
Cannabis Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

I am the mother of two very special autistic boys that will be directly affected by the passage of Senate bill S.2237. The passage of this bill would end federal marijuana prohibition. There is a great need for further research into cannabis and its medical applications, but with the federal ban as it stands, meaningful research is very difficult. Cannabis therapy could be very beneficial for treating the symptoms of autism, but without the research to substantiate the effectiveness of cannabis therapy, many doctors will be unwilling to recommend it.
Autism spectrum disorder is a group of complex disorders that affect neurodevelopment, cognition, speech, social interactions, and present other psychological and physical issues. The existent pharmaceutical drugs available for autism are dangerous for children and have a multitude of harmful side-effects. The current research available explains that autism is caused by a gene mutation that does not allow the endocannabinoid system to function properly. The endocannabinoid system of the brain is responsible for regulating an array of systems throughout the body and is believed to be responsible for homeostasis. Dr. Christian Bogner’s research …show more content…

In a study supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, researchers concluded that teen use did not increase in states that have enacted medical cannabis laws. This study covered twenty-four years of data where students between the ages of thirteen to eighteen were anonymously surveyed on their use or non-use of cannabis within the last thirty days. As more states pass medical cannabis legislation, studies into how these laws impact our youth should continue, but increased teen use should no longer be used as an acceptable reason to provide medical cannabis to those who need

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