
Calzones: A Short Story

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In the dull white office filled with bored workers, Lacie disclosed, "Wow, I am really starting to get hungry and it's still only 10:30 AM." Heather replied, "Ehh, I had a breakfast burrito earlier: I can wait until noon atleast." as she scrolled through Facebook on her phone looking at other people's great lives in envy. Race quickly wrapped up what he explained to the customer on the phone line and announced, "Do you guys know what sounds really good right now?" Realizing everyone was talking about food Casey awoke and stated, "We're not ordering pizza for the third time this week. Race don't you get tired of the same thing over and over again?" As he clicked on is computer, Race grinned, "I've got an idea, Calzones! Well it isn't pizza …show more content…

I’ll go ahead and go order some.” The wait for food ensued and 5 minutes felt like an hour to the hungry workers in the lifeless office. Race thought aloud, “I can’t wait for these juicy steaming peperoni filled Calzones, oh my how I want to inhale them.” Casey retorted with complete disgust, “Don’t explain eating in that way, it makes everything sound gross!” Her stomach began to squeal, and her temper became apparent to everyone. Heather exclaimed with great annoyance, “I’m even starting to get hungry, it has been a century since Lacie left to go pick up the food. I need my belly filled …show more content…

You’re a disgrace to all food-loving people, how dare you even put this on my desk!” Race stood up quickly and rushed toward Lacie to confront her about the bad choice of food she purchased. Lacie, who still hasn’t ate was short tempered and quick to yell out, “Get out of my freaking face! I didn’t see you suggesting to leave and go get the food, therefore I got what I wanted without having to argue all day long.” She then plopped down on her office chair and began to gently open up her meal. Tempers flared and now Race was smoldering with anger and hungriness he belted, “I hate your guts Lacie! This is why no one in here likes you one bit!” Race tried to swallow back his spiteful words, but it was too late. Everyone paused with their forks halfway in the air and looked with blank faces towards the unprecedented event that unfolded in front of their eyes. Lacie as shocked as everyone else said nothing but crossed her arms on the table and began to weep

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