My favorite part about camp was the canoeing. It was my favorite part because my friend, Adrianna was screaming and that was funny. I liked the race, girls against boys, the girls won the race. In the end my hands were a little red, in pain from canoeing. I kept banging my hand against the canoe on accident. Adri was no longer scared from canoeing. We both thought that was the best part about Camp
The battle of Iwo Jima is an iconic event in which the United States Marine Corps landed on and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese imperial army during World War II. Over twenty thousand Japanese defenders were hiding out in bunkers, caves and tunnels to avoid the massive naval and air bombardment lasting several days covering the entire island. The Japanese were outnumbered five to one but put up no surrender. The United States won the battle five days after it began securing their win with the flag placed atop Mt. Suribachi.
holes, carry their own weapons, and fight against the enemies. “In fact, the Navajo Marines were involved in every assault in the Pacific that included the Soloman Islands, Tarawa, Saipan and even Iwo Jima. At Iwo Jima there were more than 100 Navajo Code Talkers. Iwo Jima proved to be one of the most pivotal battles in the history of the United States and probably the most important engagement in the Pacific during World War II.” (Kowal) The Navajo Code Talkers were a major turning point during the war, without them the US would have had no ways to communicate movements or secrets. A Major once said that because of the Navajo Code Talkers, the Marines never would have taken Iwo Jima. The Japanese, who were skilled code breakers, could not
Throughout WWII, people of different countries were interned and imprisoned in camps all over the world. Japanese-Americans on the West Coast were taken out of their homes and placed in internment camps like Manzanar to detain them from communicating with Japan. Families were torn apart in these camps, leaving them scattered across the United States. The Japanese-Americans were deprived of the claim of habeas corpus, and soon they attempted to return to the life that they lived before the war. Even after Camp Manzanar was closed and World War II ended, Japanese-American families on the West Coast still experienced prejudice and unfairness in their new lives.
We have all have those moments throughout life that are exciting with learning about the global society.
Overall, after reading the article I have learned that we all need support whether it is from our families, friends, co-workers, or teachers. We all need someone to talk to just like Indigenous Youths at camp Niigan Mosewak it is good to see that they are “Put their best foot forward.” In getting the help they need. I have a couple of friends who are Aboriginal People and I would like to learn more about their cultures so I would be asking a lot of questions because I want to know more I want to learn more.
I want to work at camp because I would like to give back. I have attended MFU camp for the past 11 years and I want to give back to MFU and the experience that I had during my years at camp. I would like to make an impact on kids’ lives and help create amazing memories, just like how previous councilors have done for me. I want to help change kids’ lives and give them a week that they will not forget.
In 1945, the United States declared war in Japan after the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor. They did not directly attack Japan because they were on the island. By them being too far away for an Air attack and naval attacks which became unsuccessful. At that time, Japan was still at war with other countries while defending their land against America. The Japanese tried to get something that would make it difficult to defend them. The perfect place for the Americans to attack Japan is Iwo Jima; a small island about 8 sq. miles large and 650 miles away from Tokyo on the Japanese soil. The outcome of the war would be a decision by the United States Marines. They tried to take the Japanese out which lead to violence, death, and destruction.
In a campaign called “My culture is not a costume”, people from different ethnicities denunciate the use of their traditional clothing as a Halloween costume. For example, aboriginal complained that non-aboriginal wore loincloth and feathers. First Nation wears those kinds of outfits during Pow Wow. Pow Wow is an important celebration for Natives and understanding their origin is important.
Holocaust survivors after the war, were not completely done with the suffering. Most lost their homes, belongings, and family to the germans. So when they were released from the camps exhausted and confused, what did they do? Well, most of them moved away or tried to return to their homes. Anywhere they could go to escape the germans, they went. Even after the war was over, anti-semitism still lingered in europe. Despite being mass-liberated, there continued to be violent protests and threats towards jews.
Where did you learn to play basketball, play defense and offense, or be part of a team? There’s a good chance it was at camp, right? We know that camp is not just a place for kids to spend a fun summer, but an excellent setting in which kids can learn life skills that they will rely on long after the camp experience has passed.
Our whole grade went to Bournedale last week and it was awesome and a great learning experience. I think out of all the classes we had adventure was my favorite. My first reason is that the counselor who runned it was Robbie. Robbie is awesome because he has a british accent, he had his dog with him I love dogs, and he was extremely nice. Next adventure was amazing because we got to climb a ten foot wall. I liked to climb the ten foot wall because when I got up there it was was so nice I could see most of camp and realized it was very large, I was the first person and had much room to walk around. My third reason adventure was my favorite is we go to do something called the zipper. The zipper is when everyone from the
An important life lesson that I learned, by attending camp, is that every person has the ability to choose their own destiny. The intriguing stories told by the survivalists made me think about the conveniences society depends on today. I was able to realize that the opportunity to live in a cabin for a week with my friends meant that I needed to provide for myself. For example, I needed to stay clean while keeping track of my items. I learned how to prepare for the next day by being responsible, safe, and picking up after myself. To summarize, Camp Anokijig showed me how to take care of myself and be self sufficient. By attending Camp Anokijig, I am better prepared for the future. I know that I can take care of myself by keeping hydrated,
The Government should legalize the use of marijuana because of the economic benefits it would offer, The debate over whether the federal government should legalize marijuana has been escalating and states such as Colorado, and Oregon have legalized the use of medical and recreational use of marijuana due to the realization that marijuana could greatly benefit their economies, such as the creation of jobs, tax revenue, and young business leaders. The legalization of marijuana is highly beneficial to the United States government because it will save the government billions of dollars. According to Jeffrey Minron a Harvard economist “If marijuana were legalized, the government would save $7.7 billion dollars annually in law enforcement costs, and it could bring an additional $6.2 billion a year” (3).If the government were to legalize marijuana nationwide, there would be billions of dollars, which could be used to solve actual problems in the United States like education, poverty, Instead, the billions of dollars are being wasted to loosely enforce the ban.
In WWI nearly 37 million people died, Ernest Hemingway was not one of them. Hemingway was an ambulance driver in the Italian army until he was eventually injured by an artillery shell. Once Hemingway returned home he began writing a book based on his experiences of WWI. That book is A Farewell to Arms. In 1929 he published this book and it was met with mixed feelings and calls for it to be banned. I believe that A Farewell to Arms should not be banned because it brings to light many different viewpoints about the war as well as strong literary strategies beneficial to good writing.
Capital punishment has been used for centuries as a way to reduce the cost of inmates, to repay the families of victims and to aid in the safety of our society. In its time, capital punishment has taken on many different forms ranging from hangings and electrical shock to lethal injections. With the risks that are involved in providing a successful death to those on death row, capital punishment needs to be done in a more efficient manner. Complications have occurred during executions, which have fueled a need to repeal the Death Penalty.