Does the thickness of a candle influence how quickly it burns?
Peter Marendy, Wes Stanton, Saravanan Somasundaram
Figure 1: The wide candle burning during the experiment
Introduction: This experiment aims to discuss whether the thickness of a candle influences the time of burning. A candle burns by melting the wax near the wick. This liquid wax is then drawn up the wick by capillary action. The heat of the flame then vaporises the wax. Previous results showed that wider candles burnt slower than thinner candles.
Aim: The aim of this experiment was to find out whether the thickness of a candle has an effect on the time taken for it to burn down.
Variables: Independent: The width of the candle Dependent: The height of the candle
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This was because the flame would have to burn through less wax to be able to move down.
Wide candle
Thin candle
1: The 2 candles were stood up as shown in figure 2.
Figure 1
2. Both candles were measured with the ruler.
3. A timer was set for 2 minutes and the candles were set alight.
4. At 2 minutes, the timer was restarted and the candles were measured. This was repeated over the course of 30 minutes.
5. At 30 minutes, the candles were blown out and measured one last time.
Figure 3: Results table
Height of candles
Time (T) minutes Wide candle height (W) CM Thin candle height (F) CM
0 7 18
2 7 17.5
4 7 17
6 7 16.8
8 7 16.8
10 7 16
12 7 15.8
14 7 15.5
16 7 15
18 7 14.5
20 7 14
22 7 13.5
24 7 13
26 7 12.5
28 7 12
30 7
- After: Only the top of the toothpick was burnt. The candle remains in the same shape as it was at the beginning of the test.
This article focuses on the Revolutionary period of Colonial Williamsburg when candles were a primary light source in homes. At this time in history there were four primary substances used in making candles, spermaceti, tallow, beeswax, and myrtle or bayberry wax. The three latter substances were produced in Virginia. Methods of making these candles and how they were shaped are described in the article.
6. The wooden splint was moved to the smoke about 10 cm above the wick. 7. The candle was extinguished, the wax solidified and materials were cleaned up. Analysis:
*Peanut oil has a higher smoke point and has less of a chance of burning during the experiment.
To conduct this experiment, a candle was placed upright in a pan of water, was lit, and the flame was allowed to fully develop. Then a graduated cylinder was placed upside down to represent an airtight chamber, and the water rose. The point where it rose to was
The jar was held in place so that it did not obstruct airflow in straw when it was placed over the candle. The process of trial 1 was repeated three times with the additional straw.
The air pressure fell below the vapor pressure, and the water boiled. 10) Use your observations to compare the atmospheric pressure outside the beaker to the air pressure inside the beaker before lighting the candle. The pressure is equal before lighting the candle because the beaker took the air from outside the beaker, and nothing has been done to change the
The experiment can also be done to compare the burn rate of different colored candles.
1. Place a small amount of wax from a birthday candle into a test tube. Heat gently over a burner flame until the wax melts completely; then allow
mold-001_S.jpgThese votive molds are our most popular selling molds and are very easy to use. They produce a votive candle which is about 2 ounces in size and will burn for approximately 15 hours.
Procedure: We held our plastic over the flame and observed the way our plastic burned.
The fun filled journey you take when you burn a Prize Candle speaks to your sense of sight, smell & touch.
The appearance and physical features of the candle made the quantitative data very different. When the students were observing the fact that a candle needs oxygen to burn, they needed to place a 400mL beaker over the candle. One of the possible errors could be the beaker was wet or it was placed too fast over the candle and this made the flame to go out. When this process was repeated the candle flame lasted longer, this could have also
In this project we examined three explanations that talk about (a) candle(s) in a jar and their investigation reasoning to why the labs they did were concluding in such a way. The first explanation resulted that the candle inside the jar took up all the oxygen molecules inside the flask which then lowers the pressure inside and the higher pressure outside the flask is what causes the water to rise up. The second explanation resulted in that the air pressure increases inside the jar because of the heat from the candle, which causes air to come out of the jar and once the candle cools down the pressure decreases and the pressure outside the jar increases which results in pushing the air in and making the water rise up. The third explanation resulted in oxygen inside the flask becoming carbon dioxide which then dissolves in water causing the air pressure to decrease under the glass and the higher pressure outside the flask pushed the water up the flask. I believe that explanation number three is right because the flame causes carbon dioxide to be created and that
As the change in mass and temperature is small for both candle wax (and paraffin in this experiment), it is clear that there is little changes when these fuels are combusting in their physical states. This means that these fuels last longer but are an unreliable source of energy as a fuel. The change in temperature being small suggests that these alkanes produce poor heat output, however that fully contradicts their high experimental and theoretical heats of combustion and percentage yields. The fact that the change in temperature was so low can be experimental side effects. One being that candle wax particularly produces the extra energy source of light possibly more so than paraffin and even the experiment 1 alcohols. Another experimental error as to why the change in temperature isn’t very large could be due to the surrounds not being a fully insulator set up (calorimetry – experiment 1