I am beyond excited to share that I am going to Cambodia June 4-14 with CGI (Center for Global Impact)!! God is so good! While in Cambodia, we will be forming relationships with women who have been rescued from human trafficking. My team and I will get to work alongside them and ultimately share the hope we have in Christ Jesus with them. Please pray as my team and I begin to prepare for our trip! Cambodia is 95% Buddhist, and not many know the love that God has for them. Pray that we will be able to be a light to those who live in darkness. Also pray that I will prepare spiritually, that I will grow closer to our Lord so that I may walk right alongside Him in such a dark country. My biggest fear is that I will take for granted the opportunities I have while in Cambodia, so pray specifically that I will make every moment of this trip count—before, during, and even after. …show more content…
If you feel lead to do so, there are a few ways you can help. It takes 30 hours to get to Cambodia—fund one hour of my flight for $100! You can also visit my Etsy store (HopeForTheLost) that I will be launching soon! I will be selling hand painted watercolor Bible verses and quotes. All proceeds will be going toward this trip! And lastly, you can send any amount of monetary donation- it all adds up and is all appreciated! It truly takes a village to do the work of the Lord! I thank you for your prayers and support in
When I started writing this research paper, it was just another assignment to get done but I learned so much and became passionate about the cause. I have researched different groups and have decided to volunteer abroad in an orphanage. These kids ask for nothing more than to feel secure and loved, something that most children take for granted here in the U.S. everyday. I am leaning toward Projects Abroad to do my volunteer work because they are a non-religious group("Do International Volunteer Work with Children in Romania with Projects Abroad."). Most of the groups are Christian and I am not very religious so I chose not to join those. Hopefully I will be going in the summer of 2010, I have to wait because the price to go is around $3,000.
This summer I will be going to latin America through a non-profit organization called Amigos de las Americas.
The Samaritan’s Purse is a “nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world...” (Samaritan’s). Not only does this charity provide aid to the destitute people of pagan countries, but it also provides the love and nurture of Christ Jesus to the lost souls of the world. For this reason, the Samaritan’s Purse is favored among Christians around the globe, although the Christian faith is not a requirement to donate to the cause of one’s choice. There are over twenty ministry projects one can donate to or even volunteer to be part of, including the following: Operation Christmas Child, The Greatest Journey, US Disaster Relief, and Children’s Ministries. Imagine
This is Paige! I am writing to ask you if you would like to sponsor me on my mission trip! By being a sponsor, I am asking not only for you're help financially if you are able, but most importantly to pray for me before and during my mission!!
U.S. president, Richard Nixon’s activities angered the people in the Congress, which led to a limited power of a president. During his presidency, Nixon ordered an annihilation to the base camp in Cambodia. Although, Cambodia was a neutral nation, he declared a bomb in order to eliminate the base camps that were assisting others. Before he publicly announced his choice to bomb Cambodia, he’d been secretly invading them without the public nor the Congress knowledge. When news broke out in 1970, there were massive protests across the U.S.
While going to college I got to have the experience of a lifetime. Myself, and a group of 15 others went on a mission trip to New Orleans, Louisiana. We all got to see many cultural differences and help people in need. Helping people in need just
I’m looking forward to seeing what God will do in my life as my classmates and I serve Him in COSTA RICA. I would ask you to please pray that during this time:
A little over a year ago, I had to make the decision of choosing between two different trips. I could either go to Spain with the Spanish class and see all that the country has to offer, or I could visit Haiti with the church and give my time to help out around their community. Many factors weighed in on my decision, but in the end, I chose to travel to Haiti!
Going to another country can be a little bit scary, especially if you are going to a third world country and you don’t plan on staying in the safe touristy areas. With this blog, I hope to appeal to others who are going on a mission trip to Nicaragua for the first time. Through my personal narrative, I hope to calm those first time jitters that people are inclined to get before doing something outside of their comfort zone. It can help when you have an idea about what you are getting into, but there are some things that no one can understand until they have been there, and that’s okay.
For the past two years I have dedicated one Wednesday a month to going to Ronald McDonald House. While there, my peers and I would cook and serve a dinner for the families staying in the House. I loved the way it felt to give back to these families that had been going though such hard times with their children, so I decided to
Lateral violence is a devastating phenomenon in the nursing workplace. It is also known as ‘horizontal violence’ or ‘workplace bullying (Coursey, Rodriguez, Dieckmann, & Austin, 2013). In this evidenced-based paper there will be information provided to figure out why there is lateral violence in the workplace and how to incorporate civility.
at the orphanage, I was able to help build a sidewalk and a garage for
Many science fiction stories highlight the connectivity between the past, present, and future, emphasizing the need to take care of all three for the success of our world. Firstly, in “A Sound of Thunder” Lesperance and Travis stress how careful the safari members need to be in the past in order to guarantee they come back to the same future, and Lesperance explained, “ ‘... When I find the one that’s going to die… I shoot them with a paint bomb… Then I correlate our arrival in the Past so that we meet the Monster not more than two minutes before he would have died anyway. This way, we kill only animals with no future, that are never going to mate again. You see how careful we are?’ " (Bradbury1). This quote shows how much the safari leaders
Summer 2016 I had the opportunity of serving for a second time with a Christian organization called Steps of Justice (SOJ) during one of their mission trips to Phnom Penh, Cambodia (I also served in 2015). SOJ facilitates three mission/service trips to Phnom Penh each summer and focuses on building relationships and supporting NGOs that work year round on site. These trips last for about 11 days each and the official trip dates for the 2016 trip were June 27-July 7. Our team was busy most days starting around eight in the morning and sometimes lasting until ten or eleven at night. During this time we completed work projects for organizations (such as painting, etc), led Bible studies, lead children’s programs, learned from local
When a child is born, its family raises it in hope for him to become successful. Inevitably time remains slow, yet it is constant. Thanks be to God that we wake up every morning knowing that we can rely on its consistency to creep on us as children grow older. A mother’s dream, with three children, is for the last child to live happily and a father’s is for his children to be cautious of the threats the world has within. But as a result of the values and characteristic that the child has developed, he chose his own path in life. He chose to become a pilot. When he reached high school, he learned that the best way to earn your career is to obtain a degree that certifies you in your profession. That is when he decided to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. There he wants to major in Aeronautical Science and someday earn his way to his own 747.