Cannabis, also known as Marijuana which is among many other names it is known by is preparation of Cannabis plant which is used as a drug for hallucinating and also for medical usage. Cannabis is used for physical and mental effects like “high” or “stoned” feeling. There is limited amount of evidence to prove its medical use. We will be talking if Marijuana should be legalised for medical
There are multiple medicinal uses and healing properties of medical cannabis, this has recently been recognised by mainstream media and society. Cannabis has the potential not only as a medicine, but can positively impact the sustainable future of this planet. Due to the healing powers of medicinal cannabis, it should be legalised.
Medical marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a controversial topic because many find it beneficial as others find the usage to be recreational. Throughout the years, medical marijuana has gone through periods of times in which it was legal and illegal. Over the years laws have been developed in order to try and regulate the usage of the drug. Studies have shown many the benefits of treating diseases and symptoms. Today it is used in treatment with many different diseases and disorders such as cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, and multiple sclerosis. As medical marijuana has different species and uses of the product, it is important to depict where the drug can be used for treatment. The usage of this drug enables patients to have a more positive and livable outcome with treatments.
Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs in the world. Users most commonly use it by smoking its leaves, stems, buds, or flower to experience some sort of high. Scientists have discovered that not only does marijuana have an intoxication effect, but that it could be used for medical reasons as well. Marijuana has been tested by many scientists who would all agree that it should be legalized
Marijuana or Cannabis is a hallucinogenic drug that contains a very high amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It can be used for both medical and recreational reasons, but it is currently illegal in most states in this country. This drug has been illegal for the majority of this country's history, and just recently several states like Washington, California, and New York have passed laws so that people with medical issues are able to consume this drug for their own medical needs
Marijuana has been used by people over many centuries for medical uses. It is a natural pain killer used today as a recreational drug by people all over the world. According to Noel Merino in, “Introduction to Gateway Drugs: Opposing Viewpoints”, “a drug is something other than food intended to affect the structure or function of the body”. Marijuana is a very controversial drug and has been outlawed in many countries for its affect on the function of the body. “Effects may involve hallucinations, impaired judgment, and mood swings.” Describes the effects of marijuana in “Marijuana” Current Issues Macmillian social science library. During the past century Marijuana has been legal, made illegal, strictly enforced, decriminalized,
The Liberal government of Canada is bringing up the issue with marijuana legalization this spring. The proposition of the legalization has its supporters and opponents that make that change difficult to implement in the Canadian society. The statistics have shown that most Canadians are expecting this changes (Spithoff, 2015). The new legislation will allow legally sell, possess and consume cannabis without any legal implications. The aim of this paper is to examine the proposition for marijuana legalization from different sides of the debate and to identify the best possible solution to the issue. Policies at federal and provincial levels of the government will be analyzed with the support of the research evidence. The words cannabis and
This discussion is not new. Cannabis. Pot. Grass. Mary Jane. 420. Ganga. Herb. Joint. Blunt. Skunk. Marijuana. Weed. With over two dozen different names, call it whatever you fancy. The battle for legalization throughout the United States continues to be a controversial topic. As more states choose to legalize weed, more medical research in the United States is beginning to unfold. Although the views of marijuana as a deviant drug are changings rapidly, our medical research on marijuana is still lagging due to the lasting legacies of anti-weed drug policies and misinformation about what Cannabis does to the body. In 2013, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon and CNN’s chief medical correspondent, made a documentary entitled
The use of cannabis toward medicine should not be shocking to anyone, since it has been around for centuries. As a matter of fact, it has been under medicinal aid for an estimated 5,000 years. Western medicine truly grasped marijuana’s medicinal abilities in the 1850’s. Infact, doctors documented over one hundred papers about how marijuana helped numerous disorders, such as nausea, glaucoma, movement disorders, pain relief, depression, and anxiety. It also helps cancer patients and those with HIV or Aids. Currently, many American patients have access to marijuana use so that they can have effective treatments for their illnesses. Medical marijuana use is achievable because
Marijuana has become one of the most controversial drugs in America. Ever since its cultivation began around 1611, marijuana has puzzled people with its effects. Many question marijuana?s classification as a schedule one drug. A schedule one drug is one that has a high potential for abuse and no medicinal value. Some argue that the war on drugs, in particular marijuana, has cost taxpayers billions and is wasting funds that could be used on more important tasks such as improving transportation or education. As drug arrests rise, so do the populations in state prisons. This has become an immediate problem with no real solution. The legalization of possessing small amounts of marijuana can contribute positively to the medical and
Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, is a highly controversial substance in regards to its’ use for medicinal or recreational purposes. The term marijuana refers to the dried leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant which are most commonly smoked for their psychoactive properties. The current research on marijuana as a medicine and recreational drug is inconclusive, but as research continues and legislation is relaxed marijuana can be utilized to its full potential and may be a good replacement for tobacco, alcohol, and some prescription drugs.
As members of a sophisticated and modern society, to participate in the day to day social life there are a few things we must act in accordance with. We must follow the natural laws that the societies have placed in order, and must establish guidelines by understanding their moral and ethical obligations. They are the foundations of our day to day life. Whether we choose to obey or disobey the norms and regulations of our social environment is determined by the way we appeal to their distinct morals and ethics.
Uruguay became the first country in the world to fully legalize marijuana in 2013. By legalizing cannabis, this country became the first nation in the world to break the International Convention on Drug Control, and to regulate the production, sale and consumption of marijuana (Graham, 2014).The law allowed the registered users to grow cannabis at home, belong to a cannabis social club, or acquire government-regulated cannabis through licensed pharmacies. The goal of this law was to reduce the harm caused by illegal marketing and to provide education and chances of prevention. All the users are registered with the state through the Institute for the Control and Regulation of Cannabis (IRCCA). Even though cannabis has been decriminalized,
I believe that the general population of America is opposed to such prohibition on the recreational use of drugs, but such polices and values are forced through legislation created by the conservatives on the right side of the political spectrum. It is obvious to see the failures of the prohibition on alcohol but what is interesting however is seeing the parallels in the in the current push towards the legalization of marijuana. This essay will discuss the three main interest groups who oppose the legalization of marijuana and there arguments for their views.
Banana is the bane of existence. This fruit is at the heart of the dark underbelly of Williamsburg. The Williamsburg in Virginia, not the one in Brooklyn, New York mind you. Williamsburg is a town steeped in history and one that is bound to the banana in ways that the ordinary local is not aware. This relationship mired in death and destruction began back before the first invaders of Jamestown planted their English boots on the shores. Archaeologist from around the United States have descended upon Jamestown to gather more information about a very appealing discovery. Dated back to the early thirteenth century, the first remains of a banana in what is the modern United States was discovered, and along with it, evidence of death and destruction
Cannabis is a huge economic development in America that has changed to reach people in need of its benefits. In the hands of smart business owners cultivation is apart of an extravagant life cycle of creation. Farmers are now harvesting marijuana yields in 9 U.S. states and pave they way for dispensary pop ups in the years ahead. Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, The District of Colombia, and Florida have fully legalized recreational and medical marijuana. A map of the U.S. shows us that border states typically have moved to end prohibition of (Tetrahydrocannabinol), after the progress of the west coast movement and recent culture popularity. Colorado opened dispensaries in 2014 to distribute to millions of consumers with new and exciting products on their shelves for many eager customers interested in legal cannabis. Many shops have opened up to grow their own flower products,(15%-30%)THC , and convert them into edible treats or concentrated oils (30%-99%)THC to raise the psychoactive potency for high end consumers. Growers generate strains of plants to fill shelves of their shop and push to other local shop owners, the abundance of plants creates less demand and lowers the local retail prices, when there isn 't enough balance in the margin.