
Capitalism In China Book Report

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The work and pressure placed upon these factory workers pushes them to carry an unwanted burden and unnecessary stress. The Telegraph, a United Kingdom based news site, released an article called “'Mass suicide' protest at Apple manufacturer Foxconn factory” that explained to the world exactly what was happening in the factories in China. The conditions surrounding these workers triggered them to contemplate, attempt, and commit suicide. The Guardian, a British newspaper, released a story of “The woman who nearly died making your iPad”. In 2010, Tian Yu, a seventeen-year-old female who worked in the Foxconn factory, “threw herself from the fourth floor of her factory dormitory”, due to the working conditions she faced daily. Fortunately, she …show more content…

Capitalism is an economic system where the government has little control over private-owned companies. A book titled “Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China” written by Victor Nee and Sonja Opper focuses on capitalism in China, and how it directly affects the country. Written in the book, it states “the rise of a privately owned manufacturing economy has played a key role in wealth creation and has changed china’s industrial landscape dramatically”, showing that these companies are fundamental aspects to China’s economy. In order for China to make a profit, the government developed and used “innovative informal arrangements within networks of like-minded economic actors that provided the necessary funding and reliable business norms”, constructing a master plan to a successful and wealthy …show more content…

China’s unethical and immoral uses of harsh punishment, low pay, and filthy dormitories. “China: Labor Conditions and Unrest” written in 2001 by Thomas Lum analyzes labor laws in China as a whole. The article pinpoints abuse in labor laws saying “labor abuses in some foreign firms include physical punishment, verbal humiliation, severe restrictions on movement, and lack of rest”, “physical punishment, including being struck or slapped and ordered to kneel or stand on a stool”, and “12- 13-hour work days without overtime pay, being fired without just cause, and lack of compensation for injury”. China fails to protect these workers from the hash punishment from the officials at the companies. China also neglects to punish the managers and factories for allowing these harsh conditions pass without acknowledgement. Within three years, “labor disputes have risen over 40% annually”, bringing much attention to labor in China. Despite the media covering the harsh conditions, and the labor-law breaking in these factories, the Chinese government brushes the issues off and develops temporary

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