Mba 555 - Case Study Table of Contents Summary 3 Introduction 4 Facts 4 Café Latte 4 Cynthia Chan 5 Stuart Chan 7 Rob Chan 8 Jeff Burns 8 The Chan Family 9 Inferences 9 Cynthia Chan 9 Stuart Chan 10 Rob Chan 10 Jeff Burns 11 The Chan Family 11 Problems 12 Decision –Additional Options 14 Behavior Assessment 15 Cynthia Chan 16 Stuart Chan 16 Rob Chan 17 Decision Assessment 17 Lessons Learned 19 Case Study: Café Latte, LLC Summary Café Latte, a new espresso bar, is about to open in Pocatello, Idaho. The business was formed as a limited partnership between three siblings and a friend, Cynthia, Stuart, and Rob Chan, along with Jeff Burns, respectively. The Chans are somewhat knowledgeable about running a business …show more content…
• One week before the grand opening, Cynthia was the subject of Stuart’s anger. She was outraged by his accusations. • Cynthia did not want to waste coffee on practice drinks that would be discarded. • Cynthia consulted with the other partners and several friends, seeking advice on how to respond to Stuart’s accusations and anger. • She felt quite frustrated by the incident. • She decided that the situation with Stuart was irreconcilable and that she needed to remove herself from the situation. She summarized her financial contributions and provided the summary to Stuart, accepting his offer to buy out her share. The buyout did not materialize. • She received an apology letter from Stuart, but she looked at it as a bandage solution. • Deciding to stay, Cynthia worked with Rob to devise a work schedule that shielded Cynthia from interactions with Stuart. She and Stuart would assist Rob in running the business. Stuart Chan • Stuart was the middle child of the family. • As a child he loved to tease and taunt his younger siblings, and he instigated some type of mean act against Rob or Cynthia on a daily basis. • Stuart majored in economics in college. • He was friends with Jeff Burns from high school, and approached Jeff about investing
Upon arrival Cindy R exited her apartment on her own. Cindy appeared disorganized in her speech, loose associations. Rapidly shifting from topic
She affirmed that the dispute started quickly after Crowe buffooned her songs profession, and also intensified from there.," Banks reacted, "Who recognizes? They additionally reviewed the absence of monitoring tapes of the occasions, and also her sensations on the consequences of the insurance claims.
two weeks on the job, she was being asked to resolve a controversy within the company. The
Stacy came to you to fix a problem that our small group had with trust, with loyalty. A problem we have yet to fix, but instead of helping us to work through this stain of emotional turmoil, you removed the one person who
MSTT met with Laura, Mary, and Analyse to address the conflict within the home. Laura and Mary have a very intense relationship which is causing conflict within the home. Laura and Mary tend to get into a lot of verbal altercations because of money. Mary feels since has to pay rent she should be able to have some say as to what goes on within the home. Laura feels because it's her home and she pays all the bills her mother opinion does not matter. Which causes verbal altercations because Mary would like to know exactly what she is paying for if she cannot have an opinion on whats goes on within the home and if she eats the food Laura brings home it turns into an argument. MSTT will continue to work with Laura and Mary to decrease the verbal
declaration. She was incapable to guard herself against him and the reaction without any self-
The session began with Amber highly tense and emotionally distressed after questions from her mother about the wedding and comments about her weight. This was compounded after Amber revealed Doug had struck her after an argument. While Doug expressed remorse, this development was of critical concern from a safety and wellbeing perspective. Amber relayed how helpless and alone she felt.
this point, she had concluded on it as she saw her mother's “disappointed face”(2). In the mirror,
Ultimately, Drinking Coffee Elsewhere is a story of regret. At the end of the tale, Dina gives a heartfelt reminiscence of her college days, now long past, and the opportunities she missed and friendships she broke. One person in particular, Heidi, could have been a close and important friend. Instead, Dina’s harsh and unpleasant demeanor severed a deep connection. In fact, Dina’s quick and
. One day Sharon showed up on Laura’s doorstep with information that ripped the nuclear family apart. Laura, hurt and disappointed, responded with vicious revenge. She tried to obtain full control of all their present and future assets. Anger is too simpler word to describe the emotions and actions Laura displayed. She didn’t hide her husband’s infidelity, she told the world. Calling every family member and friend who would listen, she reported all the details told to her by Sharon. She wanted Robert’s integrity and reputation to be dirt.
Anger and outrage struck her. Who is he to tell me what I can do?
Her upset came when she knew, he didn’t realize the negative effects it’s had upon Ellie-Jo. Nor, could he comprehend that just earlier, he made Afifa Spencer, another casualty of his war.
We observed that instead of dealing with the content of the query, she was arguing that she was given the query because of her ethnic background, that Mr. “C” did what was considered to be more outrageous that hers but no action taken against him. She also mentioned the much work she did for her employer and the encomium showered on her by the clients in the past.
Oma severely threatened to leave us and move in with Prul, that idle ultimatum stopped the discussion cold and not another word was spoken. Our peaceful Sunday morning was suddenly interrupted by great dispute and altercation. It saddened Ellen and I that Oma and Mom were mad at each other.
Marketing refers to the process of interacting between the organization and the customers through promoting by reaching them and finally to sell them a product. For every business to meet its objective marketing is an important aspect to be applied. The coffee shop called sweet tooth cafe’s marketing aspect is as follows.