided to look at a movie and determine the extent to which the portrayals of women and men were stereotypical or progressive. Given the time of year it is, the movie being examined is the horror movie “Cabin in the Woods”. In this movie there are two female main characters and three males. There are also two male sub-characters. The movie itself is satire on the typical horror movie and all characters are based on stereotypical gender horror movie roles. The role for men being the tough one, the smart one, and the jokester, while the female’s are the promiscuous one and the innocent one. Just with this we see a very stereotypical and harsh view on the genders. …show more content…

These two roles are also considered the worst roles in a horror movie as the promiscuous one always dies first for having sex, and the innocent one is either involved in the murders or is the one that is the killers main target. Another part of the movie that deals with gender stereotypes is the two male sub-characters. These characters are shown to be in control of everything. They are in charge of dozens of workers and have almost completely authority except for one other character. This shows a big stereotype in our culture that men our in control of almost everything especially when it involves some kind of business. As stated before in this paper, this movie was made to show these stereotypes in the most obvious fashions, which it did extremely well. Males throughout the movie were shown as tough, all-powerful and had many personality structures, while the females were put into two categories of pure or

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