Dentists always advise their patients that eating a large amount of sweets can cause tooth decay. In fact, sweets lower the pH levels in the mouth, which mean they increase high acid levels. Normally the pH levels at 5.5 or above are unlikely to cause tooth decay.
There are three kinds of ingredients include fruit sugar, cane sugar and honey. About 5 minutes after consumption of cane sugar, the pH levels in the mouth lower to approximately 3.5. Although it slowly rises up, it’s still below 5.5 until at least 30 minutes. Next one is fruit sugar. After consumption for 5 minutes, the pH levels drop to roughly 4.3. Then it starts to go up above pH 5.5 within 15 minutes. The last one is honey, which is the safest substance of all three. After
The line diagram shows the production of acid level in mouth from consumption of sugar and honey per minutes. Eating sweet foods can produces acid in the mouth that can cause tooth decay, if the high acid levels are measured by low PH values.
If you follow a diet that is high in refined carbohydrates or sugar, then you are at a greater risk for tooth decay. Sugar feeds bacteria. You are likely to suffer vitamin and mineral deficiencies if you follow a restricted diet. Nutritional deficiencies can put you at risk for dental problems.
The Reason why teeth are decayed by soda is because of the sugar combining with bacteria. The sugar of the soda combines with the bacteria in the mouth and forms an acid which attacks the teeth. However, Diet and Zero Sodas make the acid on their own and do not need the help of the bacteria. This acid, in turn, makes the enamel in the teeth weaker.
In addition, chewing gum can cause tooth decay. Another example for tooth decay is that it causes people to spend a lot of money on their child to get their teeth fixed which takes up school time.
For instance, tooth decay is caused by bacteria in the mouth using sugar from drinks to produce acids that dissolve and damage the teeth. So without sugar the acids that are used to erode your teeth would not be produced and reproduce multiple times. This also causes conditions such as tooth pain and sensitivity. Sugar also includes a part in causing plaque this is because as the sugar and bacteria mix and create acid some parts of the bacteria are left on the your teeth, this is how plaque is made. This bacteria that is left on the teeth then builds up more and more bacteria which then will become acid if you add sugar. This acid will then erode your teeth in an extraordinary
“Why am I not allowed to drink soda?” I thought as my mom told me not to drink soda. My whole entire life I’ve been told that soda rots your teeth, that made me wonder how and what soda does to your teeth. All sodas have phosphoric acid, caffeine, citric acid, and carbonated water. Another thing is that soda disturbs tooth enamel. Even though soda is delicious, you should reduce the amount of soda you drink because soda contains ingredients that are bad, soda damages your teeth , and pennies get tarnished.
When you take a sip of soda, the sugar and acid attack your teeth for twenty minutes, starting over with each sip (“WDA”). Soft drinks have a very harmful effect on teeth. They have emerged as one of the most significant sources of tooth decay (“Colgate”).
Dental caries are spots of decay (cavities) in the outer layer of your tooth (enamel). The natural bacteria in your mouth produce acid when breaking down sugary foods. When you eat a lot of sugary foods, a lot of acid is produced. The acid destroys the protective enamel of your tooth, leading to tooth decay.
We’ve all have drank soda before, but soda can also ruin your teeth and cause cavities because the acid will eat away at the enamel of your teeth.("2013 Abstracts: Elementary 1 Division." ) You're probably wondering what soda will do destroy your teeth the worst well I’m going to figure that out. The way I will tell which soda destroys your teeth the worst is when the acid from the soda eats away the rust and dirt or tarnish of a penny the fastest is the one that gives you cavities faster and can ruin your teeth the worst by eating your enamel.
Sugar Causes Tooth Decay: While this myth is partially true, as sugar is a vehicle for bacteria, the main cause of cavities is because the enamel breaks down and doesn’t defend the tooth against germs. Fluoride promotes stronger enamel, which protects the teeth from those oncoming
1. Introduction 1.1. General introduction and context Studies show that the bacteria in your mouth uses the sugar in drinks as nutrients and releases acid as a waste product. It is this acid, in conjunction with the acids already present in most drinks( Phosphoric acid, citric acid and tartaric acid) that erodes the enamel on your teeth. Erosion and decay is caused by the decalcification of teeth.
Sugar Links to Tooth Decay Sugar has a high acidic content and as a result, it has a direct link to tooth decay and other dental problems. 4. Sugar Links to Diabetes and Blood Sugar Fluctuations Refined sugar has a direct affect on your blood sugar levels and is a main cause of diabetes. 5. Sugar and Obesity
Generally, tooth become weakened when you lack the minerals that are needed. The higher the acidic level is within your consumption can be very brutal, it can make your tooth 's enamel softer and weaken your tooth strength. You end up lacking calcium, which is supposed to make your bones stay strong. Soft drinks have highest sugar and acid, yet lower pH level compared to water. “It takes 32 glasses of water to neutralize a glass of cola” (Radomski, 40). Citric acid in cola makes a weakness of dental, changing the neutralization of saliva and destroys enamel surface as Ph.D. Manny explained the article Soft drinks and dental erosion, “Citric acid is the predominant acid in non- cola drinks and is especially erosive to teeth because it collates calcium effectively” (Radomski, 41). If a kid drink a can of soda every day, his enamel will be declining, stained teeth and cavities and plaque will start to build their teeth.
Generally, your dental hygiene becomes weakened when you lack the minerals that are needed. The higher the acidic level is within your consumption can be very brutal, it can make your teeth enamel softer and weaken your teeth strength. You end up lacking calcium which is supposed to make your bones stay strong. Soft drinks have the highest sugar and acid, yet lower the pH level compared to water. “It takes 32 glasses of water to neutralize a glass of cola” (Radomski, 40). Citric acid in cola makes a weakness of dental, changing the neutralization of saliva and destroys enamel surface as Ph.D. Manny explained the article Soft drinks and dental erosion, “Citric acid is the predominant acid in non- cola drinks and is especially erosive to teeth because it chelates calcium effectively” (Radomski, 41). If a kid drinks a can of soda every day, his enamel will be declining, stained teeth and cavities and plaque will start to build their teeth. Children’s teeth are new and weak, they must learn to take care of their teeth while they are young. Drinking a lot of soft drinks is a bad habit that most children have a hard time controlling. The oral