I am the mother of two very special autistic boys that will be directly affected by the passage of Senate bill S.2237. The passage of this bill would end federal marijuana prohibition. There is a great need for further research into cannabis and its medical applications, but with the federal ban as it stands, meaningful research is very difficult. Cannabis therapy could be very beneficial for treating the symptoms of autism, but without the research to substantiate the effectiveness of cannabis therapy, many doctors will be unwilling to recommend it.
Autism spectrum disorder is a group of complex disorders that affect neurodevelopment, cognition, speech, social interactions, and present other psychological and physical issues. The existent pharmaceutical drugs available for autism are dangerous for children and have a multitude of harmful side-effects. The current research available explains that autism is caused by a gene mutation that does not allow the endocannabinoid system to function properly. The endocannabinoid system of the brain is responsible for regulating an array of systems throughout the body and is believed to be responsible for homeostasis. Dr. Christian Bogner’s research
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In a study supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, researchers concluded that teen use did not increase in states that have enacted medical cannabis laws. This study covered twenty-four years of data where students between the ages of thirteen to eighteen were anonymously surveyed on their use or non-use of cannabis within the last thirty days. As more states pass medical cannabis legislation, studies into how these laws impact our youth should continue, but increased teen use should no longer be used as an acceptable reason to provide medical cannabis to those who need
The article describes how years of U.S. government-prevented marijuana research has resulted in a deficiency of information pertaining to the pros and cons of marijuana use. It also discusses the marijuana legalization movement in America. The article has an excerpt of Scientist Yasmin Hurd and her tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, experiments involving rats. Also the article highlights the effects that marijuana use might have on human genetics and, specifically, on adolescent development. Some of the therapeutic aspects of marijuana are also described within this article.
Another paediatric patient, Joey Perez, was diagnosed with autism at only 18 month of age. By the time he was only five years old Joey was taking six different medications, as much as three times a day. By the age of ten he was basically on his death bed, the symptoms of autism, anxiety, OCD, and aggression only worsened. The side effects of the pharmaceutical drugs caused loss of appetite causing malnourishment and he was diagnosed with anorexia, his family watched him withered away. His mother looked for an alternative method, which she refers to as magic brownies. Twelve months later Joey has never been happier and had gained back the weight. In this case , just like the last, the medical marijuana used to medicate the condition was high in CBDs. Joey's mother went on to The Good Morning Show to share her story, in hopes that others can benefit from it, (Sircus, 2).
“For me, the medical marijuana was a miracle drug, a life saver. I wish I had used it from the beginning because it was so helpful, and according to our current law, I should go to jail for it”, said Jeanette Bokland a nurse, dealing with cancer. Jeannette said she tried everything, then she got ahold of medical marijuana, and ate it because, “I do not want to smoke anything”. She is so happy she got ahold of medical marijuana, it took away my nausea, restlessness, anxiety said Jeanette Bokland. Our nation estimates 2,434,192 medical marijuana smokers; (Number of Legal) like Jeanette medical marijuana does help some patients dealing with cancer. It did not get her “high” it made her feel halfway normal. Jeanette was helped tremendously by
The cannabinoid cannabidiol, or CBD as it is often called, has gradually become more popular as an increasing number of studies are pointing to the medicinal benefits of the cannabis compound in treating a variety of ailments. Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound that does not cause a high, as is common with cannabis compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Conventional medicine is generally limited in providing 100% protection, amelioration, or cure in the treatment of a disease. Cannabis provides an alternative treatment option where medicines have failed in effectively treating diseases such as cerebral malaria. Studies have demonstrated that CBD has a neuroprotective effect and could prevent the development of neurological symptoms associated
Natural supplements are widely used throughout the world and are recommended by holistic doctors for patients who do not want chemically made medication and alternate treatments. Although natural supplements are better for the human body, cannabis is a product that is not seen as positive example of natural supplements. Cannabis is a plant that has many strains and can be used to treat different medical issues. Even though most sport organization have cannabis on a list of banned performance enhancing drugs it should not be banned; because it does not truly give a competitive advantage to an athlete, it can be used for pain medication and long term health problems that may be caused from over usage of this drug should not be the concern of sport organizations, but a personal decision made by each athlete. Unfortunately, cannabis does have negative side effects such as a change in the state of mind, killing brain cells, and societies’ negative perspective on cannabis.
The debate for years \that has divided the question is weather not any good. Many states have legalized medicinal marijuana. The states that have legalized has it helped or has come from its use. What is the purpose? What should the guidelines be? The Medical board and the Government have hopes that in legalizing it, medical marijuana will help those with diseases to be able to cope much easier. However, the determination of which ones that should be allowed to have the okay to be able to use it. Even though some people may argue against medicinal marijuana use and legalization, there are too many reasons why it should be.
Researchers are focused on six non-hallucinogenic cannabis-derived chemicals, known as cannabinoids (University of St. George’s London, 2013). Research has shown that cellular receptors for marijuana’s active ingredients are present throughout the body, referred to the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system apparently has an impact on the autonomic nervous system, immune system, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive system, cardiovascular system and endocrine network (Brody 2013). Over the past few years, researchers have shown interest in a cannabis-derived chemical known as cannabidiol (CBD). CBD does not cause a “high” and has been found to have
In a lot of cases, the result of these habits is that parents feel that having a "zero-tolerance" policy with their teenagers might not work and will only increase their interest in using. In this new generation, parents feel that if they leave the lines of communication open, talk about the risks, and help instil good morals and judgment in their children, they will be less likely to use drugs. I agree with this because if the parents show interest and support, their children will feel more comfortable and will most likely open up to them for advice and support. It's important for parents to empower their kids and leave lines of communication open, but most importantly, be living examples for their children to model after.
In the depths of an alley way, people in conspicuous clothing wait in line to get into a ragged building. “I’ll give you the right amount for eight grams of pot,” a scrawny man discusses with the distributor. “That won’t cut anything. But if you don’t pay for the last time you bought from us.” The crack of knuckles against skull vibrated through the small alley as the man’s body was flung against a tank of trash. The scene portrays the type of conflict consumers of marijuana might have to go through to attain the source of cannabis. Marijuana has always been depicted as being gang related and that the product would make consumers insane. However there has been scientific studies that contradict that logic, and if legalized
Medical marijuana is an effective form of alternative medication. “The term medical marijuana refers to using the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom. (is Marijuana Medicine?)”
On seeing the banner the principal crossed the street, grabbed the banner and crumpled it up, and suspended the student for 10 days because she interpreted it as appearing to advocate illegal drug use in the form of smoking marijuana. The student unsuccessfully challenged his suspension by requesting a declaratory judgement that the principal violated his First Amendment right to free speech, an injunction to remove the entry of the 10 day suspension he received from his school record, damages awarded against the principal and board and other relief
Since the legalization of marijuana for medical use, eight out of ten states caused a decreased in teenage cannabis use. Currently in the nation there are several states that allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Government officials have different belief on medical marijuana. According to Judge Young, “Marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people” (“Top Ten”). The governmental figure sees potential with the use of medical cannabis. According to Walters, “Smoked marijuana damages the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system” (“Top Ten”). Walters is suggesting that this study is only going to do harm. Though there are many people who agree and disagree with cannabis use for
Medical marijuana is very a big and controversial issue in today's society, currently the community is divided on the issue. Questions are always being thrown around such as "how does marijuana affect the body?" and "what good does’ marijuana do for a person?" Researchers have tried to answer these questions with multiple studies and they have shown some of the positives of medical marijuana. If something is able to help someone who is in dire need why not use it on those people to find a better solution for them. I myself am on the supportive side of the issue of medical marijuana. I don't think it should be legal to just anyone though I believe there should be a legal age law, a driving while under the influence, and a public intoxication law in effect for medical marijuana to be legal.
Marijuana laws in the United States have long been too strict and unfairly harsh regardless of which side of the marijuana debate you are on. Marijuana is considered a schedule 1 narcotic by the DEA the same as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine, which seems to be a bit of an over exaggeration and the laws regarding marijuana far too stringent. Marijuana is effective as a medical treatment for a plethora of different medical conditions, even with the proven medical benefits some states still do not allow marijuana to be used as a medical treatment. With all the evidence that marijuana isn’t harmful recreationally should it be legalized for recreational use is the next question that comes about. A final argument would be that the resources being used to fight marijuana, including housing offenders could be going to more productive uses.
The Federal Government of the United States doesn't condone the use of marijuana and any schedule I drugs at the present time, which is any substance that has no current medical use and is a mind altering drug. Under new circumstances in California and Arizona, there is a temporary Bill that has been passed legalizing the schedule I drug for medical use, known as Act 215: Medical use limited to cancer patients and individuals with the disease glaucoma. Individuals that are of consequence are punishable by law and the severity level of punishment is increased from using, to growing, and intent to distribute. Controversy has erupted from the legalization of marijuana for its potential medical, industrial, economic,