The 20th Century was a time of change for women in Canada. Throughout the century, women contributed to Canadian life in many ways. Social attitudes made it hard for Canadian women to prosper at first, but with the rise of two World Wars, Canadian women saw their chance and rose to the occasion to help the war effort. Their efforts earned all women a new respect in Canadian society. During the early 1900s, women were thought of as the property of their husbands. Despite the social discrimination women went through, when Britain went to war, automatically sending Canada to war, women stepped up on the home front as well as on the Battlegrounds, and contributed to the war effort massively. After the war it was apparent women could do more than originally thought. Plenty of women stepped up to show their abilities and help obtain feminist rights in Canada. With so many men overseas, the role of Canadian women at home changed dramatically. Thousands of women went to work in factories, and thousands more volunteered for organizations such as Red Cross, …show more content…
Many wanted to play an active role in the war on the Battlegrounds and not just on the home front. The military changed forever as women were allowed to serve in the armed forces. The Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service was created in 1942 and consisted of approximately 7,100 members and the Women’s Division, Royal Canadian Air Force consisted of approximately 17,400 members. There were many female pilots in Canada at the time who were frustrated with the RCAF’s refusal to let them fly. Only later in the war were women allowed to fly bomber planes to deliver them to Britain. Women never actually took place in combat, but in 1944, shortly after an Allied Invasion, Canadian Nurses arrived at the beachhead in Normandy. These women worked under extremely difficult circumstances, close to the
Women during World War II became warriors. They overtook and played the men’s role in their household. Before their men went overseas, the norm was for them to get married at a young age. These women started volunteering in war-related organizations in order to support war efforts. When the men left to fight, their women became proficient at things they wouldn’t have dared to do before. The war made a lot of women stronger and opened lots of doors and opportunities. They would manage their finances, be excellent housekeepers, fix cars and do handyman work.
The government and the general populace realized how hard the woman had worked for the sake of Canada, and this earned woman the respect that they had longed for from the general populace and the government. Furthermore, this very sense of respect was proved when the government under Prime Minister Borden approved the War measures act on September 20, 1917(“Woman’s right to vote in Canada”). This very act was a prime gesture from the Canadian government that illustrated how winning the respect of the people resulted in the destruction of the misogynistic sentiments of that era. Furthermore, many historians regard the “War Times Act” as a gesture that was carried out in order to acknowledge the efforts that women had done in order to aid in the war(“Suffrage in Canada”). As said previously, woman raised funds for war, they volunteered as nurses overseas, worked endless hours in factories in order to build munitions, and provided countless other services for the benefit of the economy and the government. Moreover, they simultaneously kept their families together,”while men went overseas”(“Woman get the vote”), and kept war efforts moving through funds raised by various non-profit organizations run by women. The government witnessed this and rewarded the services of such woman by granting them the right to vote. Furthermore, the fact the government wanted to integrate women into the Canadian political system reveals that the long arduous toiling that woman had done for the nation was finally beginning to reap rewards for their own battle for gender equality.. Although, the right to vote was only bestowed upon those who were related to soldiers fighting overseas, it nonetheless
The structure of workforce changed, all out war effort and lack of working age male in factories brought women into factories across Europe in incomparable way. Thousands of women worked with the army as nurses and ambulance drivers, with nominal supplies and harsh condition of the front line, they helped wounded soldiers and provided some solace to the dying. Propaganda Picture by E.V. Kealy, P-524, on its poster says “Women of Britain say-GO” I think which means that all the men can go to the war and fight for the nation, while women are taking care of the house. War had changed role women were assigned to but they were refusing to go back to their old Victorian traditional role and challenged the gender status quo of the women after the war which completely changed the patriarchal European states, and American society as
This was the first time in history Canadian women were permitted to actively joining the Canadian military. The formation of the Women’s division Royal Canadian Air Force, Canadian women’s army Corps, and Royal Naval Women’s service were all ground-breaking for women’s social status. Women ran essential jobs that helped win the war such as driving mechanical transport vehicles, cooks, clerks, typists, ciphers, and even pharmacists. The RCAF noticed the impeccable potential in women and allowed women to fly delivery planes over the Atlantic to Britain. However, the government was initially weary of involving women in the war, which just goes to show their contributions did not go unnoticed.
One way that women helped out in the war was that they went directly to the source--by dressing up as men and going to fight in the front lines, women (e.g.
With the men gone to war, women could step in and play a greater part is society, changing their role and becoming independent. Their first step was to change socially and to help the
After world war two majority of women were forced to leave their jobs and return back to the home. However the war set a foundation for women’s rights while feminism was slowly approaching its way into society. The hard work woman put into the war effort was about to be seen by society. Furthermore during the 1950s women were still viewed as full time mothers but the women’s movement would take place in later years.
Important to realize, that during WWII, Women were very excited to joined the military for the very first time in Canadian history. Women in Canada wanted to play an active role in the war and influenced the government to form military organizations for women. In 1941-1942, the military was changed as it created its own women’s forces. The Women 's Army was set up in September 1939, when women joined the military for the very first time (women in military).Beginning in December 1914, 350,000 women served in armed forces during World
The proliferation of Canadian women’s movements, notably their redefining role in society, has had a profound propitious impact on Canada’s identity in the twentieth century. The contribution of Canadian women in the cultural life (sports, the arts and dance), the political impact from the leadership role of a female perspective (Nellie McClung) and women’s economic empowerment all contribute to the shape of Canadian history. Our current Canadian national identity has been shaped and developed by events from our past by our determination, doing the "impossible", staying dedicated and true. Also by doing what others thought we couldn 't, proving people wrong and being dedicated to our plans and outlines (Vimy Ridge). By gaining more independence, freedom, equality, rights and responsibilities . By being compassionate, sticking to your words and seeking for new rights (Pierre Trudeau). Even though there are so many past events that have shaped and developed our Canadian national identity, negative things have also done the same but in a negative way. We Canadians are proud of our accomplishments and achievements. We have shaped and developed a great Canadian national identity from the past which we are still making. We have made mistakes and we are still trying to mend those today. Overall our Canadian national identity has been shaped and developed by events in our past by achieving our recognition and milestones, the cultural life (sports,
The Canadian women were a huge influence to developing ice hockey for women and are the reason for the growth of the sport in other countries. One individual that does redefine the sport of ice hockey is Manon Rheaume who fought the barriers of integration. Manon’s efforts and determination to challenge her abilities was one of the biggest developments in women’s hockey. No only was Manon making a statement during her career but she was bringing attention to women’s ice hockey. Through Manon’s task oriented goals of challenging her abilities she became a part of the men’s team. She proved not only that she was good enough to play at a high level but also that women are highly capable to compete with the men through the act of integration of sexes.
Throughout, the history of the United States, there has been many different events that helped change and shape the America known today. One particular event that has had a great significance was the Second World War. The war came as a salvation to the United States because it helped liberate it from the Great Depression. However, one gender population, during this time, had the opportunity to demonstrate their potential. This gender population was women. WWII was not only a life changing event for all men in America, but also for women because it would become the first time in history when they begin to break the stereotypes between gender roles.
When the war started, women had to take over the jobs of men and they learned to be independent. These women exemplified the beginning of change. Coupled with enfranchisement and the increased popularity of birth control, women experienced a new
During World War II, thousands of women in various nations were deeply involved in volunteer work alongside men. Before World War II, the women’s role was simply to be a wife to her husband, a mother to her children, and a caretaker to the house (Barrow). As World War II raged on, women made enormous sacrifices for their family, and also learnt new jobs and new skills. Women were needed to fill many “male jobs”, while men went off to fight in the war. Women served with distinction in The Soviet Union, Britain, Japan, United States, and Germany and were urged to join armed forces, work in factories, hospitals, and also farms to support the soldiers fighting the war. During this time, women took on the dual
The last and biggest way woman helped Canada and the allied effort defeat Germany was through the Canadian Womans Army Corps (CWAC). The CWAC was a combat free branch in the army made for specifically the purpose of reliving men from their non-combat roles in order to get them fighting in the war and increase our man count. Some of the many jobs woman would do while enlisted in the CWAC included working at radar stations, cleaning jobs, cooking, secretarial, and even as mechanics. without the CWAC we we would have put less men into combat decreasing our man count. These brave women wanted to help there country in the fight and they did it with pride
The 1920s were a brutal time for Canada and most countries in the world. The Great War had just ended and soldiers were coming home to no work and minimal food. While the male soldiers were gone fighting the war, females took their place in factories, manufacturing war equipment and doing regular work that normally men would do. When the surviving soldiers came back, they were furious and wanted work to make money so most of the women were kicked out and replaced by the men. Women were obviously not happy about this and fought to make a change. One of the most notable feminists and successful female suffragists in Canadian history is Emily Murphy. She fought alongside four other feminists to create equal legal recognition as males and succeeded;