
Cameron Russell Ted Talk Summary

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In this speech critique, I will be analyzing a speech that fashion model Cameron Russell gave during a TED talk. The title of Russell's speech is "Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model." In this speech, Russell gives the audience an inside look into her opinion on working for the modeling industry and how it has affected her. Moreover, I will be analyzing this speech based on three principles: preparation, presentation, and emulation.
First, I will be evaluating Russell's speech based on preparation. Overall, I believe Russell was prepared. However, I believe she perhaps could have practiced more. She had an ideal opening to her speech which encaptured the audience. I found it interesting that Russell started out her speech by a change of wardrobe. While this is an odd gesture to do during a speech, I believe it caught the audience's attention. Russell was clear in her general idea statement which summarized the context of what her speech was about. Her general idea statement stated she was a model, a pretty white-woman, as well as a sexy woman. After this statement, she used questions and facts to inform the audience of how these characteristics have affected her as well …show more content…

I think in Russell's speech there were a few downfalls. I noticed with her initial credibility, she was somewhat fidgety. She seemed nervous. During one point she is seen with her arms wrapped cross around herself as if she is shielding herself or protecting herself out of perhaps fear. While there were downfalls in Russell's speech, it is essential to take into consideration that there were also positivities. Russell did a fantastic job with visual aids. Her derived credibility and her terminal credibility were on point. She was also able to relate to the audience and engage them. She did a good job of including demographics. Furthermore, these positivities are things I wish to emulate in future speeches of my

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