Utah / California
Compare and Contrast
Utah and California have numerous similarities and differences from post Native American settlement, religious affiliation, to demographic concentrations. Both states are in the western United States but I believe that there are more obvious differences between the states then similarities between them. A majority of lower and mid western US states has seen the exploration efforts of the Spanish, but other then this the settlement efforts of Utah and California have a bigger presence of distinctions. Utah can be seen being settled by the Latter Day Saints to escape religious persecution from those in the US east, while California rather than religion experienced immigration and settlement due to the
Another case involving the affirmative action policies was the Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. This is another case of “seat holding” in where the school admission policy was reserving a number of sets for minority applicants. Bakke, a white applicant, was denied twice to the medical school. Minorities were allowed admittance with low-test scores though Bakke had high MCAT scores, GPA, and benchmarks (McBride, 2007). The result of the whole trial was that the California Supreme Court found that the system explicitly discriminated against racial groups and stated, “No applicant may be rejected because of his race, in favor of another who is less, as measured by standards applied without regard to race,” (McBride, 2007). The medical school was then ordered to shut down their quota system.
California State has its own laws that show indifferences with the Federal Government laws. However, the laws are under the guidance of the Federal laws. The main function of the legislative branch of California is to make laws, case works and power of the purse which allows them to vote for money allocation for public use.
In all states ask for at least two or more witnesses, and testify of the crime of treason at open court. The more severe law of treason was California the punishment is life in prison or death. But one particle state I find was Texas that have a special article of treason and the representative, senators, and congress representatives shall be exempt from this crime. Oregon and the federal law looks the same with the exception of the punishment.
Luke Carroll p. 2 Compare / Contrast California vs Iowa California’s average temperature in San Francisco in July to August is 72 degrees. While in Iowa the average temperature in Dubuque, Iowa in July to August is 89 degrees. California has rainy winters and dry summers. The ocean influence creates warmer winters and cooler summers. Iowa winters are the coldest time of the year and the summer are the hottest. California only receives snow in the mountains; Iowa receives snow throughout the state. Des Moines, Iowa state capital is the largest city it is also the center of the insurance industry and financial services. Iowa average population is 3.06 million. Los Angeles is California’s largest city it is one of the world’s centers of media, business and international trade.
Utah was founded by Mormons in 1847. At the time, Utah was under control by Mexicans, but after the Mexican-American war, the U.S gained the land. Mormon leaders wanted to create Utah into a new state called “Deseret”, and to have Mormon leader Brigham Young as a State Representative. Congress disagreed, but Utah was formed into a U.S territory. Utah had mainly Mormon settlers, but when Californian troops found mineral deposits, non-Mormon settlers began coming. Utah became a big mining and agricultural state.
From the rolling hills of New Hampshire to the arid deserts of Arizona, the United States has diversification when it comes to their states. After having resided in both for the whole of my life, it became quite clear what the two do and do not have in common. Nearly on opposing sides of the nation, New Hampshire and Arizona have numerous sets of unique and shared qualities.
The legislative framework of a country refers to the process of creating, utilization, and governing of laws. In the United States, the government of each of the 50 states is structured in accordance with their respective constitution and although not required, each are modeled after the federal government, consisting of the three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Each of the state governments are also organized as a presidential system where the governor is the head of the state. Due to each state having their own governor as their representative, their legislative framework will vary with each state. For this paper, I will be comparing the legislative framework of Florida with the state of California.
The book, California Politics and Government: A practical Approach, helps students understand the government and politics. It describes the principles used in the state government and the relevance of these to the nowadays students and the future ones. The book has clear examples and explanations that help the students understand the California politics. It includes budgetary politics and policies, California law and court cases, government regulations, policymaking and elections in terms of political parties and interest groups. It addresses the economic, educational, immigration and social issues and theireffecton the politics. Students are able to familiarize with the public policy coverage; hence, make a connection between the effects and practical applications of legislation and the government.
LaTessia Shane Professor Karmosky Geography 151 21 May 2015 California and Portugal Portugal and the Southwestern part of California both have the same climate type. The climate type is Mediterranean. Mediterranean climates have hot, dry, sunny summers and a winter rainy season. (Thomas et al.
There are many differences between the states of Virginia and California. Virginia is on the East Coast of the United States, while California is located on the West Coast. The current paper will be a comparison of the two states above mentioned. It will mainly focus on demographic characteristics, migration, age distribution, languages spoken, marital status, housing, energy and transportation. It will also briefly focus on geography, cost and efficiency.
In addition to keeping a better watch on the Mormons, becoming a state would allow more and more “Gentiles” to settle in Utah and disrupt the overwhelming majority of Mormons. As seen in Nebraska’s admission to the Union (1867), the population increased almost ten times, from 120,000 to just over 1,000,000 in 1890, only 23 years later. (Dalstrom) Congress hoped that by granting statehood to the mainly Mormon territory of Utah there will be an influx of non-Mormons to balance out the population. Congress turned out to be accurate. Utah’s population at
Although studies have shown that the key differences between the U.S. Congress and the California legislature is causing the California legislature to become a weaker body, Political scientists believe that these two bodies can still create a major impact for our government by making decisions on how to boom up the economy. These eight differences between the two bodies are proving society that individuals can lead a proper lifestyle today by passing laws that will improve our water supply, agriculture, stock market and many more. First, the U.S. Congress and the California legislature have different term limits or number of years that they can serve in an elected office. These terms were executed by the Proposition 140 passed in 1990.
The California and Federal judicial systems are very similar in how they are designed and how they function. California state courts are established and primarily obtain their power from the California State Constitution. This is similar to federal judicial system in that federal courts derive their power from the United States Constitution. The following paper will compare and contrast the extreme similarities between both judicial systems as well as some of the distinct differences.
Before the Gold Rush of 1849, California was a sparsely populated, unimportant territory of the United States mostly inhabited by the people of Mexico. However, that all changed when on January 24, 1848; carpenter and small time sawmill operator James W. Marshall discovered a gold nugget in the American River that would forever change the history of California and America1. Not only did the Gold Rush lead to California’s admittance into the Union in 1850, it also rekindled the idea of the American Dream. Hundred’s of thousands of people poured into the state by the lure of quick and infinite riches. As a result of the Gold Rush, California
In population Nevada is one of the smallest states of the fifty states in the Union, but it invites and receives more intense national publicity than many others. “It is a testing ground for unorthodox social theories and an outpost of solid American conservatism” (313). Because the state is so large and its centers of population is so widely scattered, no single generalization about it will suffice for a historical summary. Nevada, with its 110,000 square miles, would cover more than half of Spain. Nevada is not the largest state in the Union, but it is big enough to inspire awe in its visitors” (2).