
Cambodia Mission Trip

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I am beyond excited to share that I am going to Cambodia June 4-14 with CGI (Center for Global Impact)!! God is so good! While in Cambodia, we will be forming relationships with women who have been rescued from human trafficking. My team and I will get to work alongside them and ultimately share the hope we have in Christ Jesus with them. Please pray as my team and I begin to prepare for our trip! Cambodia is 95% Buddhist, and not many know the love that God has for them. Pray that we will be able to be a light to those who live in darkness. Also pray that I will prepare spiritually, that I will grow closer to our Lord so that I may walk right alongside Him in such a dark country. My biggest fear is that I will take for granted the opportunities I have while in Cambodia, so pray specifically that I will make every moment of this trip count—before, during, and even after. …show more content…

If you feel lead to do so, there are a few ways you can help. It takes 30 hours to get to Cambodia—fund one hour of my flight for $100! You can also visit my Etsy store (HopeForTheLost) that I will be launching soon! I will be selling hand painted watercolor Bible verses and quotes. All proceeds will be going toward this trip! And lastly, you can send any amount of monetary donation- it all adds up and is all appreciated! It truly takes a village to do the work of the Lord! I thank you for your prayers and support in

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