
Calpurnia Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Calpurnia is a better mother figure because she does all of the following subjects about her. Calpurnia is a better mother because she cooks for the family. She will cook for the kids if they are hungry. Calpurnia is a good example of a mother she will do a lot for the kids. Next Calpurnia will help the kids if they are being rude to others, for example Calpurnia tells Scout to come into the kitchen, Calpurnia tells her don’t say to Walter your using way to much syrup. She states that its rude to say that to people who don’t have that much food. Calpurnia is the maid of the family she feeds the family food, helps the kids and does the cleaning in the house. Calpurnia is a better mother figure because she does all of the info I stated up above.

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