
Cad Research Paper

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Drafting has changed over the years. Now advanced technologies have increased the efficiency of drafting. Computers and new resources have made drafting easier, better, and less time-consuming. New techniques like rapid prototyping, B.I.M, sustainability, and L.E.E.D has changed the face of drafting. Instead of a group of people sitting around a table and drawing out the drafts people can now work independently with a computer designed for drafting. Green buildings and “green” technology has made living easier and better. Rapid prototyping is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three dimensional computer aided design (CAD) data. Construction of the par or assembly is usually done …show more content…

B.I.M stands for Building Information Modeling, intelligent model-based process that provides insight to help you plan, design, construct, and mange buildings and infrastructure. B.I.M changes how buildings, infrastructure, and utilities are planned, designed, built, and managed. Autodesk B.I.M solutions help turn information into insight and deliver business value at every step in the process. B.I.M incorporates major elements of estimating, cost and project management. As a result, the B.I.M computer model is a living representation of the actual structure at any given time. B.I.M is more than drawings- it is a date repository for building design, construction, and maintenance information combined in one convenient model to share. The benefits of B.I.M are that there are reduced changes during construction. Reduced conflicts during construction and improved construction. Improved collective understanding of design intent reduces claims, disputes, and conflicts. B.I.M provides the capability to design efficient “Green Buildings.” The future of B.I.M will only make B.I.M better, the Information of B.I.M will be utilized more, designers, constructors and building owners will leverage the information that is right in from of them to add value to the building they are producing. Room and furniture, fixture, and equipment validation between …show more content…

To receive an L.E.E.D certification, building projects satisfy prerequisites and earn points to achieve different levels of certification. L.E.E.D was by the U.S Green Building Council (USGBC). Since its inception in 1998, L.E.E.D has grown to encompass more than 14,000 projects in the U.S. L.E.E.D was created because USGBC had a vision that buildings and communities will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation, USGBC’s mission was to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life. There are four certification levels for L.E.E.D construction- certified, silver, gold, and platinum that correspond to the number of credits accrued in five green design categories: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmentally quality. L.E.E.D is a reward system that comes with certification, such as access to expert technical support; wide-ranging marketing benefits, the unbiased, transparent assurance that the project team cut no corners in the marking or updating of a Class A green

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