
Canee Sugar Case Study

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In Figure 12, we can see that A1 (tea with cane sugar) is the most preferred beverage with a percentage of 30% among the 10 beverages. The reasons given by the participants were: the tea had a strong and nice aroma and the sweetness is just nice. The second most preferred beverage was C1 (coffee with cane sugar & soymilk) with a percentage of 23%. The reasons were: coffee aroma match with the soymilk, adequate sweetness, strong coffee aftertaste, perfect balance between sweetness and bitterness. The third most preferred beverage was E1 (hot chocolate with cane sugar & soymilk) with a percentage of 17%. The reasons given were: The chocolate taste and aroma are very nice and is just right in the composition. The sweetness for each beverage were

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