A significant challenge I have faced in my life was when I went through survival training during the summer of 9th grade when I was apart of a military youth program known as the California Cadet Corps. Known as the hardest feat in the program, Cadets who enlist in it must survive 5 days in the woods without food, water or shelter accompanied 3 strangers in order to receive one of the highest honors, the red beret. Though at first the task sounds lively, it quickly transforms into a living nightmare where one must endure hunger, cold nights, and grueling feelings of regret and homesickness that nearly made me pick up the security radio given to us and say the shameful words, I quit. If not for the group of daring individuals alongside me,
Real life scenario When on the Army trip I went on for a week I was undergoing an assault course which I really didn’t want to do as a lot of it involved heights which I am very intimated by. But by talking to my team and the officers they helped me build my confidence to a point where I wanted to get on the course and do as best as I could. Because of my confidence I was able to take on the
Everyone has particular ways to cope with their own obstacles and overcome them. In an article named “4 Tips For Overcoming Obstacles” written by Kevin Daum, it talks about the challenges he went through. He talked about his three-week long trip to Vietnam with how he did faced
This essay addresses operational challenges and ways for improving functional training skills for progressive changes for all Soldiers of the California Army National Guard (CAARNG). By improving the current operational practices and providing continuous training that uses standardized approaches and practices for CAARNG NCO’s will assist in the development of inexperienced NCO’s and the retention of highly experienced NCO’s.
What it means to me, to be a R.O.T.C. Junior Cadet at Pryor Middle School. Being a R.O.T.C Junior Cadet means a whole lot to me, as it has been my lifelong dream to serve in the United States Military. A R.O.T.C Junior Cadet should demonstrate qualities of loyalty and patriotism, dependability and good character, obedience to discipline, and leadership abilities. It is important to show loyalty because loyalty builds character and reliability in a person. Being able to understand and exert discipline is also important in order to be successful.
“Accept the challenge so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.” Stated by George S. Patton, a senior officer of the United States Army, trying to explain that if you try to achieve difficult goals and complete them, you will feel success and feel good about yourself. You will feel that because you knew that you have put in the work to complete that and you have felt better than you ever felt before. Challenges are always needed because they help you gain confidence, grow, learn, and excel in whatever you are doing. They are needed because when you excel, you want to do more challenging things because you want to feel that success again. This means that when you have tough goals and complete it, you will feel success and grow as an individual and want to challenge yourself even more.
My biggest obstacle was August 1, 2005 when our apartment building caught fire. My Mother, Brother, Sister, and I were home, it was the most distressing thing I've ever had to encounter. The night of my Aunt's birthday a fire started and the smoke made me feel as if I was drowning. My cousin Kendrick Weber woke me up, because I wasn't waking up when my sister tried. He pulled me out through the window and my forehead
Although it was a large obstacle, I was determined to power through. So for 7 days I learned the marching drill. I memorized the music. I played the notes. I tried not to pass out and die. By the end of camp I had accumulated sunburn, a giant bruise on my left shoulder, and a sense of accomplishment. There truly is nothing better than doing something people say you can't
I have faced many challenging situations but I have not let them keep me from reaching my goals. One such situation was when I fixed a very problematic PT Cruiser. My father does a lot of odd jobs to support the family and a mechanic is one of them. I have been working with my father since I was eight. I wanted a challenge so I asked my father if I could replace it by myself which he agreed to. After I started to disassemble the car I realized that it was a bigger challenge than I had expected. It was only suppose to be a simple timing belt replacement but after I started to disassemble the car I realized that it was a bigger challenge than I had expected. I struggled to remove part after part because of its complexity and was tempted to give
I awoke the following morning to shouts of “LIGHTS, LIGHTS, LIGHTS!” which meant get the hell out of bed as fast as you can and stand on line. As we stood waiting for our instructions from our drill instructors, we could all sense each others fear. For the next 13 weeks we would be told what to do how to think and when to breath. Not only was it physical but also psychological, we would be torn down and built in to the perfect Marine. After we were yelled at to get dressed in our camies, we marched down to the chow hall. I had maybe 2 minutes to scarf down my
That night our last assignment was to escape from a prison camp nestled in the jungle not far from our location. We were formed up in platoon size chunks and marched down a dusty road with instructions to periodically peel off into the woods when the guards were looking in groups of four. The march began and the Sgt. gave the word that every 30 seconds a different group would run for the woods and work their way to friendly lines. Now with my group we had an officer candidate for West Point when he graduated this phase of training, and he didn’t let us forget that. We were all the same rank though for the moment and we would see what leadership qualities he lacked shortly thereafter. When it came our time to bolt we charged out through ditch
A key lesson that I learned from the preparation was that I should not only rely on just my friends, but also trust in others because you never know what they could bring to the table. Both situations had its ups and downs. Not every task is easy, but when you do something because you truly want to then all other obstacles
At the beginning of the year, I had a major winter that I was faced with. I felt like I could not overcome the challenge. The challenge that I am referring to is attending the Star Academy Program. I was intimidated. I felt that I would not be able to succeed. I just knew that the work was going to be extremely hard. Now that I am in the program, I have found that it's not like I thought it was going to be. It is actually pretty interesting and the teachers there are good listeners. The help they provide is exceptional.
When was the last time you were faced with a challenge? Without challenges every day we as human beings, would never achieve anything. Because we are facing new challenges every day, we are discovering things that we can only dream about. Every single one of us are faced with challenges day in and day out. We can either choose to ignore these challenges, or we can face them head on. I recently became aware of Warren Macdonald, the ‘star’ of the film that I watched, and a truly remarkable man. He had been an inspiration to me on a personal level. Warren is faced with some truly horrendous challenges every day, having no legs. This did not stop Warren from doing some marvelous things with his life. Warren has climbed many mountains all around the world , even
Some of the guys in my company sat around the night before talking about some of the hard times in boot camp. I talked about the hard part for me was the fire fighting training and taking off that gas mask,
In my search to discover the best environment to continue my studies I have come across many schools. While I have been impressed by each, Virginia Tech is the only to have genuinely captured my attention. Spending a night with the Corps was the single greatest experience of my life and has led me to pursue not only Virginia Tech but the Corps as well. Being exposed to reputable college students chasing their dreams has influenced me to do the same. If their presence was able to impact me so strongly, what can I achieve after four years of being surrounded by the Corps of Cadets? An institution built on distinguished students of high moral value is unquestionably the conclusion of my college pursuit. Virginia Tech is where I belong.