What is cannabis? One of the most common illgial drugs that is used by people in the world.Cannabis also known as marijuana is a drug that comes from a cannabis plant that tends to grow in types of environments that are warm in the world. The marijuana is composed of the leave from the plant that have been dried out. In this drug there is an ingredient that gives users a feeling of being “high” the ingredient called delta-9 tetrahydro-cannabino, also know as THC. The felling of being “high” is reached when the marijuana is smoked or mixed in with something that is edible. The effect that cannabis has shown on the system comes in short term and long term effects. Some of the short term effects are the users mood,perception,and cognition. Long
Marijuana is a mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems and flowers from a hemp plant better know as Cannabis sativa. Uses of marijuana can be recreational or medical and the earliest recorded uses date from the 3rd millennium BC. (Rudgley, “The
Cannabis is natural, while pharmaceuticals are loaded with a wide assortment of chemicals that a great number of people can't even pronounce not to mention completely understand. These chemicals can prompt myriad reactions for the patients who use them. Pain killers can be extremely addictive and ruin patients' lives, while other standard medications can bring about gastrointestinal issues, visual deficiency, internal bleeding, organ failure, and even demise from complications or overdose. Numerous patients just can't deal with the every day long term effects of prescription drugs. With medical cannabis, patients can reap the benefits managing their side effects without worrying about habit, overdose or, genuine symptoms that aren't justified
When I say short term, I mean damages that can restore to normal. Most symptoms from heavy usage vanish in about a year and a half of clean time. Although, not ever exactly back to normal relatively emotional and memory abnormalites are restored. The more evident short term effects though leave in about one full month. Since the more severe effects go away in one month one can see the potential for a problem in a weekend smoker. In cases of consistent use, about twice a week or less results in keeping the users of ever really being sober. The brain is one third fat. Cannabinoids are fat soluble and not only do they collect in brain cells, but they also accumulate in billion of other cells in the body and are consistently being released into the blood stream. In the case of moderate twice a week use, before half of the cannabinoids that are are being stored new cannabinoids are being introduced. The cannabinoid release process is very slow and if there is continued use, it can make the user "always stoned." Maybe not all of the effects of intoxication will be evident, but noticeable differences in thinking and talking are evident. It takes marijuana about 2 to 4 weeks to get out of your system. As much as one third of our youth are smoking marijuana 1 to 3 times a week. If these statements are both is true then 1/3 of youth also should have the problem of always being stoned.
What is Marijuana? Well, it is a plant that has many medical benefits and dates back almost 12,000 years ago. The plant has many components within itself like THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, it is the chemical compound in cannabis responsible for a euphoric high. Another component is CBD, Cannabidiol, which is a non-psychoactive and provides a wide range of medical benefits. There are eight states that allow for the plant to be used recreationally and twenty-nine states that allow the use of the plant for medical purposes only.
Marijuana is the drug made from the dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The active ingredient of marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is a sticky resin that is
Additionally, Marijuana has some effects on our brain in both short terms and long terms. Talking about the short terms, it not only alerted the senses it also changes in the mood. It creates difficulty with thinking and problem solving. It impaired the body movement, memory and learning. (National Institute on Drug Abuse NIDA). Whereas, the effect in brain development is one of the example of long terms effect of smoking marijuana. When marijuana user begin as teenagers, it will reduce thinking memory , and learning functions and affect how the brain make the connection between the areas necessary for its functions . These effects may last for long time or even be permanent. A study Show that people who started smoking early have low IQ
To make a simple conclusion to all of this confusing data, marijuana results in chemical damage effecting emotional, motivational and hormonal disturbances. After 3 months of light, moderate and heavy use, evidence of irreversible damage can be detected.
Marijuana derives from the hemp plant, scientifically named cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. Marijuana consists of dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the hemp plant. The cannabis plant is one of mankind 's first cultivated plants and has many applications (How). One of the most common and most misunderstood uses of marijuana is obtaining the well spoken of high as well as recreational uses. Most people believe that there is
There are many long-term effects effects of the use of marijuana-like substances. Some cases of memory loss have been related to marijuana, especially in kids. Some people may suffer bronchitis because of smoking marijuana.
Marijuana, also known as pot, is a dried out weed that mixes the leaves, stems and flowers of the hemp plant Cannabis Sativa. The main ingredient in marijuana is THC, which is short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Baron n.p.). The chemical moves rapidly through the bloodstream to work on cannabinoid receptors in the brain. These
Cannabis is a drug many people use. It is a genus of flowering plant that includes three species or subspecies, sativa, indica, and ruderalis. Cannabis, along with other drugs, is a very addicting habit. Many people, teens in particular, smoke weed. Cannabis is a flowering herb.
Cannabis has different effects on different people. The immediate effect can also vary according to the mood or atmosphere in which the person uses it. The immediate effects of cannabis can last approximately two to three hours These are some of the effects people may encounter: loss of inhibition, reduced concentration and memory.
Marijuana is the name for a drug made from the plant Cannabis Sativa. The main mind-altering ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), and it contains more than 400 other chemicals. The amount of THC determines how strong its effects will be. When people use medical marijuana, they use the whole unprocessed marijuana plant or its basic extracts to treat a disease or symptom.
Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (“Marijuana” 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel “high” or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (“Marijuana” 1). Like most drugs, marijuana has a very long history. People have been using the plant around the world for thousands of years. The oldest record of the marijuana plant dates back to 2727 B. C. in China where the plant was used as a medical herb for treating conditions like rheumatism, gout, malaria and even absent-mindedness (“Cannabis, Coca, & Poopy: Nature’s Addictive Plants” 1). Slowly, the plant started spreading around the world. By 1545, cannabis was starting to appear throughout the western worlds. Being introduced to South America by the Spanish to be used as fiber. The crop also had many other common uses around the world. In North America, cannabis was often used to make paper, ropes, clothing and other materials (“The Origins of Cannabis” 1).
Some of the sudden effects that comes with smoking Marijuana are rapid heart beat, lack of physical coordination, depression and disorientation. (FDFW). The substance in it has chances of fifty percent to seventy percent more of causing cancers than the substance in tobacco. (FDFW). According to FDFW, there were studies found in 2008 in Australia, that shows that Marijuana also causes brain abnormalities. These brain abnormalities are the long-term effects due to smoking Marijuana. (FDFW). When THC passes through lungs and into the bloodstream, the effect of it is carried to the brain through blood. (NIDA). When this happens, it effects the mood, body movement, momery and have difficulty solving problems and thinking.