
Cannery Row Community Essay

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In Cannery Row, by John Steinbeck, the value of community and the importance of everyone are dissected through a tale of everyday life in this small town. This is a story about the inhabitants of Cannery Row, and how they all get along, even when you aren't invited to the party.
Steinbeck sets the scene in Cannery Row, a community by the water, based on the real town, Ocean View Avenue. With Lee Chong’s grocery, the Palace Flophouse and Grill, Dora’s homely brothel, and Doc’s lab, Western Biological, this is a very diverse neighborhood. The entire town is affected by the Great Depression. Almost everyone owes Lee Chong money, however, he often stops counting. Every person in this town is intertwined. They are, at most, a large group of misfits …show more content…

Dora, the brothel owner, cares for everyone in the town. When the flu hit, her girls were busy bringing soup to all the sick. Dora is like the mother of Cannery Row. Mack and the boys are the heart of the town. When all is normal with Mack and the boys, the town is good too. When the gang is sad, the whole town has bad luck, but after the successful party, Mack and the boys become the light of Cannery Row. Lee Chong is a very generous man who has power over most in the form of debt, but never uses his power to harm anyone. Doc is a misfit scientist. He is kind and enjoys the company of others, but is also accustomed to spending nights alone in his lab. He helps everyone with their medical needs and is overall a very wise and melancholy man.
All of these members create a community. This community thrives off of each of their lives. Without Dora and her girls, the entire town would be wiped out, and Lee Chong could have bankrupted every person who wasn't already bankrupt. Doc could have locked himself up instead of opening his lab to those in need, while Mack and the Boys couldn't really do anything to change the society because they are the society. If something happens they are either the cause or the first ones influenced. All of these members of the community are one organism, living, growing, surviving, despite all odds against

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