
Campus Art Museum

Decent Essays

For the first go and do assignment of the semester I took a trip to Ball State’s on campus art museum, The David Owsley Museum of Art. Within my scheduling there was a single hour to peruse the art, I now wish I’d had more time, and to find a piece I felt I could properly relate to class discussions and readings. The piece I have selected is a suit of armor from Japan’s Edo period (approximately 1600-1868 CE), but the piece itself has no known artist. The lack of artist is most likely due to the period and the subject of the piece. A suit of armor while being very important to a warrior is recognized by the warrior under the metal plates, not the craftsman. This armor is labeled with the museum as being made of primarily lacquered steel and silk cord. This suit of armor was ceremonial, and not specifically intended for battle, but ceremonial or not armor should be able to hold up in the case a fight breaks out unexpectedly so this specific armor has evidence of being tested for strength and durability. It is essential to note that while samurai were warriors they were considered nobility in the reign of the shogun, and this shows in the making of ceremonial and elaborate armor. …show more content…

The shogun government created laws to control the art form, which became popular among the social class of the townspeople, to control the people through the art. A lord, Iemitsu, banned Onna-Kabuki as being immoral because women at the time, in the eyes of the government, should not be participating in the art form. Later, when young boys took the place of women in female roles it occurred that “certain samurai warriors became attracted to the young boys” (Nadel/Strauss 147). In an attempt to make the warriors be more honorable and not demoralize themselves the government made laws against young boys performing in Kabuki in the year

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