This Campbell orientation class was very helpful for me, and I believe to most, in “figuring things out” regarding taking any course at the school online and in class. This is especially true for most adults who return to school to continue their education after many years. Technology is well advanced in this day and age and classes and not “old fashioned” as they used to be. What I mean by that is that nowadays, text books are available online instead of hard cover books and homework is submitted electronically instead of printing out and handing to professor at due date. This class is great because it teaches the student how to tackle taking courses at the university in today’s world of technology.
I enjoyed the activities done in class
When I first started this class, I did not expect to learn as much as I did. My sister took the online version of this class and she told me that she barely put an effort in the class to get a good grade. I feel like that is the opposite reaction in my own experience. I think I put lot of effort into this class, but at the same time I did learn a lot from it. I even use the material from this class to do a whole new research paper on the different class because I feel like this class content is very interesting.
I liked everything about this course. The seminars, study plans, and the weekly discussions help
As we wind down this C-USA basketball season this article is taking a look at who has the hottest coaching seats in C-USA. This article and discussions similar to it are vital to the future of basketball in this conference. Don’t think so? Then you’ve not been paying attention to a historically bad season for C-USA basketball. Right now UAB at the top of the conference is projected only as a 14 or 15 seed in the NCAA Tournament, and NO TEAMS are currently projected to make the NIT. Before you try to blame this situation on conference realignment, consider the previous basketball success at several of our member schools. I do realize realignment has hurt us. This is the 20th anniversary of the C-USA basketball tournament and only two teams currently in C-USA have won that tournament. UAB is one team and the other left
World War One was a war that didn’t seem to end: it was four years of fighting throughout Europe, people dying on the sides of both the Allied and Central powers. For about half of the war, the two opponents reached a stalemate. There was no clear winner during battles and there was no progress on either side. The Allied powers, including Great Britain, needed to find a way to add more power into their armies. Perhaps they needed more people who were passionate about winning the war and defeating the Germans and the other Central powers.
Inventory: I am an independent learner, so this course is perfect for my learning style. I’m also a spatial learner which means I take in information by studying graphics. One way I would
There was such a variety of topics covered in this course and I wish that I had taken it in a classroom instead of online. With this online course, I feel like the material went a little too quickly. If I were in a classroom setting, I feel that
The main thing that stood out for me was Universal Design for Learning, and how much “assistive technology” and “accessibility” tools benefits EVERYONE! There is no such thing as average! Even as adults we benefit from this approach!
My first experience with a course conducted completely using computer-based instruction as an adult learner occurred during the fall semester of 2007. I was nearing the completion of my first Master’s degree and enrolled in ED500A, which was an educational research class. Although I had extensive experience utilizing technology and the Internet, and had dabbled in CBI, this course was conducted entirely online and proved to be challenging for me. The challenges were not due to the content, but were based on the limited connectivity with other course participants and the instructor. I quickly adapted to the format of the course expectations and developed a schedule in order to meet
This class taught me that I should avoid taking eight-thirty classes if at all possible. I struggled with missing classes due to oversleeping and struggled with staying awake during the classes when I was present. This was due to my poor management of time, balancing ROTC’s morning PT, getting to class, and homework at night. This has taught me that I need to complete work earlier. This class also taught me some more history
If I were to describe this course to a friend I would say this class is more than what anyone expects and is extremely eye-opening. It is not like a normal studies class, where it has boring content. It has content that is insightful and allows you to really think about the issues at hand. I would encourage a friend to take it because it is not only a fun class but very informative. I would prepare them for the reality of this class. This class does not just touch the surface of issues we have in society, but it goes much deeper.
This course was extremely interesting to me; discovering the four different learning patterns, how they influence college coursework and my career path. I appreciated looking at the inter-working of how I learn and what I can do to enhance my learning capabilities. As the weeks went by, the on-line experience with Ashford University became easier to schedule; I used sequential and precision learning patterns to regulate my time, turning in assignments when they were due. In the past, on-line learning was tedious and difficult to manage. Ashford’s approach with an
To summarize, the topic presented in this article is about online courses which are widely used in colleges providing easy access to course materials, classroom discussions, and feedback to instructors. The course materials and activities may be accessed from any computer, whether it is from the University or from the comfort of your own home.
Technology is changing every aspect in our lives, even the way we learn. Online classes are a rapidly growing trend it today’s society. Online classes are a cost-effective substitute for traditional courses and more convenient for many, so more schools and universities are offering this option. Due to the increase in online course enrollment, people are questioning if students truly learn something from online classes because it’s not a traditional learning environment. Online classes are just, if not more, effective as traditional classes because grades have increased and online discussions provide students with the chance to interact through networking while earning a degree for less than what it would cost to enroll at the same university.
People can take online courses these days. It is a chance for most people to get online courses on their own place. Students have the capacity to look over many diverse programs that would help them with their needs. Nowadays, most of the programs are available online from each department like business, management, and information technology. Additionally, students can browse different sorts of degree. The online courses have lower costs since they do not buy textbooks; they can downloads all assignments and all different materials that are required for their classes. Another benefit of these online classes is saving time since students do not have to attend classes, so they might have more time to do their assignments and study. Online classes evacuate the anxiety by permitting learners to study when it is helpful for most learners would like to study at different time. Likewise, students at schools have to take their exams and quizzes on the day their instructor planned for , but
Andrew Simoncelli once said, “Students who take online classes must be motivated, independent learners.” This is relevant because independence and motivation is what it takes to succeed in an online course. Online learning will not only expand what students learn, but will also bring a number of positive changes in the way students are taught. Courses online have changed everyone’s look at learning all over the world. It allows more opportunities for observers to learn online rather than learning in class. Another affirmative of taking an online course is flexibility and convenience. Students who would like to experience some of these ideas should look into an online class!