The story of Cain and Abel in the book of Genesis is a great illustration of frustration-induced criminality. According to Berkowitz, “delay or blockage may generate intense anger or even a violent response, if the frustrated individual believes that type of response will eliminate the interference” (Bartol & Bartol, 2016, p. 94). In Genesis 4:4-5, Cain’s perception that Abel was blocking God’s approval of him is illustrated, “and the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So, Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell” (New Revised Standard Version). Upon determining that Abel stood in the way of him being able to obtain approval in the eyes of God, Cain sought to eliminate him. By murdering his brother, Cain was able to temporarily alleviate the frustration he experienced by not being able to obtain God’s approval of his sacrifice. …show more content…
Rioting typically occurs because of a buildup of frustrations. For example, the 2017 Charlottesville Riots could be because of the frustrations felt by both parties. While I personally do not condone anyone, who would result to violence to express their opinions, or anyone who believes in the oppression of others, I feel like these riots illustrate this concept. As stated by Berkowitz, an important dimension to frustration is the level of expectancy to reach a goal” (Bartol & Bartol, 2016). In the case of the Charlottesville Riots, I feel that both parties felt high expectancy of reaching their goals of delivering their respective messages. When they perceived that the other party was preventing them from delivering their message, criminal acts
Do they deserve mercy? Pity, even? Without actually saying it, Capote asks the readers to keep an open mind; he asks for the reader's sympathy before they even read the first page. Villon writes that if readers take pity on people like him (or in this case, Dick and Perry), God will show mercy to them. In the book, Capote even describes Dick and Perry as "brothers in the breed of Cain" (260). In the book of Genesis, the first son of Adam and Eve, Cain, murdered his brother, Abel out of jealously and spite. God punished Cain by banishing him, not death, and even lightened Cain’s punishment after he complained that it was too much to bear. God showed mercy, just as Villon asserted in the epigraph. Capote assumes that the audience knows this story well beforehand, and this further shows what he is trying to convey. By laying down this foundation in the epigraph then reiterating this point later on in the book, Capote shows his audience that he isn’t an author who thinks that murderers are just that: murderers. He wants the reader to leave their hidebound views at
When God proclaims that he favors Abel's gift over Cain's, Cain becomes angry and jealous towards Abel and he eventually kills him. Although God is fully aware of what has transpired, He asks Cain where Abel is, and Cain answers Him untruthfully saying, "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:2-5). After God reveals to Cain that he knows of Abel's murder, God banishes Cain to another part of the land and places a mark on him so that no man will kill him.
Cain and Abel (4:1-16): Both brothers gave God an offering to please Him. But God didn’t care for Cain’s offering and favored Abel’s instead. Because Cain had a hard time controlling his anger, he went out and killed his brother out of sheer jealousy and rage. When he returned, he lied to God and said that he had no idea where his brother could have gone. God was very upset and cursed Cain to be a helpless wanderer and for his crops to be fruitless for the rest of his life.
The movement and specifically the event I would have liked to take part, is what some have labeled “The Original American Protest.” The event I speak of, being the Boston Tea Party, and the movement itself was the start on the American Revolution. The American Revolution may be the most significant yet, overlooked movement in history. One reason I would have wanted to be present at the Tea Party, was because it was one of the first calculated protest against Great Britain, by the American people. By throwing the tea into the harbor the American people stated they were not going to accept the British taxing items they needed to import. Furthermore, it told the British they were not going to surrender to the British’s reign any longer. This
Cain and Abel in biblical history was the first instance of murder. The Cain and Abel story foreshadows that Aron would be killed directly or indirectly by Caleb. These connections were made when Adam backed away from his children. This childhood brought emotional turmoil all through Caleb’s life. Even after their childhood when Caleb brought his father money after Adam’s failed lettuce investment he refused to take it, which drove Caleb insane.
Numerous times, protests start off as untroubling. In fact, they are beneficial to a certain extent, for they “provide a vent to society and also allow governments to understand better the issues their citizens are facing” (UN News Centre 2012). However, often these protests cross this blurry line and are rendered violent, causing danger to the American people. A recent example of a protest transforming into a riot was the Anti- Trump protest in Portland. These protests started off as being peaceful and allowed the protesters to express their opinions on the issue. However, the protesters eventually became so invested in the matter that it quickly mutated into a riot with people smashing windows, kicking cars, and vandalizing buildings (USA TODAY 2016) .This rapid change from peace to violence is a result of the blurry line between what is considered peaceful and what is considered violent. Due to the few restrictions on both the right to petition and assemble, what is perceived as violent is open to interpretation. More specifically, the protesters may not have deemed that kicking cars and smashing windows was violent; thus, they proceeded with these clearly dangerous activities anyways. Since the unlimited nature of both of these rights leaves a massive gray area in regards to what is
One always asks, why does one kill? For love, for money, for power…and sometimes because the devil was hissing in your ear, kissing your neck, willing you on. He’d spoke of wrong doings, and trespasses, ones that could not be forgiven. So Cain had taken destiny into his hands, millenia ago he was going to find himself wrapped up in the embrace of hell, of Satan, and the Pit.
A 'riot' is commonly defined as a disorderly behaviour, which often involve violence and the destruction of property (Andrews, 2014, p. 292). Riots can be viewed from a Conservative point of view and from a Radical point of view. Conservatism and Radicalism are both political ideologies. Although ideologies are 'explanatory frameworks that help to make sense of society' (Andrews, 2014, p. 306), conservatism and radicalism contrast in many ways. Conservatism is associated with wisdom, limited politics, and natural hierarchy, legitimising the existing order. Radicalism is linked to progress, universal rights and popular sovereignty, suggesting alternative to the existing order (The Open University, 2016b).
In Genesis, God interacts with Adam by speaking to him face to face. Whether God was giving out instructions or punishment to Adam and Eve, he was always doing it on a personal level. The usual portrayal of God as an omniscient being is instead replaced as mentor to Adam and Eve who is trying to help them understand their existence. This close relationship is shown even when man does something wrong. The only rule that God gives to Adam is that he must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve go on to break the singular rule and be punished; but not to the extent most would think. Before partaking of the fruit God says that, "the day that you eat of it you shall die"(Genesis). Instead of dying, Adam and Eve are removed from the garden and go begin their lives. God punishes them for their actions, but also gives clothes and allows them to take the knowledge they have gained from the tree. Even after breaking the one rule that he has set for them, God allowed them to keep the knowledge they gained to begin mankind. This grace towards humanity is shown once again with Adam and Eve's children, Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel after God accepts Abel's offering and not his own. Even with Cain having killed his own brother, God still does not punish Cain severally; "you will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth"(Genesis). This punishment is especially seen as inadequate as Cain goes on to settle in Nod and have his own family. This mercy by God shows that he was unable to punish humanity even for the most serious of offenses. This lack of punishment shows God's sympathy for mankind because of his close relationship with them. This close relationship stems from God's close bond with mankind because of their similar image and knowledge. This relationship that began as two very similar beings, has further blossomed as God has given great responsibility to
Cain and Abel were much like any sibling pair that you would see today. In one specific way, they were vastly different. Cain was a worker of the field and Abel tended to the sheep. Both Cain and Abel were sons of Adam and Eve, obviously. Cain was the oldest and Abel was youngest.
"(Gardner 26). Cain was the first murderer in the bible whose descendants were cursed by God as punishment. Early in Grendel’s life he believes that his actions alone control his life, this means that Grendel originally believes in the power of free will. A large amount of characters in the story negatively affect Grendel’s beliefs by speaking to him basically of how pointless life is and how free will is nothing more than an idea created by human beings to give their lives meaning. The negative ideas that these characters expressed toward Grendel did not seem to do much to affect his outlook until he was introduced to the dragon.
God comes to Cain to confront him with the responsibility and Cain denies him. God comes not to find the truth, but to allow Cain the opportunity to admit the truth. Never being able to admit his sin and receive God's blessing, he receives a curse. His farming shall not flourish as it once did, and he must wander and be a fugitive. God puts a mark on Cain as one of deserving of death yet one chosen by God to live. One interpretation of the mark is that God believes death is too good for Cain and punishes him by making him live with what he has to do. It can also be looked at as allowing Cain an open door through which he can return whenever he is ready to face things more honestly.
Jig is helpless, confused, and indecisive girl. She relies on the American and she hopes he can take charge of their unplanned pregnancy. However, the man avoids discussing the pregnancy and he pushes Jig to get rid of the baby. Jig is powerless to face two dilemmas. Firstly, she does not know whether to have an abortion or not. Baby is her dream, but it also a white elephant because she does not have ability to feed it. She faces ice as well as fire. One hand is ideal and cold snow-Pyrenees to represent an unborn life. On the other hand is realistic, hot, and stuffy bar to stand for the American’s pressure. Secondly, she hesitates if they break up. American’s a lot of sweet words cannot console and support her. Through American’s talking,
In John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, the characters of Charles and Cal act as parallels when taking into account the Genesis story of Cain & Abel. The Genesis story of Cain & Abel tells the story of Adam & Eve’s twin sons. Cain, tiller of the ground, was characterized as the ‘evil’ brother, with unsound thoughts and tendencies. While Abel, keeper of the sheep, was characterized as the ‘good’ brother embodying a light pureness and divinity, making him the complete opposite of his brother Cain. Each brother brought offerings to God, and while Abel’s offering of the firstlings of his flock was respected by God, Cain’s offering of the fruit from the ground was not respected. From the rejection God gave Cain, Cain soon grew jealous of his brother Abel,
Did you know that the Holy Bible was written over 3500 years ago ("When Was the Bible Written?" - Biblica. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.)? In Genesis 1-4, by God this book was written over thousands ago. This story in the Bible is about one great God putting everything we know into existing and creating human however one of the human named Cain gets jealous of his younger brother Abel and kills him. Ultimately, the story portrays the relationship between creation story, jealousies, love, murder and punishment in mankind. In return of God’s creation being jealous, God states the punishment upon Cain however, God still shows love by letting Cain Know that if anybody body tries to kill will suffer sevenfold vengeance (The Norton Anthology World