
Candidature For The Position Of Investigator

Decent Essays
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Dear Sir/Madam:
With due respect, I would like to offer my candidature for the position of Investigator (Case Review Analyst) in the Office of the Info & Privacy Comm.
Currently, I am a federal government employee in Service Canada Integrity Services Investigator. Prior to that, I have worked as a Business Taxpayers Services Agent with CRA for a year. Both these job entails risk based audit, investigation and analysis of large amount of external and internal information and databases before ensuring taxpayers are paying the right tax the right way and government benefit claimants are getting the right benefit at the time while being fully complaint with acts, regulations and business processes. So, when I saw this particular …show more content…

While doing every investigation, and they are always different in nature, I am also responsible to enhance the compliance process, tools and procedures to increase integrity of these programs. Needless to say, I have to coordinate with many regulatory bodies like CRA, CBSA, CIC, RCMP and Judicial System to effectively deliver my compliance program with ESDC.

I hope from my previous statement of responsibilities you can see that I have had to be skilled in both qualitative and quantities analysis during my last 5 years with TD Bank, CRA and Service Canada. In insurance the level of financial modelling as well as the fact finding through interview is quite extensive and I was successful in that role because of my facilitation skills and use of diplomacy, where differing opinions were prevalent. With CRA, as a Corporate Taxpayer Services Agent, my skills for analysis was enriched even further since I was working with many large corporations to get information that they are

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