
Camp Randall Stadium Essay

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Feldman, Jim. “Camp Randall Stadium.” The Buildings of the University of Wisconsin, University Archives, Madison, WI, 1997, pp. 168–172. This is a chapter of the book “The Buildings of the University of Wisconsin” that goes into detail about Camp Randall Stadium and its history. The chapter goes back over a hundred years to when Camp Randall was first constructed and then from there it talks about all the additions and changes to Camp Randall and the reason for these. This is an interesting source because it tells the story of how Camp Randall Stadium came to look like it does today. It also gives insight to the reasoning behind every change to Camp Randall Stadium and what effect some of these changes had on the University. I think …show more content…

This source will be very important for our research question because it talks about a very important event in Camp Randall’s history. An event that effected student perception of the Camp Randall and football games, and demonstrates the type of environment at these football games now and in the past few decades. Fried, Gil, and Robert Metchick. “Camp Randall Memorial Stadium Case Study: University of Wisconsin -October 30, 1993.” Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport, vol. 15, no. 1, 2005, pp. 139–176. doi:10.1123/jlas.15.1.139. This case study talks about the tragedy at Camp Randall Stadium in 1993 where dozens of students were injured after a stampede of students stormed the field after a huge win over Michigan. This case study talks about the reasons for this incident along with other tragedies in sports history and how to prevent future incidents like these at Camp Randall and other sports arenas. This case study is interesting because goes into depth about how this event could take place in Camp Randall and what factors eventually resulted in this

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