Please allow me to express my interest in joining the Cadwalader team. I believe I would make an immediate and valuable contribution to the Cadwalader’s transactional practice. Specifically I am well prepared to serve in your Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Financial Institutions, Banking, and Antitrust groups. Through my academic studies in Deals, M&A and Economic Theory, I have focused on navigating the law to maximize the economic value of business decisions. I will be sharpening these skills this year through my active involvement in the NYU Business Law Transactions Clinic, and from my Negotiations and Financial Markets courses. My undergraduate degree in economics and prior experience working with the Federal Reserve Board
For our interview, we chose negotiator William Eginton – Senior Vice President – Corporate Development. Mr. Eginton works for Ametek, a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments, electronic instrument group (EIG), and electromechanical devices, electromechanical group (EMG). Mr. Eginton joined Ametek in 1993 as an Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and in the role he had responsibilities in the development and implementation of the company’s re-capitalization plan and also worked closely with Ametek’s divisions to develop their strategic plans. In 1995 Mr. Eginton was promoted to Controller of the Panalarm Division, when, in addition to his financial responsibilities, he led strategic planning process for that business. In 1996 Mr. Eginton was promoted into the Corporate Development department to help build Ametek’s acquisition program. In 2004 the Board of Directors (BOD) elected Mr. Eginton to the Senior Vice President-Corporate Development role. Mr. Eginton holds a BBA in Accounting/Finance from the University of Notre Dame and an MBA from Duke University. Mr. Eginton also is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). From 2004 – 2015 Mr. Eginton has successfully negotiated 48 acquisitions for Ametek.
An organization that I admire and would like to work for in the future is Chase Bank. The most admirable quality of this financial institution has to be its leadership during the financial crises of 2008. Through great task delegation and resource management, this company was able to circumvent detrimental events which could have led to bankruptcy. Since, I am interested in working for a financial institution such as Chase Bank and I am following the educational steps that reflect this desire, it would only be appropriate that in the future a joining of interests from Chase Bank and myself would take place. With further education in finance, I see myself developing a strong foundation of knowledge
If you want stockton high school to be fun again vote for me cause i will bring a rodeo team into stockton for the seniors and juniors. If you vote for me i will bring back the open lunch for only the seniors casue all the under class mates can eat school lunches. If i became principal i would add a rodeo team which would consist of riding bulls and saddle broncs for first time starting out i would buy a mechanical bull for us to practice on before we start out riding bulls. The rodeo team will hold events on every friday nights where several school come and go against us and see whos better.
Following the creation of the Mayflower compact, John Carver was the first elected governor of Plymouth. However, he died during the first winter and was succeeded by William
Good morning, your Honor. I am Theresa Pacholik and I am representing Group One. Please let me introduce my colleagues: Chelsea Rowell, Miles Brown and Kimberly Hudson. We come in front of you today with our clients, the Office of Comptroller of Currency (OCC) to show why the court should uphold the decision of the district court against Grant Thornton, LLP. We will discuss the negligent actions performed during the audit conducted by Grant Thornton and how their unsafe and unsound practices impacted Keystone Banks’ regulators, shareholders and the public.
In today’s society, money is one of the biggest incentives in the workplace for employed professionals and is often negotiated after you impress your potential employer. I believe it is always important to negotiate salary after you impress your future employer because this is the moment in time when you have the most power to increase your salary and overall quality of life in this position. This past week I got to interview with a potential employer, CVS Caremark and utilize my newfound negotiation skills to request a higher paying salary. Before the interview, I knew I wanted to take a different approach to negotiating salary so, I used essential elements out of the class textbook Negotiation and Dispute Resolution by Beverly J. Demarr and Suzanne C. De Janasz. Furthermore, I will be discussing how I prepared before for the interview, what I have learned from the experience, and the results of the salary negotiation. Also, it is important to highlight the key elements to negotiating salary and why we are so invested into negotiating salary.
Dr. Margaret Neale, Professor of Organizational Behavior, Stanford University Graduate School of Business, the narrator and instructor, describes the objective of the video. She drives us though the process and gives us tips, recommendations, common errors and many explanations about what is happening during the negotiation.” (Video Media Group of the Stanford Alumni Association, 1997)
One of the less prominent characters in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird is Mayella Ewell. She is known for her filthiness and her home which is a dumping ground. Her homelife is horrible, and her life has no meaning in it. It is assumed that because she is poor, female, and white, she has no power in regard to her class, gender, or race.
Describe up to three examples of how the advisor contributed to the development of chapter members.
CDR teams originated in 1978 with the creation of a multidisciplinary–agency in Los Angeles County, California to investigate fetal and infant deaths and the escalating violence against children (Durfee, Gellert, & Tilton-Durfee, 1992). These teams were founded on the idea that discrepancies in reporting will occur less when all documents related to a child death are reviewed by a team of professionals with the purpose of sharing information related to the death circumstances (Webster, Schnitzer, Jenny, Ewigman, & Alario, 2003). With this change in procedure, no longer could reports within one agency be isolated from the reports within another agency. It was thought that the unique characteristics of each profession contributed to mismanagement
By taking this course, we have learned the different types of negotiations and the strategies to be used in
I aspire to become an attorney who operates a firm that specializes in matters involving international business and family law. My aspirations of becoming an attorney directly aligns with the Master’s of Business Administration program offered at Saint Leo University. My professional goals as an executive and future attorney requires me to attain the highest level of professional development in order to enhance my ability to achieve professional excellence in a well-defined practice area of business. Obtaining the proper education will enable me to enhance performance levels and skills that will in return gradually increase my career goals.
Ernest Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephant is about a couple, the American and a female named Jig debating about an operation Jig should have. Throughout the story, Jig is distant, the American is rational. Although the story never explicitly states what it is that the couple is arguing, if you really think about it, you’d realize that the tough situation where they are trying to make a decision, keeping their unborn child or having an abortion based on several different suggestions described. The reader must interpret their dialogue and body language to infer their backgrounds and their attitudes with respect to the situation at hand, and their attitudes toward one another. What the American thinks is best solution to their pregnancy,
For this negotiation I have three types of goals in place. My substantive goals are to negotiate a contract that will bring in $5.8m (target point 3) and to also secure future contracts with Knight. With
In today’s competitive scenario, achieving successful results through negotiations has become more important. But often negotiations face either complete failures or achieve far less than its actual potential. Also, such unsuccessful negotiations may perennially damage the reputation and relationships amongst the counterparties involved.