
Canada Technological Revolution

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Canada has made a huge step in learning secrets of technologies and opening new inventions in the second half of the 20th century. Rapid growth in technologies and inventions happened because of the World wars, especially from the last one. During the World wars the government of those countries who was attached to the wars has been gathering the best scientists all over the world and they forced them to create new weapons what could kill the enemy. The scientists worked hard to get the result and in addition to it they were opening new and new things. But those were not related to the war. After the war scientists had a lot of ideas all over the world what led to the scientific and technological revolution. Since Canada was involved to …show more content…

One of the first explosive vapour detectors was invented by Canadian scientist Lorne Elias in 1985. In 1970 Elias headed a research group to create device to sniff the dangerous vapours. Lorne worked in collaboration with Transport Canada; he was hired to start testing existing commercial bomb-detection devices. He soon realized that his techniques were much more effective than those devices he was testing. Soon after, he developed a made-in- Canada portable bomb sniffer, the Explosive Vapor Detector. It is a very sensitive and accurate device, in fact it can detect one part of explosive material in one trillion parts of air and air pumps collect samples of air which are removed and them analyzed to ensure the samples are safe which takes around 2 minutes. But with modern technologies it is currently being improved to get the time period down to 5 seconds. The vapor detection technology detects and identifies the vapors in real time at ambient temperature and without sample pre-concentration. The Elias invention is one of the best and the most effective devices used to sniff out concealed bombs. This device uses a chemical analyse and commonly used in international airports or during terrorist

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