the quote I'm using is a Japanese saying."One kind word can warm three winter months" is the saying and in my own words i think it means that if you say or do nice things for others you will feel warm inside for doing a good thing. A personal example is when my sister was sad and i gave her a present to cheer her up. I felt warm inside because i did something good for another person which is what the quote means.The quote is meaningful and succinct.It's meaningful to me because it reminds me of so many memories of when i did something kind.It is succinct to me also because even though it is a small quote it is full of meaning and it says a
"Nearly every moment of every day we have the opportunity to give something to someone else - our time, our love, our resources. I have always found more joy in giving when I did not expect anything in return." --- S. Truett Cathy, Chic-Fil-A founder
George Saunders and David Foster Wallace mention the importance of being kind to one another and the steps necessary in graduation speeches. Both writers state that acting in kindness, ultimately leads to new freedoms and creates an enlightened human being.
There are two ways that this quotation might be interpreted, one way focuses on a person's goodness, or lack of, and the other concerns benign or malicious intentions.
People who are nice, loving, and kind can change those who are bitter and mean for the better. For example, Clarisse in Fahrenheit 451 made Montag realize that he is going through the motions in life and that he isn't happy. Negative people can also hold you back or provoke you to do what they say and what they think is right. Captain Beatty hurts and convinces everyone around him to do the thing that’s wrong and best for him. Negative people only know how to be negative and their good at. We have to appreciate the good in life and in people. “ Appreciate the good people. They are hard to come by.” “Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher. Life is already filled with those who ant to bring you down.” People don't only show who they are with their words but with their actions. Their infectious positive energy changes everything and someone them for the greater good. People can sometimes not realize who or what they have and they take it for granted. “People say, “Find the good people and leave the bad ones”. But it should be, “ Find the the good in people and ignore the bad in
Words have the power to motivate no matter their size, for instance, the sermon the minister preaches motivates the ones who initially want to hear. Angelou claims, “Even the minister preached on graduation the Sunday before. His subject was, ‘Let your light so shine that men will see your good works and praise your father’”. Although, the reader does not hear the sermon, the title, “Let your light so shine that men will see your good works and praise your father”, allows the reader to visualize and even take the words to heart. As mentioned previously, that words motivate, they also demotivate, aditionally, “The man's dead words fell like bricks around the auditorium and too many settled in my belly. Constrained by hard learned manners I couldn’t look behind me, but to my left and right the proud graduating class of 1940 had dropped their heads”. The words dead, bricks, settled, belly constrained, behind, and dropped, although not necessarily horrible words alone, but in the right context they will leave a grown man in his own desolation. With the right words, civilization will thrive or plummet to the depths of the
Integrity it is not just performing an act of kindness, but the morals you stand behind when you do do the act. The level of honesty, the willingness to do what is right and moral commitments all these add up to equal the level of integrity you hold yourself to. I do not think I have performed, the level of integrity that this quote is talking about, but I have
Food For Thought (FFT), an organization founded in 2016, is one of my most prideful activities of completion. FFT is a local food pantry that is run by National Honor Society (NHS) members. Members pack food that feeds over twenty students and families each week. After I was elected Vice-President of NHS, I was offered the presidential position alongside another colleague to run the pantry. Working within the pantry allowed me to care for my community, gain morality and change the world. The world will change when individuals take action and I was honored to do just that through FFT.
Another way that language can influence people to do good things is in a poem by Emily Dickinson: “Hope” “Hope is the thing with feathers, That perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops-at all” In that stanza of her poem she is saying that hope is always in your soul and sings a tune of happiness and never stops singing that tune. In another stanza she says “I’ve heard it in the chillest land, And on the strangest sea, Yet-never- in Extremity, It asked a crumb of me.” In the stanza she discussed that she has always had hope and it never left her wherever she went. She also states that even in the hardest places and times, she still had hope, but it never asked anything of her. Another example of uplifting language can be found from Animal Farm is Boxer, the horse’s personal motto “I will work harder.” This quote is inspiring because when all the other animals are done working Boxer is still working and doesn’t complain. After the windmill fell and they were rebuilding it, Boxer worked harder than all the other animals. He got up an hour earlier to work and stays an hour later than all the others working to rebuild the windmill.
8. Create a graph: Select the GRAPH tab. Set the mass slider to 0 kg, and click Record to plot a point on the graph. Plot a point for each possible mass to create a graph showing the relationship between pressure and volume.
Significance: This quote is important for a number of reasons. First of all, at a very basic
Prescription drug abuse is an ongoing problem in rural teens. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health suggests that 13% of teens between the ages of 12-17 have experimented with nonmedical prescription drugs at some point in their lives. Researchers have identified several factors linked with nonmedical prescription drug use such as their school enrollment status, history of depression, and a two parent household presence (Gever, 2010).
* One thing is always sure when you 're a nice person; people will tend to reciprocate in your time of need because as individuals, we 're bound to face challenges, disappointments and looses at some point in our lives. When you 've been nice to others during their struggles, it 's more likely they will return the favor during your hard times. That is just human nature, most of us feel really motivated to help those that have helped us, i am a very sure bet in this regard. It’s an aspect of me that i strive to do more often because i feel that individual has slightly changed my world with his acts of kindness. This is significantly valuable and it makes us feel important which is something we all want as individuals.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Eeyore, a male donkey, is a character from one of my favorite children’s books called Winnie-the-Pooh, created by a man named A.A. Milne. Eeyore is characterized by his sad, negative gestures and gloomy appearance. He is grey and has a tale with a pink bow on the end that is connected by a drawing pin. He has poor opinions and thinks he is mostly wrong, he never seems to smile, and also expects bad things to happen to him. Eeyore lives in a forest called Hundred Acre Wood along with his other animal friends; Pooh Bear, Piglet, Rabbit, Tigger, Owl, Kanga, and Roo. Christopher Robin is the little boy that can talk to all of these animals. A.A. Milne created these characters based on his son, Christopher Robin Milne, stuffed toys.
Treating others with kindness benefits everyone involved. For example, in the story “Angel in Disguise”, the author states "We'll keep her a day or two longer; she is so weak and helpless," said Mrs. Joe Thompson…” She was starting to open up to Maggie and realize that she loves her as if she were her own child. This helps lift Mrs. Thompson’s sprits and shows her that she can feel feelings. This shows how being kind to Maggie made her a more loving person in the end. Additionally, in the article, “Teaching Kindness,” the author states that “As minds and bodies grow, it’s abundantly clear that children require a healthy dose of the warm-and-fuzzies to thrive as healthy, happy, well-rounded individuals.” This is proof that children need kindness