At the end of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, Antony refers to Brutus by saying, "This was the noblest Roman of them all". I do not think that Brutus was the noblest character in the play. Quite frankly, I would think that Calpurnia Caesar, the 3rd and Last wife of Julius would be. She is a caring and loving and humble wife that has been there for Caesar up to his time of death. You really can not get more noble than that. Calpurnia is always by his side with him even when she is not physically with him and always looking out for his best interest even when he does not look after his best interest for himself.
In the play Calpurnia had a dream/vision that a statue of Caesar was flowing with blood at the same time, that many Romans were
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Her intentions are noble and deep from her heart and with only the best of intentions. She is frighten because of the Ides of March.Throughout the story Calpurnia is a strong and intellectual woman. She strongly believes that women are as equals to men. If she was in a different time she would have probably started the woman equality movement and fought for them to have rights. She truly believes that anything a man can do a women can do as well, or even better. Most of the time she, with nobelist of intentions, is at the side of Julius Caesar her husband and love.. She has a very strong will power and is fully supportive of her husband a true wife of the Commander of the Roman army and spouse to the future king of Rome, had her husband lived to see it happen.
One weakness of her’s and it is not really a true weakness is that she loves Julius Caesar too much. Love can be a blessing but can also be a curse. For example, she is willing to do anything, even get down on her knees and beg for Julius to stay at home. If Julius leaves her side she is a very quiet and depressed person. Him leaving her side on the day of her dream makes her very uncomfortable. Calpurnia felt that she should have tried harder to make him stay. She is in extreme agony when he
3.The significance of Lupercal is that it symbolizes fertility and that Rome will rebirth when the conspirators kill caesar. The fertility of Calpurnia is to see into the future that might happen.
Alcee helps Calixta safeguard the house, thereby placing them on the same footing as partners. Through the sexual encounter that ensues, Calixta continues to free herself from the confines of the societal constraints of being a woman, moving farther into her own individuality. Chopin describes Calixta?s body as finally ?knowing for the first time its birthright,? that is, freedom from inferiority (860). Since Calixta?s awakening comes through a sexual encounter, many argue that the sex she shares with Alcee is the birthright she discovers. By describing a previous encounter they shared in Assumption, Chopin shows that while the sex leads Calixta to her discovery, the breakthrough goes deeper than merely sex. The passion that Calixta finds within herself springs from this very self-awareness and freedom.
Calypso fell in love with Odysseus and wants to marry him. She was possessed by her ‘love’ for Odysseus. Although Odysseus did not
Overall, Calpurnia demonstrates her understanding of the influence of language, and to use it properly to respect the dignity of other people.
This attempt quickly failed when she said that his hubris just took over. “I knew that Caesar should have stayed away from the Senate house yesterday, but I guess his pride just took over his mind, it was just all too much,” Calpurnia sobbed. “This has turned out to be the most tragic moment in my life and I hope those conspirators kneel to the gods, for they have upset the heavens with the killing of the mightiest leader Rome has ever seen.”
Along with the actuality and the attempts of manipulation in this play reside many forced manipulations. In the same scene in which Calpurnia convinces her husband to not go to the Capitol, a group of conspirators meet at Caesar's house to make sure he does not decide to stay at home, simply so that the planned assassination can, in fact, take place. Brutus, one of the conspirators, tells Caesar that his wife is superstitious, and that he should not be listening to her.
Julius Caesar was a very arrogant man. He thought very highly of himself. Although, everyone in Rome respected him. They didn 't care what he did. I ii 273 He claimed he was not scared of anything. Calpurnia had nightmares, they were thought as representations of signs of Caesar´s death. Caesar wanted to go to the capitol, Calpurnia told him it was not safe because of her nightmares. In her dreams, there were dead men walking, a statue running with blood like a fountain, while many smiling Romans bathed their hands in the blood. She also had a dream of ghosts wandering the city, a lioness giving
	Julius Caesar vacillates, or changes, his mind throughout the play and this downfall is shown to be one of Caesar’s hamartias. On the day Caesar is to go to the Capitol, he changes his decisions frequently. Caesar defies the warnings of Calpurnia and the priests and Caesar says that she, Caesar, shall go forth to the Capitol this day. "Caesar. Caesar shall forth. The things that threatened me Ne’er looked but on my back. When they shall see The face of Caesar, they are vanished." Through this quotation, it seems Caesar has made his mind to go forth to the Capitol. Calpurnia, though, is able to persuade him to stay home and send word that he is sick. Caesar replies, "Caesar. Mark Antony shall say I am not well, And for thy humour I will stay at home."(2,2,55-56) Decius then flatters Caesar and is able to persuade him that Calpurnia’s nightmare is misinterpreted and that he
but she behaves immorally. She is a very pretty woman who has a fling with her former lover Alcee while waiting out the storm. Calixta seems to be a good mother and to care for her husband, she just isn’t happy with him. For example, she worries about Bibi and Bobinot’s safety the storm, which proves she cares for them. Yet she finds comfort from her former lover Alcee while worrying about her husband and child. Chopin states “Alcee’s arm encircled her, and for an instant he drew he close and spasmodically to him” (The Storm 2). This proves she must care for her husband, but turns to Alcee when needed comforting.
He says that he is not afraid because he is not a coward,- he feels
The main thing Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia does in the play is tell Caesar to stay at home on the day of his murder because of many unnatural events that have taken place the night before and because she has had
Calpurnia’s first reason for wanting Caesar to stay at home is her fear of the supernatural events and the chaos in Rome, so she convinces him of her points with ethos and pathos. In the first line,
The clang of the swords on the shields pierced General Julius Caesar’s ear. He couldn’t wait till the war against the Greeks was over and he could return home to his wife. He slaughtered 113 enemy soldiers and was still on the hunt to find one. He stepped over 47 bodies, some of which were still breathing and groaning their last breaths on the eastern shore of the river Acheron. Caesar's nemesis was General Brutus,the leader of the greek army, and his old best friend. After the battle at the River of Acheron, General Julius Caesar rode back to his camp, Gleaming in his Ice-white armour, shining in his glory after his victory vs the Greeks.
There is no doubt her husband loves and cares for her but her feelings and passion seemed untouched by Bobinot. Before her marriage, Alcee seemed to satisfy her in a way that Bobinot does not, but since she loves her family she represses those feelings. The story of Calixta is saddening to me but as a mother myself, I can understand why she chooses to repress her feelings. Her husband seems to give her no cause to disrupt family life and leave the marriage and she does not make that decision based on pure selfish reasons. Her choice simply relieved her possible frustrations for a while.
Caesar could have left her but stayed because he loved Calpurnia unconditionally. Honour was also essential because, Cassius and Brutus were named honourable but Mark Anthony proved to be honourable when he revealed the true motives of the conspirators which were to kill Caesar for personal satisfaction instead of the country’s greater good. Betrayal was a key factor in the story, Cassius felt betrayed by Caesar himself because he saved his life at sea and Cassius feels that Caesar owes him a debt of gratitude because it wasn’t for his brave act Caesar wouldn’t have lived to see his victory also Caesar was betrayed by his fellow men when they turned on him and eventually killed him. Patriotism was also a factor because Brutus always had a vision for Rome and he would do anything to protect his country, even if takes the heartache of killing Caesar. Selfishness was a serious issue in this tale because Cassius was so wrapped up in his own agenda that he would do anything to get his vindication on Caesar if it meant manipulation. Selflessness was an attribute in this story by Caesar risking his life and limb to free the Roman citizens against