I would like to work at Camp Freeland Leslie because last year when I went to NYLT, I was inspired by the staff’s hard work and commitment and I want to give back to my fellow scouts by helping out in a staff position and want to given them a great camping experience. I would also like to further develop my leadership skills I learned at NYLT and apply them while working in the camp on the staff. In 8th grade I attended the STEM Partnership School at Aurora University and learned how to work better as a team. While there, we worked on several group projects and even won two science competitions. Working well on a team is a very useful skill because I will need this throughout my entire life, from school to working at a job.
Some qualities I
The U.S. Army ran the camps, but foresters, carpenters and other people directed the work. The CCC fought forest fires, planted trees, built roads, buildings, picnic areas, swimming areas, campgrounds and created many state parks. When not working, the men socialized and had opportunities to learn crafts and skills.
On the far Northern border of Dundee Wisconsin, a small Scout Camp was founded in 1946 and a legend was born. This camp was named Long Lake, after the lake upon which it resides, and it would experience its fair share of storms and turmoil over the ensuing years. Some of its visitors only ever viewed it as a mosquito infested swamp while others would go on to call it their second home. To me however, I have always had a love hate relationship with its wooded trails and murky waters, yet I shall always cherish my memories of it in my heart. Regardless, Camp Long Lake is still one of my favorite places to visit with its quaint ecology conservation lodge, the various activities its main waterfront has to offer, and the thrills of sleeping
“Honoring the fallen by helping the wounded.” This is Camp Hope’s motto. Can you image what soldiers go through? Soldiers risk their lives to keep us safe. How can we repay them? I believe one way that we could repay them is through Camp Hope.
The Industrial era, starting after the Civil War and ending at the end of the 19th century, was a significant time in American history. To determine the discontent of farmers, all aspects of the Industrial era must be analyzed. Socially, the farmers represented the widening of the classes taking place at the time. Economically, they were the embodiment of the struggling lower and middle class. Politically, the farmers discontent did not go unnoticed as the two party system was disrupted by a surging new third party, the populists. The farmers discontent affected many parts of the American society at the time, and had a major effect on politics.
Camp Ketcha offers a unique environment for preschoolers to play. At their nature-based preschool, not only do they play inside with the typical toys for the little tikes, they use the outdoors to entertain their students for hours. Usually, when someone thinks of children's toys, legos, barbies, and toy race cars come to mind. But at Camp Ketcha, the children typically are more entertained by horses, gourds, and apple trees.
During both Smart Meter Program and Emergency Base Camp Program the budget responsibilities were assigned under my responsibility. Paul Nielsen was my reporting IT Director which sponsored the Emergency Base Camp Program. Tim Cottongin was the Smart Meter Director and sponsor of the Smart Meter Program. In both cases S1 and S2 funding details were developed and forwarded for inclusion into the enterprise budget. During the development of the Base Camp Program a business case was developed and proved by the IT budgetary group. Specific details of the strategy was developed and illustrated in a PowerPoint slides presentation. The presentation was illustrated during the senior leadership funding approval session of project being with budgets of
I would really enjoy the having opportunity to serve as a YCC Crew Member. In the past I have had some experience with the homestead. When I was in about 4th grade I had participated in a little play program where we had to reenact a person of our choosing. Most of the other experiences I have had are from school field trips from middle school and elementary school. Once high school had started I had joined speech club which had helped my communication skills immensely when talking in front of others, and I had also joined science club. In highschool so far I have gotten honor roll over all of the quarters with an average gpa of 3.732. Overall I would really enjoy being a part of the
• Planned and conducted personnel training, orientation programs, and prepared month-end and year-end documentation for over 400 new incoming soldiers and outgoing soldiers.• Worked as a Travel section expert with 100% accuracy while stationed at Camp Casey Korea for a year. • Considered expert while working with Defense Travel System (DTS), Defense Joint Military Pay System (DJMS), Defense MilPay Office (DMO), and Integrated Automated Travel System (IATS). • Planned, organized, and directed the activities ensuring that the functional work area complied with legal and regulatory requirements and meet customer needs. • Reviewed unique and complex problems encountered by self or other technicians in reconciling accounts. • Performed duties in
The movie begins with Simon Srebnik going back to Chelmno, he is one of the two survivors. He was taken to Chelmno when he was thirteen, his father was killed in front of him, and his mother died in the gas vans. He was known throughout the camp for his agility and his beautiful singing voice. Before abandoning the camp the Nazis shot everyone, including him, in the head. He was left for dead, but was found and survived. Simon went back to tell of the experience he had. He cannot believe what happened as he walks along what is left of the frame of the buildings. He said that 2,000 were burnt per day, but he remembers the camp as being peaceful. No one ever shouted, they just went about their work. He was forced to go up the river, under
For 2 years I’ve work at Northwood’s Camp/retreat. I lived there for 7 weeks and throughout them 7 weeks it was a major change. High school and college students should work at Northwood’s camp because it has many things to offer. First, you're going to make good money you can use for college or other personal reason. Since you're working on camp grounds you barely have time to go off and spend your money because everything is provided for you. Plus the stores up there are cheap so you can also save money that way. Second you make everlasting friendships that would last. My first year working there I worked with people from wales, Jordan, Ireland, and England. You end up working with many different ethnic groups and ages. Finally, it looks
I wish to raise my involvement to the next level: as a Recreational Leader. I would like to join a team of students committed to the same interests as I am, and create something amazing for the hundreds of participants that have attended a Summer at Saints camp, and make
During the time of World War II, many people in Europe who were not of Hitler’s Aryan race had been held captive in concentration camps that were placed in various spots in his conquered land. Two types of camps were touched upon in the memoir. They were either death camps or working camps. Weinberg wrote this memoir in order to preserve the historical facts of the holocaust and share with others for the generations to come of what he had gone through from the ages twelve to eighteen. Taken captive in 1939, Weinberg had gone through five concentration camps such as Terezin and Birkenau where most of his time was spent and had survived. Although he almost did not survive the Death March from Blechhammer in 1945. In this touching memoir, Boy
My previous experiences with the Conservation Corps taught me so much. Not only did it help me learn the importance of hard work, communication, and teamwork, but it opened my eyes to many other vital skills. The Conservation Corps gave me perspective. I learned to look at people not as their stereotypes, but for the individuals they were. When I was in immersed in nature, I never felt so connected to who I am. I built life long friendships, learned to trust others even when it was difficult, and found parts of myself that I’d never seen before. I want to return to the corps because other, easier, jobs wouldn’t offer me the same opportunities to grow the skills I originally learned. I would be honored to become a Conservation Corps of MN and IA Wilderness Crew Member.
Camp Herzl was my home away from home for five years. It was where I first threw a frisbee, first asked a girl out to a dance, and made some of my greatest friendships. However, my experience at camp wasn’t always a perfect replica of the recruitment brochure. During my first summer at Herzl, the insecure fifth grader within me was entirely occupied with making good first impressions. Needless to say, after the first week, I was exhausted. Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, toothbrush in one hand and toothpaste in the other, all I wanted to do was walk back to my cabin and sleep for hours. As I sloppily squeezed the toothpaste onto my toothbrush, the boy next to me, who was admittedly much more popular than I was, exclaimed to his friend, “Yo, don’t be so retarded!” A fire was lit underneath me. I walked up to the boy and scolded him for using such rude and offensive language. Back at the sink, I finished brushing my teeth, while the other boys stood in silence. In
The picture presented is a photography of the basilica of Hagia Sophia from the south view. It is located in the modern city of Istanbul, specifically in the east part, the oldest part of the town. This church is a unique building and it is considered one of the most influential and important buildings in history. It was named Sophia, term in Greek that means wisdom, as it was dedicated to the Holy Wisdom.