Cancer is a disease that results to an abnormal growth of the cells and form tumors which may spread throughout the body leading to the body malfunction (Radon & Raymond, P4). While there are various types of cancer such as lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer among others, this paper will focus on lung cancer and will major in the following:
• The main causes of lung cancer
• The origin of lung cancer
• Transmission of lung cancer
• Signs and symptoms of lung cancer
• Diagnosis of lung cancer and finally
• The prognosis of the disease
Lung cancer occurs when the cell of the lung grows abnormally. The abnormal
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A sample of the fluid is taken by a needle and then it is examined for cancer cells.
c) Bronchoscopy. Through the mouth or nose, a tube is connected to enable the view of the lungs and remove lung tissue that might be examined
d) Video-assisted thoracoscopy (VATS). Biopsies are of paramount importance in this case. Therefore, for the purposes of examination, the doctor introduces a thin cylinder on which a small video machine is attached into the affected lung. This procedure enables the doctor to perform biopsies.
e) Blood test. This is the test carried out to identify the quantity of red-blood cells, platelets and white blood cells in the blood (, para 4)
f) Fine-needle aspiration. This is done by computed tomography. A pathologists carries out this procedure so that he/she can be abls to evaluate the patient at the lymph node hence if it is infected, the infected cells are removed.
g.) g) Pulmonary tests. They are procedures carried out to determine the capacity of respiration in the lungs. hence, the procedure enhances the identification of the patients’ capability to tolerate any radiation treatment. Prognosis of lung cancer.
This is the probability to cure lung cancer. It depends on factors such as symptoms, type of lung, the patient status, cancer, and finally the location of the cancer. If untreated SCLC has an average survival time up to four months. It is only a small
Biopsy of the tumor. This is when a sample of the tumor is removed with a needle and studied.
Once the biopsy is obtained rom the surgeon, aseptic technique should be used in order to minimize any contamination of the specimen. Since the tissue being extracted form the body, time will be of an essence due to the live tissue dying as time goes on. The tumor cells will be looked at under a microscope in order to determine weather a patient has
Some of the most expensive, physically painful and emotionally difficult treatments available are those which try to discover whether a patient has some form of cancer. Because of the emotional toll such a diagnosis can have for the individual, it is especially necessary to ensure comfort during the procedure. In the case of lung lesions, mediastinoscopy has long been the treatment of choice because it gives the physician a clear diagnostic picture of what is happening to the patient. However, there is an alternative that has been used in recent years that may prove more cost-effective and less troublesome to the patient. Endobronchial ultrasound-transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) is a procedure in which the ultrasound serves as a guide for the more invasive procedure
-Needle biopsy {the doctor locations a special connect into the pleura to take types of the development which is taken to the lab to see under the microscope} of the pleura is a must.
Ineffective airway clearance related to adventitious lung sounds, rhonchi auscultated bilaterally at the patient’s bases as evidence by CT scan displaying pleural effusion and basilar atelectasis. Y.B.’s ability to clear his airway is ineffective due to his current disease state. His alveoli are deflated due to pleural effusion. The pleural effusion is a result of blocked lymphatic drainage from the pleural cavity, possible caused by malignant cells (Lewis, Dirksen, Heitkemper, & Bucher, 2014). The goal for Y.B. is to maintain a clear, open airway, and improvement in lung sounds before discharge. Ensuring the patient uses the upright position, maintaining the head of the bead above 30o, will keep his abdominal contents from inhibiting lung expansion. This intervention will be evaluated by assessing lung sounds, pulse oximetry, assessing if Y.B. is using accessory muscles to breath, and a chest X-ray. In the article titled,
A brush biopsy is performed during the ERCP. The doctor will insert a very small brush through the endoscope into the bile duct and rub off cells to examine under a microscope. Sometimes, when a biopsy does not provide an accurate indication, a surgeon will perform an operation called a laparotomy. During this operation, the doctor will look at the organs in the abdomen and can remove tissue samples, if needed from any organ. This surgical procedure helps the doctor determine the stage or extent of the disease. This will help the doctor plan the best approach for
tissue can be removed and examined, or an x-ray to examine for pulmonary edema, fluid
changes in tracheal secretions quality, c) no infiltration in chest radiograph, and d) positive smear
|Specific Purpose: |To inform readers on the causes, effects and treatments of lung cancer. |
Consequently, EBUS-TBNA was recommended as a vital tool for lung cancer patients with preoperative assessment by U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) in 2007. Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration has been widely applied in a variety of the diagnosis of breast disease in nations, especially developed nation. However, this procedure was used in China at 2008 and the procedure is still in the development stage in China at present. The main operation indications of EBUS-TBNA are that [11]: (i) The stage of lymph node (LN). (ii) The diagnosis of lung cancer. (iii) The diagnosis of unexplained hilar and/or mediastinal enlarged lymph node (LN). (iv) The diagnosis of mediastinal tumor. (v) The External pressure lesions of trachea and bronchus. (vi) The diagnosis of submucosal lesions. (vii) Tracking small cell
Lung cancer is the most common cancer-related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future. Through understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors can easily diagnose and assess cancer patients.
The physician can obtain Bone marrow samples through bone marrow aspiration and biopsy checks that are often done simultaneously. The samples are obtained from the pelvic back bone or from the sternum or breastbone. An aspiration and biopsy are used in helping to diagnose leukemia. The process can be repeated to determine if the illness is responding to treatment. Routine examination under a microscope is majorly important to determine what the proportion of cells present in the bone marrow are blasts. A diagnosis of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia generally necessitates that at least thirty or twenty percent of the total cells in the bone marrow are blasts. Normally, blasts are rarely over five percent of bone marrow cells.
The War on Drug began in 1870s, Chinese immigrants were the targets of federal anti-opium laws, and in the early 1920s, and laws targeting cocaine use in the south and marijuana use in the Midwest and Southwest, also directed at people of color, emerged. In 1914, the Harrison Narcotics Act essentially criminalized opiate and cocaine addition, prescribing drugs for those addicted to them, and distrubiting these drugs except for limited medical and scientific purposes p (409). It is to my surprise that the War on Drugs has been a prolong on going process for decades and yet, there has been programs or treatments to fully cure those who are battling this chronic, biological, and behavioral disease. Although, there is no cure for this disease,
Judging something only by its appearance can greatly deceive a person. Reality is where the actual truth lies. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, three witches intrigue Macbeth with a few prophecies that give rise to his blind ambition, and unleash his murderous tendencies, as well as a love of power. Character development is used to show what happens when appearance is taken for reality. Macbeth's whole character changes after he chooses to wholeheartedly believe the witches’ prophecies, and as a result, he goes from being a military hero to being a tragic hero by the end of the play.
The first two HIV cases in Nigeria were identified in 1985 and were reported at an international AIDS conference in 19866. In 1987 the Nigerian health sector established the National AIDS Advisory Committee, which was shortly followed by the establishment of the National Expert Advisory Committee on AIDS (NEACA).